Voyage of Mysteries

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Voyage of Mysteries

By: Evil Buddha OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 74 views: 213

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What is a mystery? Is it an axiom representing what is not perceptible and understandable? Is it the unfathomable, incomprehensible no matter how people try to make it specious? No, it isn't that. The definition of mystery is only what people can conceive, a specious fact with loopholes. People believe what they believe to be true and sadly, it has plunged them to the endless gore of ignorance. Mysteries aren't what we don't understand or what we can't comprehend. Mysteries aren't what remain hidden, taciturn to the ever yearning ears of people. Mysteries aren't the supernatural laws which can't be explained or fathomed. No, the definition of 'mysteries' is beyond that. Mysteries are what can't be reached no matter how we try to reach them. It isn't what can't be comprehended. Rather, it's what can't be reached. They are endless gores, immersed into the abyssal chasm of infinities. Mysteries are a state of endlessness and boundlessness, incomprehensible and unfathomable. Yes, that's what mysteries are. Cyclopean and grosteque phantasm is what a mystery should be called. A mystery transcends the feebleness and lumbering states of concepts, going on and on for eternity. Hence, a mystery is the same as infinity and infinity the same as a mystery. A mystery is infinite and infinity is mysterious—both are like a symphony, intertwined with each other making them chalcenterous and existing in oneness. To understand a mystery, you need to be boundless and infinite, transcending all possible concepts and impossible concepts, all possible 'non-concepts' and all impossible 'non-concepts'. Mysteries are beyond conception as well as non-conception. They are mysteries, boundless and infinite! They are stacked upon each other in a terracing manner, shrouded in the prodigious paradigm of infinity, going on and on till infinity!

