Chapter 22

Aiden went to Silly Valey. He was about to accept a position at one of the tech companies. He was nervous and excited, he couldn't wait to get to work.

His mother must be proud that Aiden has become wealthy, not living on the streets and fearing hunger. Although he still felt those feelings often.

He looked up at the company building. It looked ordinary, but there must be a lot of investment and money floating around inside.

"Today we have someone coming in. He graduated from Harvad University, and has quite a lot of experience. He will replace Mr. Swan as director."

Aiden stood up, looking at the few people at the meeting. All the important positions in the company were present to greet Aiden.

"I'm Albert Gregg, I'm the new Director of Development. Thank you." Aiden sat back down, and several people applauded.

The Knote app gave Aiden a new identity. He had to wait at least five days for all the documents about Aiden's graduation and work experience to be stored in the company and u
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