A Visit to Chancellor Quinn

Doctor James was dumbfounded.

"Sell my hospital? Impossible! Not even to this man," he thought furiously.

Ace looked at him, knowing full well that James would never agree to sell his hospital, and that was exactly what Ace was counting on—so he could utterly crush him.

“I can’t sell my hospital to the likes of you. I don’t know how you managed to get such legendary doctors to work for you, but I don’t believe you could afford anything in this building. I refuse to sell anything to you,” Doctor James snorted in disgust as he picked himself up from the floor.

Ace merely glanced at him, then turned to Luther.

“Call the General Commanding Police Commissioner and tell him that Winchester is on the phone,” Ace ordered Luther, who immediately picked up his phone.

Doctor James sneered at Ace’s statement. “You think a simple bluff will scare me? There’s no way you can do that.”

Luther handed the phone to Ace.

“Hello, GCPC Gideon…” Ace directed his smile at James, whose face had turned white.

“Oh, you don’t have to thank me, sir, but you do remember you owe me a favor from years back,” Ace said into the phone.

James wondered what Ace could have possibly done for the great GCPC to owe such a favor to someone who looked so insignificant.

“Yes, there’s a doctor here who refused to treat my mother because we looked poor to him. So, what would be his fate, please?” Ace kept his eyes on James, watching as the man’s demeanor steadily declined.

“Ten years in jail? That’s too little. I also think he was conducting some illegal research. Oh, fifty years? That’s much better. I think he’d like to speak to you.” Ace finished the call and handed the phone to James, who still couldn’t believe Ace had actually spoken to the great GCPC.

“Hello,” James stammered. The loud voice from the other end made him pull the phone away from his ear.

He handed the phone back to Ace in shame.

“How much do you want to buy the hospital?” James asked, his voice tinged with defeat.

“Five hundred thousand,” Ace stated, much to James’ disappointment. Ace knew the hospital was worth far more than that, but he wanted it to seem like he was doing James a favor. Luther had no choice but to accept the offer.

Luther, who had gone to ensure Ace’s mother was being taken care of, returned, shocked to hear the brutal deal his master had made.

“This hospital is worth millions. What the heck?” Luther nearly blurted out.

James almost choked on his own frustration when he heard the ridiculous price.

“But…” James tried to protest.

“It’s either that or you spend the rest of your life in jail,” Ace said with a sneer.

The doctor had no choice. He brought out the necessary documents, and just like that, Ace became the owner of the hospital.

“My master wants you out of this office,” Luther told James after Ace had signed the documents.

“What? I thought…” James was shocked. He had assumed he would still be allowed to work at the hospital.

“You should be happy you can still practice as a doctor, but the boss wants you out,” Luther sneered at him.

James hung his head as he packed his belongings. He had brought this disaster upon himself.

“Good riddance,” Ace muttered. “Luther, get me a better doctor and a matron to run this place. I don’t want to leave it empty,” Ace said before heading to his car.

Very soon he would see his mother, but he had some business to take care of first.

Luther sat in the driver’s seat, ready to take Ace to his next destination.

“Where to?” Luther asked.

“Chancellor Quinn just sent me a text. It seems the GCPC informed him of my return. I didn’t want this to happen, but I had no choice,” Ace sighed. He knew what awaited him—the enemies, the allies, and the inevitable conflicts.

“Okay then, to Grand Central. Don’t you need some new outfits?” Luther asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s just Quinn. I don’t need anything special,” Ace grumbled, clearly annoyed.

Luther nodded and drove faster. He understood that Ace was probably the only person alive who could speak so casually about Chancellor Quinn.

They arrived in front of a massive building adorned with gold pillars and diamonds, but Ace was unmoved. He just wanted to see his mother.

“I’ll go park the car,” Luther said before driving away.

Ace shoved his hands into his pockets and walked toward the building’s entrance.

“Hey, stop right there!” someone shouted as Ace was about to press the doorbell.

A buff man stepped in front of the door, blocking Ace’s way.

“What do you think you’re doing here? We’re not hosting a charity event today. Someone important is visiting the master, and everything needs to be spotless. I won’t let trash like you bring disgrace to my master!” the man said, his chest puffed with pride.

Ace was momentarily confused. Maybe he should have changed his clothes.

“I want to see Quinn. Let me in,” Ace said calmly.

“How dare you, filthy rag, call the master by his name?” The buff man spat, disgusted.

“Because that’s his name,” Ace replied with a small smile.

The buff man knew he couldn’t waste any more time. This farmer had to go.

“Since you’ve refused to leave quietly, I have no choice but to manhandle you,” the buff man growled, moving to grab Ace.

Ace quickly dodged and delivered several precise blows to the man’s vital points, causing him to lose control and collapse.

“What?! What did you do to me?” The buff man mumbled.

Ace chuckled lightly and opened the door.

“You’ll pay for this once I recover,” the buff man grumbled.

Ace entered the large room inside the house. He saw Quinn and several others sitting in a circle, and a stunning young woman was seated next to Quinn.

“Hello, Ace. It’s nice to see you made it. I’m sorry about Bruno; he gets weird around strangers,” Quinn greeted him with a smile that reached his eyes.

“That giant? So you watched,” Ace narrowed his eyes, his hands still in his pockets. “Good to see you’ve aged nicely, Quinn,” Ace said, drawing out Quinn’s name.

The others in the room gasped slightly, and Quinn chuckled.

“Good to see you, friend,” Quinn said with a spark in his eyes.

Ace kept his emotions in check. He knew he was about to get involved in something he didn’t want to.

Quinn had never called him “friend” in public before.

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