Meeting the Silly Ex-girlfriend

“What is he saying?” the gang leader asked the person beside him.

“He said that he alone is more than all of us here,” the person answered.

The leader burst out laughing and pointed a finger at Ace. “You should be in the circus for your funny behavior. How can you say that one of you is more than the thirteen of us here?” The leader snarled in disgust.

Ace ignored the remark and looked at his watch. He needed to be at the event before Andrea's speech.

“Hurry up with whatever you're planning. I'm running behind schedule,” Ace said coolly.

The gang leader’s anger flared. He had taken time to come out here, and this guy was acting like it was nothing.

“Who do you think you are? Get him, boys!” he ordered, and they rushed at Ace with their knives and weapons, ready to cut him down.

Andrea, who was sitting in the car, couldn’t clearly see what was happening behind the tinted glass, but she saw them rush at Ace.

Suddenly, her car door was yanked open, and someone forcefully dragged her out.

She was prepared, though. She cocked her gun and shot the assailant in the foot, earning a pained howl.

Ace noticed her movement and couldn’t help but compliment her. “Good job, Princess. Do the same for the others, will you? I don't want to get my suit stained,” he said while fighting off most of the men.

He dodged a blow aimed at his head and twisted the attacker’s arm, causing a loud crack. Someone started crying.

Andrea held her own against two men, kicking and delivering punches in just the right places, which Ace was quick to notice. “Don't call me Princess!” she shot back as she fired another round at someone's arm.

“Okay, Princess,” Ace replied, having taken down all the men around him. He turned his attention to the leader.

Just as he was about to move, he heard a loud gunshot, and the leader fell, clutching his foot.

“You’re welcome,” Andrea said as she walked over to him.

Ace nodded, realizing that despite her makeup and expensive look, she was still able to fight effectively even with the heavy dress.

“Let’s go,” Ace demanded.

In ten minutes, they arrived at the event.

Ace stepped out of the car and helped Andrea out.

Upon seeing Andrea, the media went wild.

“Is that the famous beauty? Oh my, she’s even more beautiful up close!” someone shouted.

“If I had her beauty, I’d build a palace with the money from all the men who’d be around me,” another person swooned.

Ace held Andrea’s hand, leading her forward.

“Does she already have a man?” someone abruptly asked, causing the media to take more shots of the supposed couple.

“Where the hell have you been?” a loud voice rang out, shocking everyone in the vicinity.

It was a fine young man with blonde hair.

Ace squinted his eyes in annoyance.

“You said you'd be here earlier, but we waited an extra twenty minutes. What did you do to the princess? You took advantage of her, right? Because she was unable to defend herself?” the young blonde pointed a finger at Ace, angry that Ace had dismissed him earlier and jealous that Ace had spent time alone with the princess.

Hearing the juicy gossip, the media went wild again.

“What are you saying?” Andrea stepped forward, clearly annoyed.

“You don’t need to say anything, ma'am. I’m sure he forced you not to reveal the truth. He must have stained your honor, right? I’ll help you put him in jail and…” Just before the man could finish his statement, a loud slap echoed through the crowd, causing everyone to gasp.

“How dare you speak to me like that?” Andrea was furious as she slapped the young blonde.

“But he…” The blonde gripped his cheek in surprise and tried to speak.

“You should keep quiet and know when to speak,” Ace advised him, and the blonde fumed silently.

Andrea gave him a sharp look and walked away while Ace went to the car's trunk and opened it.

Someone screamed, and the media rushed over with their cameras while Ace ignored the commotion.

“Take this man to the police and have him questioned about who sent him. Do whatever it takes to get the answers,” Ace ordered his team, who saluted him immediately.

Ace then turned to the young blonde, still on the ground with a small smile on his face.

“And you’re fired for trying to harass the Princess,” Ace declared, leaving the blonde in shock.

“We should go in,” Ace suggested to Andrea with a nod.

“Okay then,” Andrea replied and stepped into the large hall, which was adorned with gold and diamond-studded pillars.

‘Grandpa must have spent a fortune on this for me,’ Andrea smiled to herself as she walked into the hall.

A few cameramen were present inside, and they didn’t miss the opportunity to take her picture.

“They’re all waiting for you,” Ace whispered as he approached her.

Andrea nodded and moved gracefully to the center of the hall, amidst the cheers of the people present.

Ace, as her hired guard, stood beside her.

“She looks so pretty,” someone muttered.

“I love her dress,” another commented.

It was time for the guests to mingle, make acquaintances, or simply enjoy the party.

Andrea was busy talking to Ace when someone approached.

“Good day, my lady. My name is Richard Conner, and with me is my lady, Lisa Montreal,” Richard introduced himself with a smile.

He wanted to get on Andrea's good side, and nothing would stop him.

He hadn’t noticed Ace, who had walked away to get some punch.

“Ah yes, the Conner family. I'm happy that you honored my invitation,” Andrea politely said, even though she couldn’t remember sending them an invitation.

“My pleasure. I'd like to discuss some things with you if you please. The Conner family would like to collaborate with you and…” Before Richard could finish his statement, he was interrupted.

“It’s time, Andrea,” Ace whispered in her ear as he returned.

“Ace?” Lisa quickly recognized him despite his new and improved look.

Ace didn’t respond, but Andrea spoke.

“You know these people?” Andrea asked with an amused look.

“I did. They don’t matter,” Ace replied brutally, and Lisa felt a dull ache in her chest.

Anger surged in Richard when he heard Ace’s words. “You’re the one who doesn’t matter! You’re so wretched, and I wonder where you got those clothes. You probably stole them, right? You can’t even kneel down when serving a woman as beautiful as Andrea. You’re worthless!” Richard spat out in disgust.

Andrea was confused. She didn’t know much about Ace, but she was surprised to see someone speak so harshly about him.

“I thought you didn’t know them,” Andrea asked again.

Ace sighed. “The girl was my ex. She left me for that man because I was poor,” he replied.

The pain in Lisa’s chest intensified when she heard him refer to her as ‘the girl.’

To everyone’s shock, Andrea burst out laughing.


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