Uprising of Ace Winchester
Uprising of Ace Winchester
Author: Wilson Eugene
Sudden Heartbreak

It was midday as Ace walked through the dormitory hall, he was back from an all-night delivery and an extra morning shift. He was just returning, and his body ached.

“I have $250 saved and mom gave me $100; now I can buy Lisa that birthday gift. I'll work harder to pay my school fees; a few night shifts wouldn’t hurt.” Ace said, taking a step into his room.

He had to admit that although his current life was hard, he found it rather enjoyable, spending it with a girl that he loved and who loved him.

Ace met his roommates gathered over his computer.

A frown appeared on Ace’s face, and he lashed out, “Hey! You guys shouldn't touch my things!” Ace said in annoyance.

“Yo Ace, come over here.” Reed, a tall blonde, beckoned to Ace.

“What's that?” Ace quirked his brows. He wasn't interested in what they were watching.

He was furious when he heard the sounds of moaning.

 “Give it to me.” He dropped his bag and went to the group.

However, as he came closer, his eyes widened.

Ace felt a dull ache in his chest, and before he could say anything, he heard Reed's voice again.

“Hey Ace, isn't this Lisa?” Reed turned back with a confused look on his face.

Ace was dumbstruck. His Lisa would never do such a thing.

“You don't know what you are saying. That can never be my Lisa. She's too innocent.” Ace stammered despite trying to defend his girlfriend.

“She doesn't look that innocent with the way she moves here.” Someone noted, and the group burst into laughter.

Ace’s eyes shook in rage. He was shocked and angry, and the wave of betrayal rocked him.

It was Lisa in there, smiling at another man who was on top of her.

“No! It can't be My Lisa. This has to be a trick. Someone is trying to drive a wedge between us.” Ace was hysterical as he spoke. He couldn't believe how someone would even try such a thing.

Ace pulled out the door and stood outside the room. He kept reassuring himself that it wasn't Lisa in that video, but there was a small voice telling him the dangerous truth.

“I have to call her,” Ace uttered immediately. He picked up the phone and placed a call on her phone. 

Unfortunately, he was met with her voicemail.

“Lisa, I know you can't do something like this, but I still want to confirm with you. I saw a video with you featured in it. Please call me back and tell me it's not true.” Ace spoke urgently into the phone before ending the voicemail.

He desperately wanted what he saw to be a trick of his mind.

Ace couldn't wait for her to call him back, and he knew exactly where to find her. He was confident in what he thought and his girlfriend, but there was that little voice.

Ace made staggering steps to Lisa's favorite cafe. Every cell in his body was telling him to go back and forget the whole issue, but he just wanted her assurance.

An assurance that she wasn't cheating on him, especially in such a disgusting way.

Ace spotted Lisa's figure, sipping a bottle of soda, and he frowned, remembering the video he watched.

He had to confront her. What she did was a blow to his dignity, especially in front of his friends.

The smile on his face froze when he saw the person in front of her.

Richard Conner, the most popular person in the school. Ace waved off any other thoughts, maybe Lisa just wanted some help on her studies and needed him.

He sounded stupid to himself.

Ace barged into the club in rage. A deep, saddened rage.

“Lisa, what do you think you are doing?” Ace said at once. His eyes were straight at her, waiting for her reply.

Lisa was dumbstruck and livid with embarrassment. She looked at Ace in the clothes he wore, old and tattered. He was making her look like a fool in front of Richard.

Richard scrutinized the person in front of him and took the initiative to speak.

“She's my girlfriend, and who are you?” Richard arched a brow in disgust.

Ace felt an arrow stab his heart. Girlfriend?

He ignored Richard and looked at Lisa, “What is he saying, Lisa? Explain yourself.”

Richard didn't take it lightly, as he was ignored, and just as he was about to speak, Lisa slammed the table furiously.

“For heaven's sake, Ace. You disgust me! Look at you. You look like trash. What makes you think you can get involved in any of my business?! Get a life! I don't want to be with you. You can't get me anything or buy me gifts. Richard bought me something for $20000 in a day. You couldn't even get me a cup of ice cream every day! Get out of here.” Lisa blasted out her anger in words that pierced the deepest part of Ace's soul.

Everything she said was right, but she didn't have to cheat on him to get that out.

Unknown to Ace, someone had brought out his phone and was taking pictures and videos of the scenes and sending them to the school platforms.

“Low life Ace gets publicly embarrassed.” The videos were immediately tagged and retagged by the students online.

“I knew that guy was a peasant.”

“I pity him, standing toe-to-toe with Richard Conner.” 

“Good thing Lisa went for the best.”

“How could she date a pigsty like that?”

“Ace's asking for a death match.”

Comments spilled over the whole student group and channel, and Ace, Lisa, and Richard were unaware.

Ace looked at Lisa and knew that this was not the woman he loved.

Richard, who was still fuming silently, took his phone and decided to make a dangerous move.

He was going to make this low-life pay.

“Hey, Fret. Look for everything on Ace Wickham, and take away everything he has.” Richard sent a text to his trusted ally.

Fret replied immediately, “Ace has nothing. He is a piece of trash. His mom stays in their worn-out cottage.”

“You left me because of him. I helped you boost your grades. You weren't kicked out of school because of my intelligence.” Ace said to Lisa, feeling the brunt of her betrayal.

“Yes, I'm in my final year now, and I realize that even with your brains, you are still broke and wouldn't go far.” Lisa snorted in disgust.

Meanwhile, Richard had informed Fret to take away Ace's family cottage and leave the mother to rot.

Ace was about to say something when he received a call. It was an unknown number.

He turned aside and took the call. 

“Who is this, please?” Ace muttered into the line.

“Is this Ace? I'm calling to inform you that your mother was just rushed to the hospital after she collapsed. Please come to City Hospital at once.” The voice spoke quickly and the call ended.

The color drained from Ace’s face, and his eyes shook. His mother was in the hospital.

He turned to the new couple and saw Richard lift his face into a smirk.

Without thinking, Ace lunged for Richard by the collar and pulled him up.

“What did you do?” Ace snarled at him.

Richard chuckled and pushed him away, showing that he also had strength of his own.

“I showed you that I am not somebody you ignore. Greet your mother for me.” Richard smirked.

Lisa, who heard the conversation, looked at Richard, wondering what he did.

Ace clenched his hand, and without thinking, he slammed his fist straight into Richard's nose.

Richard fell into the chair. His nose twisted to a different angle and was furiously bleeding.

Lisa rushed to help him; she never knew Ace had such a side.

“You better wish nothing happened to her, or you'd receive more than just a nosebleed,” Ace growled and turned out of the café.

“I hope she's okay,” Ace muttered to himself. 

He'd never forgive himself if anything happened to his mother.

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