Margarette Crowel

"Sir, there's a problem," she said, handing the card back to Max; her hands were shaking.

The woman with thick lips laughed loudly. "Newbie, newbie. Didn't you ever think that he might actually be able to pay for the bag?" she asked with a grin.

The newbie ignored the woman with thick lips and apologized to Max, saying, "Sir, I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

"What happened?" Max calmly inquired.

"It's likely that the payment wasn't successful," interjected the woman with thick lips with a grin.

The newbie shook his head and said, "No, the transaction was successful but..." hesitating to continue.

The woman with thick lips paused upon hearing what the newbie said before she spoke, "But what?"

The newbie looked apologetically at Max before reluctantly saying, "Sir, I'm sorry, I accidentally pressed an extra zero."

"Instead of 20 million, it became 200 million."

Everyone who heard was stunned, including the woman with thick lips, who couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Impossible!" she exclaimed as she snatched the card from the newbie's hand before he could give it to Max.

When the woman with thick lips saw the card, she trembled and broke out in a cold sweat, as she recognized the significance of the card she was holding.

"United Empire Black Gold Card!" she exclaimed.

"How is this possible! Only five people in the whole country have this card and the owner has trillions in assets!"

Then she looked at Max before suddenly remembering something and grinned, "You, you stole this!"

"How could someone as poor as you have this limited black card," she continued, accusing him.

"Call the police, we need to catch this thief."

Max could only shrug helplessly and took out his ID before throwing it in the face of the woman with thick lips, "Take a look."

"What is this?" the woman asked as she looked at the ID and the card, reading the name on the ID and the name engraved on the card. "Impossible! How is this possible!" she shouted.

"You probably faked your own ID."

"Yes, that's right! You faked your own ID, I'll report you to the police."

"What's happening here?" A loud voice can be heard from the entrance of the store, revealing a tall and beautiful woman in her 30s, with red lips, a lovely figure, and elegant attire as a woman with thick lips reached for her cellphone.

The woman with thick lips glanced at the entrance before turning to Max and said, "You are done!" Then she walked towards the woman.

"Miss Crowel, you arrived just in time. Someone is using a stolen card in the store, trying to purchase the Swan Pear Bag with a stolen card," handing the card to Miss Crowel before giving a triumphant look to Max.

'What luck! Haha, such luck. I prevented a crime; maybe I'll get a promotion.'

'Haha, if I return the card to the owner, I might even get a reward. I'm so lucky today.'

Miss Crowel looked at the card and paused as she saw and read the name on it, then she looked in Max's direction.

The newbie sales lady felt a shiver down her spine, thinking, 'It's over, I'm going to lose my job,' realizing the card was indeed stolen and she processed the transaction.

Max noticed the paleness of the newbie's face and whispered not to worry, then looked at the woman in the entrance and gave a faint smile.

"You are finished, you thief—"


Before she could finish her sentence, she felt his vision spinning, seeing Miss Crowel with furious eyes. Feeling a chill, she hesitantly asked, "Miss Crowel, what's wrong?"

"Leave. You're fired," Miss Crowel calmly said, but her voice carried a cold tone before she slowly walked towards Max.

The woman with thick lips was confused by her boss actions, but she was surprised by what she saw next.

As Miss Crowel approached Max, he attempted to kneel down. "Ahem," Max said, gesturing for the woman not to kneel.

Understanding Max's intention, the woman politely said, "Mr. Crownguard, I apologize for the behavior of my foolish subordinate," as she respectfully handed the black card to Max.

The new saleslady witnessed how the woman with thick lips was fired, so she immediately kneeled down. "Mr. Crownguard, forgive me, I don't know how I can rectify my mistake."

"I hope Mr. Crownguard will forgive me; I need this job," she said tearfully.

Max stood the newbie up and thought for a moment before asking, "How can I use this 180 million in the future?"

The woman thought and remembered the membership system. "Sir, we have a membership system where I can place your balance for future use."

Max nodded and asked her to do it quickly, adding other limited edition bags chosen by the newbie. After a few minutes, the newbie returned with the diamond loyalty card and three bags, including the swan pearl bag, respectfully handing them to Max.

Max noticed that the newbie liked the limited edition Chanel bag, so he gave it to her as a token of gratitude. The saleslady was delighted and thanked Max, knowing that besides the bag, she would also receive a significant commission from her sale.

Other salesladies felt envious. If only they knew that Max was truly wealthy, they would have been the ones to attend to him, receive the limited edition bag, and the hefty commission.

The woman with thick lips was filled with remorse and blamed herself for being arrogant.

Ignoring the others, Max spoke to Miss Crowel, "Miss Crowel, can we talk?"

Miss Crowel nodded "Mr. Crownguard, my office is upstairs, follow me," Miss Crowel replied, leading Max to her office.




Upon reaching the office, Miss Crowel did not sit in her chair but dropped her left knee and clasped her hands before loudly saying, "Greetings to the general!"

"Stand up, Marga, we're not in the army; we're friends now," Max calmly said.

"It looks like your business is doing well,"

Margarette Crowel, one of Max's subordinate in the army and founder of Rose Dress and Bags at a young age, remarked. "Sir, I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you," she politely responded.

Max smiled, "Do you manage this store all by yourself?"

"My sister is currently managing the store; I just visit here frequently."

"That's good to hear. I have a favor to ask," Max said. The woman kneeled again and said, "Anything, sir, this subordinate is ready to help."

Max sighed and said, "You don't need to be formal; I hide my identity, others might find out who I am."

"I understand," the woman replied then stood up

"Perhaps Alice has already explained the situation to you, I want you to be the director for the company that I will be opening. You know me, I just want to work behind the scenes," Max explained.

"Yes, Sub Commander Alice has already explained everything to me," Marga said.

"In that case, I will just give you the rest of the details next time. Come with me, we will visit Brad." Marga nodded and the two went out towards a restaurant, riding in Marga's car.




Upon arriving at the restaurant, Max felt something was wrong. He could see that there was commotion inside, so he instructed Marga to wait in the car. As Max entered the door, a man with a bulky body and a skull tattoo on his arm suddenly grabbed him and pointed a gun at his head.

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