Transmigration Of Lynn Cooper

As the blazing sun spread its rays across the land, Lynn Cooper slowly pushed his motorcycle to the nearest gas station. He was trying to save some money on gas earlier in the day, but unfortunately, he had to push the forsaken motorcycle in the end. He doubted he could continue on the path he was taking.

For two months, he had been searching for the damn crystal the fortune teller told him about after he bumped into her by accident. He had searched the mounds in all the oak forest in the Haken village but to no avail. Instead of the shining crystal he was told about, all he could find was an obsidian shard of no value. If only he could find what he was looking for, then he would have all the money he ever needed and live a better life.

When he thought of all the things he would buy for his mother, he could only shake his head in resignation. Even his girlfriend would come back to him. If only he could find the bloody crystal. He was just about to put the nozzle inside the fuel thank when he heard a loud shout to his left.


"Hmm?" Lynn turned around and saw the driver of the blue bus screaming, then realized the gas pump was on fire! "Fire!"

The drivers of the nearby vehicles got out and fled the gas station. But before they had time to run far enough, they heard a loud banging sound behind them.

Lynn felt his body shake as the shock wave mixed with the debris fell on him. He opened his mouth wide and screamed, but he could not hear his own voice. The surrounding scenery became increasingly blurry before his eyes, as if in slow motion. He saw a corpse not far from him, and another body slowly flying forward in his direction. The limbs moved in slow circles in the air.

The man flew farther than he could imagine, flapping slowly. Based on his clothing, Lynn knew he was the bus driver.

The flame from the explosion roiled around, gradually engulfing everyone present.

His eyes were suddenly blurred by a flash of light. Slowly, the light of the fire became brighter, and Lynn, blinded by this strong white light, could no longer open his eyes.

Is this the way I'll die? Lynn slowly brought his hand to his eye and then stretched it out in front of him, trying to grab something in front of him. But there was nothing there, only endless white light.

After a few seconds, his body slowly flew towards the white light. Before he knew it, everything had changed to nothing. And his consciousness gradually disappeared.


He didn't know how long he had been unconscious for, but he realized it had been for a while. Perhaps a longer time had passed.

While he was thinking, his confused mind suddenly sensed a strange but powerful energy. He felt as if there was a force field around him, crushing his body to death. He felt like he was being held in a death like choke-hold.

Where am I? Am I dead? Is this heaven or hell? Lynn asked himself curiously. He tried to open his eyes to look around him, but he couldn't open them. Instinctively, he took deep breaths and tried to calm himself, but realized he couldn't breathe at all.

He was shocked and confused and began to struggle, but his arms and legs seemed to be tied to something around him. They still couldn't stretch out. While he was struggling, he vaguely heard a voice. The voice sounded so close and yet so far away. He was really shocked beyond words.

After several long minutes, his mind gradually calmed down, and he gradually gave up the fight. He unconsciously moved forward, looking in the direction of the vague voice.

He tried to move forward, thinking that if he could break free, he would be able to see what was happening. If he hadn't died, maybe he would go and find his girlfriend and the two of them would have a great time drinking together.

As he gradually regained consciousness, Lynn suddenly thought of the explosion at the gas station and the bloody looking corpses flying in the air.

Did he die in that explosion? What are these sticky things sticking around? Is it blood or fat? He kept wondering if he was dead or insane. He tried to scream several times, but could not open his mouth. He couldn't help but feel greatly uneasy. It was as if his body or perhaps his soul, was being transformed in a terrible manner.

He struggled for a while, until suddenly, his body became light. It was as if he had escaped from the deepest part of the Amazonian jungle.

He immediately reached out his hand and tried to grab something, but he caught hold of nothing. Opening his mouth, he spat out some of the liquid which appeared to be blocking his throat. He immediately coughed violently and finally realized he could open his mouth. He couldn't resist taking a greedy breath of what seemed to be fresh air. He tried his best to open his eyes, but couldn't open them. A vague voice reached his ears, but Lynn couldn't hear it clearly.

He gave up his struggles because his mind was a little tired. He had to try to open his eyes to see who was helping him. He didn't know how long it took, but Lynn felt that his eyes were finally able to open a little. Through this gap, Lynn could only see the gray surroundings. He couldn't see anything clearly, but he could still see something moving.

Once again, the vague voice reached his ears, but he still couldn't hear what or who it was.

Was it the voice of a paramedic? Lynn wanted to scream, but something seemed to be stuck in his throat and he could only made a muttering sound. After some difficulty, Lynn finally realized that his eyes were open. He couldn't help shaking his hands right before his eyes. Now he could see clearly. He was cheering in his mind when he suddenly stopped. He raised his hands up again and saw that they were nearly transparent. What was happening?

"At long last." Then the voice in his ears became clearer and clearer. "Welcome to the unbound realm, mortal."

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