The Legend Of Lynn Cooper

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The Legend Of Lynn Cooper

By: Kingfisher Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 82

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After losing his life in a tragic accident, young Lynn Cooper acquired a bound guardian, and was transmigrated into a mythical world of fantasy where survival was a necessity. Intelligent and powerful beasts known as Anthurians constantly wage wars against the humans. How would he fare against these deadly creatures as well as powerful humans? This is the legend of Lynn Cooper.

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  • olusolaoye1


    What an amazing story

    2024-06-26 04:16:06
  • bumabamba


    Well done. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

    2024-06-22 18:21:25
  • reygreen007


    More chapters, authors

    2024-06-22 18:17:40
  • changyumachine


    What a story!!

    2024-06-22 18:13:57
Latest Chapter
21 chapters
The Omen In The Clouds
"Bad omen in the cloud, my lord." The Shaman uttered in fright after tracing her boney fingers across the blue sky.When Kaiya, the leader of the Ironwood tribe, saw the terrified look of the village Shaman, he had a dangerous premonition which sent a chilling tingle down his spine.He was clearing his thoughts when he suddenly heard an alarming sound inside his head. Immediately, he stopped running forward, arched his waist, covered his ears with both hands, and screamed in pain. But as quickly as it appeared, his pain vanished.When he adjusted his body and slowly raised his head, he found that the movements of everyone around him had surprisingly slowed down.He glanced at his wife and son who were running in front of him, and knitted his brows together in a frown. Although they looked eagerly anxious to get away from the danger, their movement was extremely slow. What was happening? Looking around, he saw his clansmen in running stances, but it appeared as if they were walking in
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Attack Of The Antherions [I]
"Attack! Don't let a single one of them escape." Seeing they had been discovered, Germeyes, patriarch of the bear clan, shouted at the antherions, and at the same time flew towards the Ironwood tribe with Harbonok, the second son of the dragon clan.The bear antherions who were on the ground, after hearing Germeyes's order, roared from different directions and rushed towards the Ironwood tribe.One of the fourth-level bear antherions, Yaka, took the lead and ran at the front. He could perform partial transformation into human form, but because of his low magical power, he was grouped among the inferior antherions. Although he thought his conveyance was high and strong, at most he was just doing some errands for high-level antherions.This time, to launch a cleanup on a small tribe, for him, a fourth-level monster, it was also a simple matter. In the past, when his level was lower, he had had participated in many similar fights. Except for one or two humans who were essence masters, al
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Attack Of The Antherions [II]
Harbonok immediately condensed his essence power and spread his awareness around. He covered the battlefield, every corner of the area, every tree, and every grass. Every fleeing human was examined with his advance perception. Even the mice hiding in the dark didn't escape his perception. Still, no traces of the human essence master.Harbonok scanned every corner of the Ironwood tribe, but found no essence fluctuations. He really escaped? Harbonok's teeth gritted with hatred. As soon as he looked up, he saw the bear antherions patriarch, commanding the battle not far away."Germeyes." Harbonok immediately shouted towards the chief of the bear clan."Yes, second Son." Germeyes flew over immediately after hearing the words, and said excitedly."Did you notice anything different here?""Ah, yes. The weapon of the humans. It looks like a bow but it's more powerful. These humans are showing their strength, but we're winning." Germeyes said proudly, but found that Harbonok's face was gloomy
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Deadly Pursuit
After a sudden and panicky encounter, no matter how good their physical strength was, it wouldn't hold for long. After all, every one of the villagers was ordinary human with no essence power to rely on. "May the gods be with you."Wynter looked at the Ironwood tribe's patriarch and said. "Chief Kaiya, don't delay any longer. The antherions will be here before long. I think everyone should choose a direction and run separately. Anyone that can't run should find a secret place to hide.""I think you're right."Wynter turned his head and said to Kiara. "Kiara, you take Kaiya and your son, while I go with Shesara. When flying, we will release essence fluctuations, which can also attract the attention of the antherions, so that their pursuit of the villagers will ease. I believe by doing this, they won't go after the clansmen anymore."Kaiya was initially reluctant to give up his clan, but because he had suffered two clan annihilations in his life, which was a huge blow to him, he knew Wy
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Do You Remember Me?
Everyone looked back towards the sky, and saw that there was someone chasing after them in midair. Dark waves surging all over his body, obviously the essence base of this figure was extraordinary. They couldn't help but intensify their essence power in order to escape to the waterfall."Not good. We're discovered." Wynter couldn't help shouting, thinking of stopping and fighting the antherions.Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of the dark forest, indicating they had already reached the waterfall. Everyone shouted, and suddenly accelerated their flight towards the light.At this moment, a voice came from behind. "Do you still want to run?"As soon as the voice sounded, everyone only felt a huge fluctuation of essence power suddenly coming from the direction of the light in front of them. A large dragon, formed from the essence of water, with a thickness of more than ten meters suddenly appeared in front of them."Not good." Kiara and Wynter said in chorus, and immediately ve