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74 chapters
Chapter One: Evil Aura
Chapter One: Evil auraLurchester Street, MythVilleA man walked through the crowd of people, his pace very quick and light. The people he either bumped into or brushed past didn't even take a second look at him. Lurchester Street was a very busy and crowded street—people always had little or no time.This man was dressed in a hooded white sweatshirt and a pair of blue jean trousers. His feet which were moving in a haste were cladded in a pair of sneakers, making them a pair of beauties.As he walked, he would tilt his head backwards hastily and then bring it down. He didn't bother for the sun which was shining very brightly as if the Goddess had fueled it—his hood was over his head. This hooded man soon turned and walked into an alley. He was looking for a shortcut to get to another street. It was obvious he was afraid of something or someone and was trying to escape from them.He was halfway through the alley when two men blocked the path ahead of him. His eyes opened wildly under
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Chapter Two: Deductions
Chapter Two: DeductionsTenth floor, Unit 005Arcane Safety Department, MythVilleDing!The elevator opened, Walter and two Arcane Guards walking out of it. These were the same Arcane Guards who had experienced the battle with Castor.They were now at Unit 005, their team's base. Their team which was known as the Evil Annihilation was a team of only ten Arcane Guards. It was a team well-known for its pragmatism in dealing with missions to it.Unit 005 was very large and spacious, decorated with different kinds of furnitures. There were five settees in the middle of the room and a table standing between them.At the far end of the room was a wooden desk and table propped against the wall. This was were Wilfred, the leader of the team usually sat.But now, except for the three Arcane Guards who had returned from their mission, Unit 005 was empty. The other five members were off duty and were probably with their families. Wilfred, the team leader no doubt went to the office of the Arcane
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Chapter Three: Hard Choice
Chapter Three: Hard choiceDark Alley, South SuburbWalter walked through the alley, his hands in his pockets. Walking silently, he occasionally nodded to the people who greeted him.This was the Dark Alley, one of those numerous alleys in South Suburb. It was the narrowest alley among all—so narrow that people had to squeeze past each other. Hence, it got the name Dark Alley.Walter walked past a few blocks and finally came to stop in front of a house. This house, which was the same as all the terraced houses in the alley, was Walter's residence—he and his family lived.Weakly, his right hand reached out to the doorbell on the door.Ring!The shrill sound of the doorbell pierced the atmosphere, making the house resonate with its shrill.Walter waited, his hands retreating into his pockets. His eyes were fixed on the door and his face which was grim lit up.I don't want my family to see me like this, he thought as his lips curled up into a wide smile. He was afraid his wife, Jane, wou
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Chapter Four: Impossible Mission
Chapter Four: Impossible missionThe next day, after bidding his family farewell, Walter dashed out of the house for the Arcane Safety Department. He was very curious about the outcome of Wilfred's report the the head, whether it had garnered any mission for Unit 005. He was so desperate to partake in the mission so as to get the chance to vent his anger and have his revenge on the Array two, Enchanter of the Occultism School. And this was none other than Castor. Since Walter knew Castor's Array, he had chosen to call him by his Array name rather than by his real name.As usual, before leaving the house, he promised Amber pizza and ice cream. He saw the grumpy look on Jane's face but was too hasty to do anything about it. It was not like he could do anything by the way. Jane's anger had always been quenched by herself alone—he had never been able to appease her.He walked out of Dark Alley and arrived at a bus stop in Winter Street. Winter Street was a street close to Dark Alley and w
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Chapter Five: Black Market
Chapter Five: Black MarketBlack Alley, Winter StreetWalter walked through the alley, his eyes peering at every nook and cranny with hastiness. He knew he was doing something illegal and would be punished if caught. So, he was trying as much as possible to avoid any Arcane Guard patrolling the street.Black Alley was an alley which led to the street sewer. In this sewer was the Black Market where magical items were traded illegally. Walter had discovered the place from a friend who had advised him to get powerful magical items here since the Arcane Safety Department didn't provide them for low Array Arcane Guards. It was only when they got to the Mind Spinning Array that they'd be allowed to keep magical items or when they're going on a very dangerous mission. As for the latter case, the magical item was only temporary in the hands of the Arcane Guard.Dressed in a black T-shirt and a pair of blue jean trousers, Walter looked more like a rascal than an Arcane Guard. The baseball ca
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Chapter Six: Imaginary Cluster
"So..." Walter said, putting his hands into his pocket. He was going to ask the lady which shop he should go to but thought otherwise. With his unnecessary questions, wouldn't the lady consider him stupid? "Hehe," the lady chuckled, taking off her hood. She had a purple hair and brows with purple charming eyes, features ordinary people didn't have. Walter wasn't surprised. Once someone tolled the path of magic, he or she would undergo changes. Which was why, among other distinguished features, no magician had black eyes. They were either brown, blue, green or even purple. Although, ordinary people also had different eye colours, they had black eyes. This also made it difficult to spot a magician based on his or her eye colour as ordinary people also had different colours of eyes! "You were about to ask me something," the lady said. It was not a question but a statement and Walter understood very well. Swallowing his pride, he said, "I was gonna ask you which shop I would purcha
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Chapter Seven: Assassination
Walter got home successfully without encountering any Arcane Guard. He was even happier he didn't meet anyone at home; he wouldn't have been able to survive the nagging. He was about collapsing into the chair when he saw a piece of paper on the table. On closer look it was not a piece of paper. It was an envelope. A letter? Not suspecting anything, he reached out his hand, taking the envelope. Then he opened it and took out the letter—it read: "Dear Walter, I've lived with you for so long, in happiness and in grief, through summer and autumn. I've gone through a lot with you and would have continued doing so...But, you never listened to me! You were all about the Arcane Guard! You never cared for me or your daughter Amber. Oh! I remember she's not even your daughter...she's your stepdaughter. And that's why you don't give her maximum care—that's why you don't give us maximum care! "Guess what? I've decided to leave you till you reconsider. I'm not abandoning you or leaving fo
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Chapter Eight: Combat 'V' Combat
Rumble! The lightning and thunder became grave as the wind whistled through the house. Then there was a heavy downpour of rain, pattering against the roof like large hailstones which seemed to tear through the roof and soak the individuals inside. Walter wiped his mouth and clenched his fists, keeping a fighting stance. His eyes were narrowed, looking intently at the man—he didn't dare lose his guard. Whoosh! There was a gust of wind as the man rushed towards him, clenching his katanas tightly. With each step he took, he seemed to be moving in the air. Swoosh! The blades cut through the air like blades of fans, spinning towards Walter who wondered how someone could wield a katana like that. He didn't even know the swordsmanship as he only mastered a few martial arts—a few deadly ones. Walter's back curved backwards, his feet flying off the ground. They moved so gracefully, dancing towards the pair of katanas. Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! The slashing became intent, the katanas fill
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Chapter Nine: Investigation Turned Futile
Dark Alley, South Suburb Some minutes later... Several Arcane Guards had trooped in, taking a clean sweep of the environment. Most of them were scanning the environment with magic while some were interrogating the residents at the street. The alley was crowded with Arcane Guards that all the residents could not help but wonder what was going on—why there was a sudden gust of Arcane Guards into the alley. But of course, they couldn't ask. It was none of their business anyway. In Walter's house, a team of five Arcane Guards moved about with utmost responsibility. They were searching for clues around the house. This team was Unit 006, the Goddess's Eye, the team saddled with the responsibility of attending to criminal cases that night. They were mostly sorcerers from the School Of Astrology. All of them were awed at the bloody scene as they walked about. When one of them came across the fragments of Dan's heart, he couldn't help but gape in shock. The fight was very horrible i
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Chapter Ten: Fated With Success
The sun seeped into the room accompanied by brightness and warmth. The brightness and warmth dispelled the darkness and coldness which had been loitering around since night till dawn like hungry tramps.Accompanied by the light was the chirping of birds, singing happily about the bright new day. Then came the talking which toned up into shouting and then into babel of voices which rose into the atmosphere and became what could be described as 'perfect' noise.Walter who had not slept up till morning couldn't help but stand up from the chair he was sitting on and reached out his right hand to grab the brown waistcoat which was resting on the table.Hearing that his whole relatives had been captured by Castor and that he demanded a mystical item as a ransom, he couldn't help but feel tense all through the night. Although he was off duty, he wanted to go to the Arcane Safety Department and ask about the mystical item from Wilfred, the team leader. He hasn't heard of anything called the B
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