Welcome Master Ace

Ace rushed to the hospital as fast as he could, desperate to find out what state his mother was in.

“Hi, I was told that my mom was rushed here in an emergency. Can you please help me find her?” Ace hurriedly said to a nurse who was standing behind a desk, busy typing on her computer.

The woman didn’t pay any attention to him at first, causing a deep frown to appear on Ace’s face.

“Hello, I’m talking to you,” Ace said again, through gritted teeth. The woman looked up at him, wondering if she knew him from somewhere.

“Who are you looking for?” she asked calmly.

“Mrs. Winchester,” Ace uttered, his patience wearing thin.

“Yes, that poor woman. She was brought here after suffering a heart attack. I heard it was because her house was taken away from her and—hey! You can’t go in there!” The nurse was mid-sentence when Ace abruptly walked away.

He couldn’t understand why the nurse was rambling on, but Ace was burning with anger and hatred. He knew Richard had something to do with it, and he was determined to find out what.

Ace walked around the hospital, searching, until he saw his mother through a window. She was asleep, and a strange man was with her.

The man looked familiar, and it irritated him.

“Is that the doctor?” Ace asked himself as he stepped into the room.

Suddenly, the man reached out to touch his mother.

“Step away from her,” Ace growled as he entered the room, causing the stranger to flinch.

“Welcome, Ace. It took you long enough to come to see your mother,” the man said, standing up from the bed and facing the wall.

“He’s not the doctor,” Ace muttered to himself. Ignoring the man, he went straight to his mother, trying to check on her.

“She’s going to be fine,” the man spoke again. His voice sent chills down Ace’s spine, but Ace wasn’t fazed.

Ace took his mother’s hand and kissed it. “I’m sorry for not coming sooner, Mom,” he whispered, hoping she could hear him.

“You know who did this, and you can stop it. You can make things better,” the man said with a small smile on his face. He turned to face Ace, who was glaring at him.

“What are you doing here, Luther?” Ace spat angrily. The stranger’s voice had confirmed all his suspicions, and he was far from pleased to see him.

“I came to bring you back. We need you. I need you,” Luther said, lowering his voice.

“You can keep your invitation. I’m not interested. I like my life here,” Ace responded, half-truthfully. He wasn’t interested, but he didn’t like his life here either.

“Don’t lie to yourself, Ace. I know about your relationship. Everyone knows, except that I had your face blurred out before the photos were spread. However, everyone at your school knows you’re good for nothing,” Luther’s voice was harsh and angry.

Ace kissed his mother’s hand and closed his eyes.

He stood up and faced Luther. Luther felt suffocated by the intensity of Ace’s aura.

“It seems you’ve forgotten your place, Luther. I’m not accepting your invitation, and I want you out of my mother’s room. I came here to forget that place and its issues. Don’t drag me back,” Ace said, turning away.

“If you don’t make a change, your mother will never truly be at peace,” Luther called out to Ace, but the man was already gone.

Ace ensured his mother was well taken care of with the little money he had left, and he knew he had to fix the issue with Lisa. He decided to go see her father.

“Yes, I’ll do that, and he’ll help me talk to her,” Ace thought as he headed to the Dean’s office. He never knew Lisa’s father was the dean until she told him why she hated the school.

Ace greeted the receptionist, who was familiar with him, and walked into the Dean’s office. However, he was surprised to see Lisa stepping out, followed closely by Richard.

“Lisa, wait,” Ace said, grabbing her hand, but she turned and slapped him.

“Never touch me with your filthy hands again,” Lisa snarled, then left. However, deep down, she regretted going overboard and slapping him, but it was too late, and she wasn’t about to apologize.

Ace stood dazed for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and walking into the Dean’s office.

“Good day, sir. I’d like to talk to you about me and Lisa,” Ace began.

“I don’t want to hear anything. You think you can just walk into my office and demand to speak to me?” the Dean snapped.

Surprise crossed Ace’s face. “I don’t know what you discussed, but you’ve got it all wrong. I didn’t—” Ace was cut off.

“You think I’d believe a stranger over my daughter? You cheated on her, and now you’re back here? You’ve got some nerve for a lowly peasant. I don’t want to hear another word. Your scholarship has been terminated,” the Dean announced with hatred.

“You can’t do that!” Ace stood up in anger.

“I can’t, but Richard’s father owns 40% of the school, and he’s close friends with Mr. Winchester, who owns the rest. It’s funny how you share the same last name with Mr. Winchester, but you’ll never be as great as him. You’ll die a lowly nobody. With their help, you’re out of this school. Now, get out of my office, or I’ll call security,” the Dean said, pointing a finger at Ace and driving him out with words of pure spite.

Ace was shattered. He walked out of the office and out of the school.

A sigh escaped his lips.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He slapped his forehead. Richard and Lisa had gone too far. They betrayed him, lied about him, attacked his mother, and stole what he had worked for.

“I have to make them pay,” Ace chuckled to himself. They had pushed him too far.

Just then, a dark Mercedes pulled up in front of him, causing him to frown.

The window rolled down, and Luther peered out with his white hair.

Ace walked to the car as the door opened for him.

“Welcome, Master Ace. I’m glad you made this decision,” Luther said, smiling.

“Save it, Luther, and take me to my mother. I need to check on her and see what’s going on. We can continue with the other procedures later,” Ace said, looking out the car window.

“A lot has happened since you left,” Luther muttered.

“I said, Let me see my mother first, Luther,” Ace sighed. He knew he had issues to deal with once he stepped into his new role.

But first, he had to confirm something.

“I don’t want my return announced just yet. Are my accounts still active?” Ace asked.

“Yes, a total of twenty trillion dollars,” Luther replied without hesitation.

Ace’s eyes widened. “That’s a lot; that’s not what I remember,” he said, raising an eyebrow.

“I invested for you, sir. I knew you would return,” Luther said with a large grin, waiting to be congratulated.

Ace nodded without saying anything and relaxed.

There was a lot to do.


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