Chapter Seven: Assassination

Walter got home successfully without encountering any Arcane Guard. He was even happier he didn't meet anyone at home; he wouldn't have been able to survive the nagging.

He was about collapsing into the chair when he saw a piece of paper on the table. On closer look it was not a piece of paper. It was an envelope.

A letter? Not suspecting anything, he reached out his hand, taking the envelope. Then he opened it and took out the letter—it read:

"Dear Walter,

I've lived with you for so long, in happiness and in grief, through summer and autumn. I've gone through a lot with you and would have continued doing so...But, you never listened to me! You were all about the Arcane Guard! You never cared for me or your daughter Amber. Oh! I remember she's not even your daughter...she's your stepdaughter. And that's why you don't give her maximum care—that's why you don't give us maximum care!

"Guess what? I've decided to leave you till you reconsider. I'm not abandoning you or leaving for somewhere with Amber—I'm giving you space to be devoted to your country. Hehe! Without family you can do better.

"If you don't reconsider after a couple of days, I'm gonna divorce you. I'm very serious. I'm gonna send in the damn divorce letter! Don't think me selfish. I'm doing this for Amber..."

Tears welled up in Walter's eyes and couldn't finish the letter. He dropped it on the table and slouched into a chair.

"Jane...that's not what you think," Walter said quietly. He was so hurt that his family had abandoned him—left him to bear the grief alone. He had been left alone in this world filled with pain.

Not believing what he has read, he ran into their bedroom to check. After walking to and fro for minutes, he didn't see any sign of Jane's belongings—his room was very spacious now.

He walked weakly to Amber's room to check. The same thing. No single Amber's belonging.

So, they left me...he smiled wryly, wiping his wet eyes. His family left him...

His family was supposed to stand by him—be with him. Even though everyone left him—even though the whole world deserted him, his family was supposed to remain. But then, that family left him in the middle of the turbulence. That same family left him to bear the brunt of pains alone—the pain of losing his best friend, Mac.

What the fuck is wrong with this world?! He cursed, punching the wall with his right fist.


Shallow cracks ran across the wall, Walter's right fist on the wall. As an Arcane Guard, Walter's strength had increased significantly. This was because Arcane Guards, after joining the Arcane Safety Department, usually underwent genetic modifications. Their physical condition was far above the physical condition of normal people. They very strong to toss motorcycles about and very fast to dodge bullets. Walter was not an exception as he was a typical example of an Arcane Guard—an Array two, Arcane Guard.

Is this a test from the Goddess? Walter asked himself. Is She testing me? Is she testing my faith?

People in the Southern Continent believed that all events were arranged by the Goddess. When bad things happened to people, they saw it as a test by the Goddess—a test to see how strong their faith is.

Why would the Goddess test my faith with this? Why would She choose to use my family?!

Walter didn't know what filled him with rage. His sorrow which was was always there after Mac died developed into rage. He wasn't sorrowful again about Mac's death or that his wife left him. He now hated and despised Castor with all his heart.

If Castor had not killed Mac, he wouldn't have been grievous, turning into a lump compared to the amiable Walter. If he hadn't been grievous, he wouldn't have sort for revenge. And if he hadn't been seeking for revenge, he would have put the interests of his wife before work.

If...Walter sighed in lampoonery, squatting down with his back against the wall. Just if...

"Everything is Castor's fault!" he couldn't conceal his thoughts any longer and had to say it aloud. "He's the damned cause of everything that is happening!"

By now he was panting, his face contorted into a bitter look. His brown eyes were now fiery, filled with fury. His lips which always curled up into warm smiles were now curled down.

He felt this emotional tantrum and it threatened to split his head into two. His mind was already buzzing, spinning in his head. He felt dizzy out of anger and had to close his eyes.

Everything will be alright when I kill Castor, he comforted himself. Everything will be alright.

Repeating these words in mind, he gradually became calm. He then sat down on the ground, his back against the wall. He became so calm that he didn't know when he fell asleep...


Some blocks away from Walter's house

A man stood among the crowd of moving people, a black hat over his head which was facing down. He was dressed in a black waistcoat and a pair of black boots to match. The waistcoat was made of fine leather and looked very beautiful.

Although several people saw the man, they paid no attention to him. Wearing waistcoat was a normal stuff in Duchy. Waistcoat was the traditional attire of the people and was worn at any season or period of time. It didn't matter whether you were hot or cold, burning or freezing—you could always wear a waistcoat if you wanted. Besides, nobody cared about your dressing.

The man then reached out his right hand which was covered in a leather glove and took a cellphone from his right side pocket.


The phone rang and he immediately picked the call, placing the phone at his right ear.

"You're there already?" a voice asked from the other end. The voice was a little hoarse but exuded a powerful aura.

"Yes," the man said. His voice was deep and filled with masculinity.

"Very good...Now wait for the perfect time," the voice at the other end continued. "Don't strike now or you'd attract the attention of those Arcane Guards."

The man chuckled, his left hand stroking his chiseled face, "Hehe. Assassination is my thingy. When it comes to timing, I know it very well."

"Very good," the voice at the other end said and then cut the call.

The man tossed the phone away, his lips curling upwards into an evil smile, "Nobody knows timing more than an assassin, and the best time for assassination is nighttime. Hehe."