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Wings Of Death
When he saw the three of them fleeing the area, Wynter took a deep breath, and the ether in his body started to run at a high speed. At the same time, his body ascended into the mid-air, and a huge hammer with a length of more than thirty meters, manifested in an instant, complementing the giant shield in front of him.The diameter of the head of the hammer was hundreds of times bigger than the one used by general blacksmiths. It was extremely huge. Since the time it was used during the monster wars many years ago, today was the second time it would appear.Giant Essence Hammer and Giant Essence Shield, one attack and one defense, were the two most famous magic skills of Wynter. Relying on these two great skills, Wynter stood firmly in a higher position among human masters.Wynter pulled his left hand, and the huge giant essence shield was shifted forward as if it was nothing at all. At the same time, his right hand pressed on the thick handle of the Giant Essence Hammer, and swiped d
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Transmigration Of Lynn Cooper
As the blazing sun spread its rays across the land, Lynn Cooper slowly pushed his motorcycle to the nearest gas station. He was trying to save some money on gas earlier in the day, but unfortunately, he had to push the forsaken motorcycle in the end. He doubted he could continue on the path he was taking.For two months, he had been searching for the damn crystal the fortune teller told him about after he bumped into her by accident. He had searched the mounds in all the oak forest in the Haken village but to no avail. Instead of the shining crystal he was told about, all he could find was an obsidian shard of no value. If only he could find what he was looking for, then he would have all the money he ever needed and live a better life.When he thought of all the things he would buy for his mother, he could only shake his head in resignation. Even his girlfriend would come back to him. If only he could find the bloody crystal. He was just about to put the nozzle inside the fuel thank
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Back To The Land Of The Living
"Who are you?""Who am I? I'm the remnant of the forgotten one. Even my name is so old that many couldn't remember it. There's no need to recall it since it's been so long when it was last mentioned. Anyway, you can call me the Remnant."The Remnant? Lynn couldn't help but smile in his heart. It might all have been a hallucination. On the other hand, it might be real as things were pointing out. So he thought, if he could exist in this world, what would be the possibility of this remnant actually existing under its present circumstances? Slowly, he said. "How is this even possible?""Your ignorance knows no bound, mortal." The Remnant, couldn't help but scolded.Lynn suddenly stuck out his tongue using his own imagination. He just needed to think about it, since this old man could see his thoughts. You're just part of my imagination. I can simply blink you away since this is not real."Are you deliberately seeking death?""Death? Of course not. I was only joking." He already died once
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The Dark Cave [I]
The cold groundwater slowly condensed into water droplets on the tip of the stalactite, and then slipped decisively, mercilessly hitting a young boy's face, making a swirling sound.This was a cave full of stalactites. The cave was sealed and pitch black. Only the turquoise light dots on the stone wall flickered, emitting a dim light.At the center of the cave was a puddle of several square meters in size. Beside it, a woman and a young boy were laying on their backs on a flat boulder.The woman was soaked all over her body. Her hair was tangled in strands on the stone surface, her face was beautiful, but her complexion was unusually pale. It looked as if there were no traces of blood on her face. She lay stiffly on the boulder, apparently dead for a long time.The cold water drops fell on Lynn's forehead, one after another. His clothes were half-dried by his body temperature. The emerald on his waist belt and the green light spot on the stone wall complemented each other, both emitti
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The Dark Cave [II]
Lynn discovered a medium sized hole at the middle of the cave, and in addition to the puddle in the middle, there was a hole above the cave, the size should be enough for a person to squeeze through.He knelt down in front of Kiara again and said softly, "Mother, please forgive me for doing this, but I have to take your body with me, even if its just ashes. Then I'll bury you along with father when I bring you back to the tribe."After that, Lynn checked his mother's storage bag and brought out a funeral Pyro. He tapped it and placed it on his mother's body. Within seconds, the whole body was caught up in flames. Before long, it had turned to ashes. Safely stored inside a urn, he placed it in his storage bag."Remnant. The Remnant." Lynn tried to contact The Remnant, and even called him several times, but he didn't receive any reply in return. He was very surprised by this development, but shrugged it off. Anyway, he must find an exit first. He didn't know where this cave was. He had
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