Uprising of Ace Winchester

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Uprising of Ace Winchester

By: Wilson Eugene OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 62

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Ace was once a betrayed student with nothing to his name. Now, he's returned with unimaginable wealth and power, but the journey to reclaim his true destiny is only beginning. To unlock the ultimate power and save his world, Ace must gather six legendary ingredients—each guarded by ancient forces and dark secrets. But when his closest ally, Andrea, falls under the control of a sinister enemy, Ace must confront his past, face impossible odds, and make choices that could shatter everything he’s fought for. Will Ace rise to his destiny, or will the shadows of his past consume him? Dive into a world of magic, betrayal, and a quest for redemption in this thrilling adventure where the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance.

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8 chapters
Sudden Heartbreak
It was midday as Ace walked through the dormitory hall, he was back from an all-night delivery and an extra morning shift. He was just returning, and his body ached.“I have $250 saved and mom gave me $100; now I can buy Lisa that birthday gift. I'll work harder to pay my school fees; a few night shifts wouldn’t hurt.” Ace said, taking a step into his room.He had to admit that although his current life was hard, he found it rather enjoyable, spending it with a girl that he loved and who loved him.Ace met his roommates gathered over his computer.A frown appeared on Ace’s face, and he lashed out, “Hey! You guys shouldn't touch my things!” Ace said in annoyance.“Yo Ace, come over here.” Reed, a tall blonde, beckoned to Ace.“What's that?” Ace quirked his brows. He wasn't interested in what they were watching.He was furious when he heard the sounds of moaning. “Give it to me.” He dropped his bag and went to the group.However, as he came closer, his eyes widened.Ace felt a dull ach
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Welcome Master Ace
Ace rushed to the hospital as fast as he could, desperate to find out what state his mother was in.“Hi, I was told that my mom was rushed here in an emergency. Can you please help me find her?” Ace hurriedly said to a nurse who was standing behind a desk, busy typing on her computer.The woman didn’t pay any attention to him at first, causing a deep frown to appear on Ace’s face.“Hello, I’m talking to you,” Ace said again, through gritted teeth. The woman looked up at him, wondering if she knew him from somewhere.“Who are you looking for?” she asked calmly.“Mrs. Winchester,” Ace uttered, his patience wearing thin.“Yes, that poor woman. She was brought here after suffering a heart attack. I heard it was because her house was taken away from her and—hey! You can’t go in there!” The nurse was mid-sentence when Ace abruptly walked away.He couldn’t understand why the nurse was rambling on, but Ace was burning with anger and hatred. He knew Richard had something to do with it, and he
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Bringing in A-class doctors and showcasing wealth
The ride to the hospital was tense and silent. Ace kept thinking about the investment Luther had mentioned, and something struck him.He had always assumed there was another person with the name ‘Winchester,’ but it had been him all along. Luther had used his name to partner with the school.Ace wondered how big his name had become without his knowledge. It had to be pretty significant if there were twenty trillion dollars in his account.“We're here,” Luther said in a sing-song voice, but his expression changed when he saw the annoyance on Ace’s face.“Wait for me, and call the top doctors here,” Ace ordered as he stepped out of the car.“But these are top doctors; they’re usually very busy,” Luther hesitated, trying to suggest Ace call someone else.“I want the best for my mom, Luther. Nothing should interfere with that,” Ace declared, not looking back.It had only been yesterday when he last visited his mother, and he wanted to know what had happened since then.Ace walked to his m
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A Visit to Chancellor Quinn
Doctor James was dumbfounded."Sell my hospital? Impossible! Not even to this man," he thought furiously.Ace looked at him, knowing full well that James would never agree to sell his hospital, and that was exactly what Ace was counting on—so he could utterly crush him.“I can’t sell my hospital to the likes of you. I don’t know how you managed to get such legendary doctors to work for you, but I don’t believe you could afford anything in this building. I refuse to sell anything to you,” Doctor James snorted in disgust as he picked himself up from the floor.Ace merely glanced at him, then turned to Luther.“Call the General Commanding Police Commissioner and tell him that Winchester is on the phone,” Ace ordered Luther, who immediately picked up his phone.Doctor James sneered at Ace’s statement. “You think a simple bluff will scare me? There’s no way you can do that.”Luther handed the phone to Ace.“Hello, GCPC Gideon…” Ace directed his smile at James, whose face had turned white.
