Chapter Six: Imaginary Cluster

"So..." Walter said, putting his hands into his pocket. He was going to ask the lady which shop he should go to but thought otherwise. With his unnecessary questions, wouldn't the lady consider him stupid?

"Hehe," the lady chuckled, taking off her hood. She had a purple hair and brows with purple charming eyes, features ordinary people didn't have.

Walter wasn't surprised. Once someone tolled the path of magic, he or she would undergo changes. Which was why, among other distinguished features, no magician had black eyes. They were either brown, blue, green or even purple. Although, ordinary people also had different eye colours, they had black eyes. This also made it difficult to spot a magician based on his or her eye colour as ordinary people also had different colours of eyes!

"You were about to ask me something," the lady said. It was not a question but a statement and Walter understood very well.

Swallowing his pride, he said, "I was gonna ask you which shop I would purchase mystical items from."

"Mystical items?" the lady raised her purple eyebrows. "It seems you're some rich guy to purchase mystical 'items'."

Walter, being a smart person, needed nobody to tell him what the lady meant. What she was trying to tell him was that mystical items were actually very expensive and he should consider buying only one for now! He resisted the urge to gulp a mouth of saliva.

"Although all shops here sell powerful mystical items," the lady continued, "they can't compare to Old Gee's shop."

"Old Gee? Who's Old Gee?" Walter asked. Then he regretted asking. Now he would look very stupid to the lady. Impatient as he was towards obtaining a mystical item, he waved the thought aside. He even wished that the ground should open and swallow him.

Luckily, it was a wish and not a prayer to the Goddess. It was just a normal wish people had everyday. Hehe.

"Old Gee is the owner of the shop I just mentioned," the lady said sarcastically. Then she added, "You'll have to follow me."

Walter nodded and then asked, "What's your name?"

"My real name or pseudonym? the lady chuckled. "Too bad we don't use real names here just like we don't reveal our identities. Oh! I revealed my identity because this is not even my real identity. It's more like a mask."

Walter almost knelt down and thanked the Goddess that he didn't remove his cap when the lady took off her hood. He would have even been recognized as the Arcane Guard who had made a groundbreaking record in solving cases.

"Your pseudonym then," Walter almost sighed. He was weak and tired from the whole incident.

"I'm called the Purple Lady," the lady said with a smile. "The Purple Lady."

Yeah, it's so obvious, Walter said inwardly. Purple Lady.

Purple Lady didn't say anything again and began walking, Walter following behind. Without turning back, she said, "Just keep close to me. Don't stray away."

Seriously? Walter's face turned purple out of embarrassment. What was this lady seeing him as? A stray dog?

Suppressing the embarrassment in his blood, Walter asked, "So, what Magic School are you?"

"School of Thaumaturgy," Purple Lady said. She didn't even turn back to glance at Walter who was engaging her in a conversation. It was pretty obvious she didn't fancy conversations.

Huh? Why's everyone coming into the School Of Thaumaturgy? Walter frowned behind her. There were many Arcane Guards at the Arcane Safety Department and sorcerers at Hands Of Arcane these days who were of the School Of Thaumaturgy. The School Of Thaumaturgy was growing popular these days.

"What's your Array?" Walter asked, squeezing through the crowd of people who were walking randomly. His eyes were fixed on Purple Lady lest he lost her. He wasn't afraid he would lost her as he could quickly use the Tracker wind spell to locate her.

"Tsk..." Purple Lady stopped abruptly and turned around, making Walter almost bump into her.

Walter stopped in his tracks, his face carrying a horrified look. What's the matter now? What's with that sudden reaction?

"You don't tell your Array to any random person," she said. "In fact you don't tell your Array to anybody at all. Not even the person you trust most."


But everyone knows my Array at the Arcane Safety Department, Walter complained inwardly. Maybe that's because it's the Arcane Safety Department.

"And now you'd like to keep your mouth shut," she continued. "I can't walk, dodge people and answer unnecessary, unending questions at the same time. I'm not some sort of artificial intelligence."

But you can turn abruptly, Walter almost rolled his eyes. But then, he nodded to the lady.

"Now try to tag behind as fast as you can," Purple Lady said. "I'm doing you a favour even though I have other stuffs to do—my personal stuffs."

Walter frowned. So? What do you want from me? A gift? A worship? An applaud?

It was not that Walter was ungrateful. He was actually grateful to Purple Lady for taking her time to show him around. But then, he felt she was too proud. On top of that, he also felt what she deserved from him was a sincere 'thank you' and nothing more.

He was an Arcane Guard, fighting crimes and solving cases. He had curtailed several criminals in MythVille and discovered crypts by himself. He had gone through so much trouble for the Arcane Safety Department. But then, not one of the citizens ever told him thank you. It was as if he was wasting his time as an Arcane Guard, doing some charity work.

Purple Lady continued walking, dodging the crowd of people and taking bends which Walter didn't know. Although she was walking hastily, she didn't bump into anybody.

Walter was ashamed of himself after observing this. A girl did not bump into anyone while he had actually bumped into several people and had to spend time apologizing to them.

Finally, she took another unknown bend and stopped at a shop. Squeezing through the crowd of people, she got into the shop, Walter following behind her.

