Bringing in A-class doctors and showcasing wealth

The ride to the hospital was tense and silent. Ace kept thinking about the investment Luther had mentioned, and something struck him.

He had always assumed there was another person with the name ‘Winchester,’ but it had been him all along. Luther had used his name to partner with the school.

Ace wondered how big his name had become without his knowledge. It had to be pretty significant if there were twenty trillion dollars in his account.

“We're here,” Luther said in a sing-song voice, but his expression changed when he saw the annoyance on Ace’s face.

“Wait for me, and call the top doctors here,” Ace ordered as he stepped out of the car.

“But these are top doctors; they’re usually very busy,” Luther hesitated, trying to suggest Ace call someone else.

“I want the best for my mom, Luther. Nothing should interfere with that,” Ace declared, not looking back.

It had only been yesterday when he last visited his mother, and he wanted to know what had happened since then.

Ace walked to his mother’s room and noticed that she was now breathing through an oxygen mask, which was new.

“Hey, what happened to my mother?” Ace asked a passing nurse, who had a worried expression.

The nurse glanced at him and then at the patient behind the glass.

“So, she’s your mom? I think you’ll need to speak with the doctor about that, but please be careful with him,” the nurse whispered before hurrying away.

“Wait! Where’s the doctor’s office?” Ace yelled after her, but she was already gone.

He slammed his fist against the wall in frustration.

“I know where it is,” Luther’s voice sounded from behind him.

Ace turned around. “Please show me, and have you contacted her doctors?” He raised an eyebrow at Luther, who felt a bead of sweat trickle down his back.

“This way,” Luther directed, and Ace followed. “I called them, and once they heard who was calling, they were eager to come immediately.” Luther lied with a forced smile.

“Don’t lie to me, Luther, if you want to earn my trust,” Ace snarled, pinning Luther against the wall. “You know how much I hate lies.”

“But you’re lying about your identity,” Luther almost said but knew better than to speak.

“I called them, and they said it would take some time to get here,” Luther stammered.

“For heaven’s sake, Luther, I’m dripping with wealth right now. Buy a helicopter and get them here in the next twenty minutes,” Ace demanded.

Luther nodded frantically and got to work, while Ace entered the doctor’s office.

“Who’s there? Don’t you know how to knock?!” The doctor scolded as soon as Ace walked in.

“I’m sorry, sir. It’s an emergency. My mother is using an oxygen mask that she didn’t need yesterday. Her name is Marietta,” Ace explained.

“Marietta? That old woman who’s about to die?” The doctor responded brutally.

Ace was livid, but he controlled his emotions.

“She has a chance to live. I’m asking you to help her so she can get better,” Ace said, clenching his fists.

“Get out of my office. You can’t even afford her treatment, looking the way you do, and you expect me to waste my time on her? I have better things to do,” the doctor sneered, slamming his laptop shut.

Ace was on the verge of punching the doctor when the door suddenly opened.

A petite nurse walked in. “Doctor, you have to see this. Some strange people are here, saying your experiments are void because their students solved the hypothesis,” she said frantically. The doctor was about to ignore her until he realized who was challenging his research.

“Who dares talk nonsense about my research? Show me to them,” the doctor stormed out after the nurse, leaving Ace dumbfounded in the office.

The doctor rushed to the hospital hall to see what the fuss was about. He nearly stumbled in shock when he saw who was there.

“You didn’t tell me Doctor Baron and Doctor Damion were here! They even brought their crew!” the doctor said excitedly as he rushed to greet the famous doctors who were conversing with the receptionist.

“Hello, I’m Doctor James. I can lead you to some top-notch patients who need your expertise. I’m sure you’d do a better job than me,” Doctor James said, smiling.

Doctor Damion turned when he heard the mention of top clients.

“Top clients? Yes, that’s why I’m here. I’m looking for a Miss Marietta. I was informed she had a heart problem and needed surgery on her superior vena cava,” the experienced doctor explained.

Just then, Ace stepped out to see who had delayed their arrival.

Doctor James was shocked that these expert doctors were looking for such an “unimportant” patient and chuckled awkwardly.

Ace walked closer, intending to take them to his mother.

“You don’t need to waste your time on her. She doesn’t have much time left, and she’ll soon die. Can I introduce you to some clients willing to pay massively for your work?” James grinned.

Doctor Baron, known for his temper, spoke up. “We’ve been paid millions for this woman, and interfering with our work wouldn’t be wise.”

By this time, Ace had gotten close enough to hear the conversation, and a vein bulged in his forehead.

“Why are you guys late?” Ace demanded, ignoring the shock on everyone’s faces, including Doctor James, who couldn’t believe how this “peasant” was speaking to such legends.

Doctor James stepped between Ace and the legendary doctors.

“Who do you think you are? You have no right to speak to such gods like that. I’ll have you and your mother thrown out of this hospital if you don’t bow down and apologize,” Doctor James warned, pointing a finger at Ace, who just stared at him.

James suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head as Doctor Baron slapped him, pushing him aside.

“Please forgive his stupidity, Master Ace, and take us to your mother,” Doctor Damion said calmly.

Doctor James was sure he had misheard. He ignored the dull pain in his head and still spoke up.

“He can’t pay you! He’s just a peasant,” James yelled after the doctors as they hurried down the hospital halls.

Ace and the doctors ignored James’ yells and went to where his mother lay. Luther was keeping her company.

“We need to move her to our private hospital. It’s worse than I thought. I’ve stabilized her, but I need to monitor her constantly,” Doctor Damion muttered as he worked on Marietta.

Ace felt a sharp pain in his chest. This was all because of Richard. He would make sure that dog paid, but he had to start by reclaiming his wealth.

“Okay,” Ace said, exhaling as he watched them prepare to move his mother out of the hospital.

Doctor James, who had been blocked from witnessing anything, was red with frustration.

“You can’t move my patient without my permission,” he protested.

A young man with white hair walked up to James and handed him a letter.

James stared at the letter, which detailed the termination of his medical license, signed by the two medical legends, Baron and Damion.

Ace was about to leave the hospital when he felt something heavy on his leg. He looked down.

“Please, Sir, I apologize for how I’ve treated you. Please don’t let them take my license. Have mercy,” Doctor James pleaded, with snot dripping down his face. He had been a doctor for twenty years and owned a hospital for ten. If his license was terminated, he would have to resign, and his hospital would be taken.

“Like you had mercy on me and my mother?” Ace scoffed.

“Please, forgive me,” James begged, shaking with fear.

Luther came over and whispered in Ace’s ear, causing the young man to smile.

“Sell your hospital to me,” Ace said with a smirk.


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