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The Golden Emerald Jade Flower
“What do you want, Quinn? Spill it,” Ace demanded.The lady sitting beside Quinn looked up at Ace with a frown. “How dare you speak to my grandfather like that? You should know your place,” she spat in disgust.Ace glanced at her but didn’t say a word, turning his attention back to Quinn and completely ignoring the girl.“You’re wasting my time here, Quinn. I have other matters to attend to,” Ace spoke again, causing Quinn’s granddaughter to flush with anger.Quinn placed a calming hand on the girl’s shoulder as she started to rise. “But Grandpapi?” she protested, unable to understand why her grandfather tolerated such behavior.“Sit down, Andrea. It is because of this man that we have our wealth now,” Quinn replied in a different language, and the girl fell silent.Ace understood what Quinn had said, and he grinned at Andrea.“I want you to accompany my granddaughter to her convocation and inauguration as the new owner of all my industries. I know there will be a lot of my enemies ar
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I Alone Have Outnumbered You
Ace had chosen a well-tailored outfit for the job he had received from Quinn.“I think you look rather handsome in that suit,” Luther had remarked as Ace was about to leave, but Ace waved it off.“I don't need your snarky comments, Luther. I'm already aware of how good I look,” Ace replied with a subtle smile.He had slept in a hotel the previous night and mentally noted that he would need to find his own place soon.“I want to drive the car,” Ace declared as he snatched the Lamborghini keys from Luther.“Please don’t scratch it,” Luther pleaded, his eyes wide with concern as he watched Ace open the car door with more force than necessary.“Get another one, Luther, and let me be. If you don't see me by midnight, get reinforcements,” Ace ordered, slamming the car door shut, making Luther wince.Ace drove to the General Chancellor's house at a leisurely pace, his expression stoic. His midnight blue suit added an air of royalty and majesty to his presence.Ace arrived at the house a minu
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Meeting the Silly Ex-girlfriend
“What is he saying?” the gang leader asked the person beside him.“He said that he alone is more than all of us here,” the person answered.The leader burst out laughing and pointed a finger at Ace. “You should be in the circus for your funny behavior. How can you say that one of you is more than the thirteen of us here?” The leader snarled in disgust.Ace ignored the remark and looked at his watch. He needed to be at the event before Andrea's speech.“Hurry up with whatever you're planning. I'm running behind schedule,” Ace said coolly.The gang leader’s anger flared. He had taken time to come out here, and this guy was acting like it was nothing.“Who do you think you are? Get him, boys!” he ordered, and they rushed at Ace with their knives and weapons, ready to cut him down.Andrea, who was sitting in the car, couldn’t clearly see what was happening behind the tinted glass, but she saw them rush at Ace.Suddenly, her car door was yanked open, and someone forcefully dragged her out.
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I Don’t Want Someone Like You
Even the media was drawn to the sweet sound of Andrea’s laughter.“Ace? Poor? You must be mistaken. You’ve lost a good man,” Andrea said to Lisa, recalling the scene of Ace saving her during the ambush.“I don't care. He never gave me anything, and he has nothing. I don't want someone who is nothing,” Lisa’s ego took a hit from Andrea's comment, and she retaliated.“Ace? He's a million times better than your current man,” Andrea replied with a smirk.Andrea knew that Ace would disappear after completing his job, but her curiosity got the better of her; she didn't want him to leave just yet.“How do you know that?” Lisa asked, glancing at Ace and then back at Andrea. “Have you two been seeing each other?” Lisa questioned.This time, Ace stepped forward.“Not everyone would stoop as low as you have, and furthermore, what I do with my life is no longer your concern,” Ace retorted sharply.“How dare you speak to her like that?” Richard rushed forward, ready to punch Ace, but Andrea's voic
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