10:00 pm, that same day

Walter's eyelids quivered open, darkness seeping into his eyes. He didn't know how long he had slept and could only stand up by holding onto the wall with his hands. After sometime, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Although it was almost still dark, Walter could make out the outlines of objects in the house.

He was still a low Array Arcane Guard and had not undergone any advancements in his physical condition. Arcane Guards at Array three could see clearly in the dark and could see and hear over far distances.

For now, his vision range was over 500 metres while his hearing range was just 300 metres. As an Arcane Guard, he had control over his senses and could dull them to those of an average human.

Walking to the kitchen, he turned on the kitchen tap. Water gushed out of the nozzle, making splashing sounds.

Cupping his hands under the running water, he splattered the water over his face. Since he was still feeling dizzy, he washed his face to dispel the dizziness.

Just then, he sensed an impending danger. His senses were alerting him of possible danger which could be even close!

Trusting his senses, he immediately lowered his body and fell to the ground.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

He could hear the sound of metals cutting the air. Then he heard three bang sounds almost immediately.

An assassination! Someone was trying to assassinate him! The reality dawned on Walter. But he was not afraid and quickly pushed himself up with both hands, standing upright.

"For a low Array Arcane Guard, you're quite impressive," a voice said. It was coming from the dining room.

Walter saw the outline of a man walk into the kitchen, dressed in a waistcoat with a hat propped over his head. The man exuded an unknown aura which he couldn't fathom.


The man pulled out two katanas from the sheaths at his back and smiled, "For someone as talented as you, it's a shame that you'll die tonight."

Without wasting time, Walter reached out his right hand and pulled at the air. His wand appeared in the air afterwards and he grabbed it.

Will of Bondage!

Walter casted a spell. This spell was developed by sorcerers from the School Of Astrology. It could cause space to contract around a target, locking him there.

But surprisingly, the spell didn't work. It was even as if Walter hadn't just used a spell right now!

Walter didn't panic and calmly put away his wand on the kitchen sink. He had heard of people who were either immune to magic or had anti-magic. For a low Array Arcane Guard like him, those abilities were the major weaknesses of magic. They were actually abilities which could render magic powerless. From his studies, he learnt about people who wielded such power. They were called knyghts and had combat abilities. Just like sorcerers, they also had tiers and needed to advance.

"Hehe!" the man's laugher resonated across the kitchen. "Seems you don't know I'm basically immune to your magic, Arcane Guard. A Tier one, Guard like me is basically immune to all forms of magic in the Mouth Spelling Array."

Walter clenched his fists, his eyes focused on the man. As an Arcane Guard, he had received maximum training in combats as well; Though, he wasn't sure if he'd received the same training as the Tier one who stood before him. Knyghts were basically adept at combats than sorcerers but then, as an Arcane Guard, he was confident of his combats.

Sou! Sou!

The man swung the two katanas at Walter, the blades cutting through the air. Although he didn't seem to move, he was already close to Walter.


Walter's hair fluttered as he turned his head to the right, the first katana swinging by. Then he turned his body to the left, his chest heaving inwards to avoid the second katana.


His right fist punched towards the man's face, tearing through the air. It was filled with strength and fierceness.


The man quickly retrieved both katanas and blocked his face. Walter's punch bounced off the surface of the cold metal and the man was sent skidding backwards.

"Not bad," the man smirked. "You actually live up to your reputation."

Sword Dance Art!

The man hurled his body at Walter, his katana-wielding hands moving in blurs.

Walter could feel the surrounding become hot as the man approached him, but he didn't panic at all. His legs carried him backwards and then his feet kicked the ground, bouncing him off the ground.

Fist of Dragon!

He began throwing multiple punches, his hands moving in blurs as well.


The katanas collided with his fists. Walter thrust his right hand forward with strength, tearing through the katanas towards the man's neck.

The man seeing this quickly pressed his katanas against Walter's right hand, holding it in place. Surprisingly, the sharp blades didn't even cut him.

"Fist of Dragon," the man said. "Not bad."

Without allowing him say more words, Walter quickly threw his left punch at the man.


His fist cut through the air, towards the man's torso with the same fierceness and strength.


The man's right feet kicked upward, hitting the punch away. Then he bounced off the ground into the air and did a spin, kicking Walter in the face.


Walter's facial bones snapped immediately but he wasn't allowed to recover as the man did a back flip, exerting force into the two hands that were holding the katanas which interlocked Walter's right hand.

This movement caused Walter to be sent off feet and hurled above the man into the air.


He crashed through the kitchen door which was closed when the man entered, into the sitting room.

Walter landed on the hard ground, his backbones almost cracking as well if not for his body which was stronger than an average human.

He spat a mouthful of crimson blood as he groaned in pain. His whole face was suffering from excruciating pain right now—a pain which he would not have survived if not for his enhanced condition.

Sou! Sou!

He heard katanas cutting through the air, approaching him.

With great speed, he rolled away to the left from his former position and then exerted strength into his left hand, pushing himself up.

His eyes stared at the man who was squatting at the spot he was previously lying, his katanas buried within the visible cracks in the ground.


Thunder roared outside, a gust of wind rushing into the house. Then series of lightning began flashing, occasionally illuminating the whole sitting room.

"Tonight is your end, Walter," the man said with a frown. "It really is your end."

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