An old man with white hair and beard, who was attending to his customers cast his glance at the duo. His saggy eyes peered at them from head to toe, then his dry lips curled up into a smile. Old Gee.

"To what do I owe this visit, Purple Lady?" the old man maintained his amiable smile.

Brown old robes, Walter thought, brown eyes. He at least has magic and he should be at least at Array four.

After having these thoughts, Walter nearly burst out laughing. His usage of 'at least' amused him.

"This man here wants to purchase a powerful mystical item," Purple Lady replied, looking at Walter who was immersed in his thoughts.

"So, what's your name?" Old Gee asked, frowning slightly. He had never seen this face and was quite suspicious.

"My real name or pseudonym?" Walter asked, imitating Purple Lady.

"Sigh..." Old Gee sighed, "another newbie."

Hearing Old Gee's impression on him, Walter nearly vomited blood. This was someone's impression on him!

Quickly correcting himself, Walter replied, "I'm the Lex Talionis[1]."

The inspiration of his name came from his yearning for vengeance. Lex Talionis was the perfect name that matched his persona right now.

"Lex Talionis..." Old Gee muttered as if in a deep thought. "I don't like vengeful people."

I don't like illegal business owners either, Walter snorted inwardly. We both don't like each other so it's a draw.

"So, Lex Talionis, what kind of mystical item do you want to purchase?" Old Gee asked, stroking his white beard.

"Hey! I came before him!" a man yelled, pissed of that Old Gee had attended to Walter before him.

Before Old Gee replied, Purple Lady had already shot the man a scowl. Cringing, the man shut his mouth up.

Seriously? Walter turned to look at her. Are you dreaded this much?

"So, what item do you want to purchase?" Old Gee asked. "What type?"

Walter who wasn't good at making decisions took the initiative to ask, "You have items from all the Schools, right?"

"Schools of what?" Old Gee scoffed sarcastically. "Black Form magic? Sorry, I don't have such item."

Walter's facial muscles twitched. He had received more embarrassments today than any day but he still replied, "Uh, I dunno."

"Hehe, then I'll choose for you to save 'my' precious time," Old Gee said and went further into the shop.

Walter took this short moment to observe the shop. There were several mystical items there, all of them exuding powerful auras. They were so many that it seemed 'infinite' to him.

In a couple of minutes, the old man came with a small mirror which could fit perfectly into an adult palm. The mirror was round and had golden frames.

Walter peered at the so-called mystical item and then asked, "What's that? What Magic School is it from?

Old Gee chuckled, "It's from the School Of Astrology—a powerful item. It's called the Imaginary Cluster."

Imaginary Cluster? Walter frowned slightly. Isn't that similar to Embers Ad Infinitum's Star Cluster Hall?[2]

"It's an Array six mystical item," Old Gee continued. "It's equivalent to Array six, Fate Warlock of the School Of Astrology. It has powerful abilities as well as side effects. I'm gonna tell you the abilities first."

Walter listened with piqued interest. He wanted to get every detail about the mystical item. He didn't want to march into battle against his enemy without having any knowledge about his 'own' trump card.

"This item has the ability to change target's fate. It can also see into the future and past. Simple as it may seem, it is freaking powerful! This is a middle Array item and it can freaking affect the whole world. I forgot to tell you that it can use the abilities of the other Arrays before it. Hehe," Old Gee said.

"Huh? Affect the whole world?" Walter asked. "Shouldn't you keep the item for yourself?"

"That's why I'm a business man," Old Gee chuckled. "Okay, now let's get back to the side effects."

I hope the disadvantages is not more than the advantages, Walter mused.

"First side can be used only twice in a day so be mindful what you use it for or the chance of winning the enemy would be slim...

"Second side's unpredictable. Trying to change your fate, you'd end up getting a worst fate.

"Third side feeds on your Magical Body and would leave you in a devastating state after use.

"Fourth side effect... it's a sentient item which loves talking a lot. You need to engage in long conversations with it. Sometimes, it'd become friendly and won't feed on your mana.

"Fifth side loves petting...and then the sixth side loves playing pranks," Old Gee said.

Hearing the fifth and last side effects, Walter couldn't help but frown. Was the item some sort of pet or kid? What's up with the petting and pranking?

"So what's the price?" Walter decided to purchase it anyway.

"One hundred dollars," Old Gee said.

One hundred dollars for an item which can destroy the whole world, sweet. Walter took out his $100 notes and paid. Old Gee then gave him the mirror.

Immediately Walter touched the mirror, he felt his Magical Body being drained slightly. Then he began hearing whispers.

He quickly stuffed the item into his pocket, fearing his Magical Body would be affected significantly if he continued maintaining contact with it.

Later, Purple Lady escorted Lex Talionis Walter out of the shop. Walking, Walter felt joyous. He has purchased a powerful item and now he was going to have his revenge!

[1] Lex Talionis

It is the latin term for, 'talion'. It is a principle developed in early Babylonian law and present in both biblical and Roman law that criminals should receive punishment based on the injuries and damages they had inflicted on their victims. The punishment is usually the same as the injuries and damages inflicted.

[2] Star Cluster Hall

This term appeared in the book, "Embers Ad Infinitum" by the Cuttlefish That Loves Diving. It is a place where the awakened first enter after the awakening. Here the awakened exchange his abilities for specified prices.

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