Wings Of Death

When he saw the three of them fleeing the area, Wynter took a deep breath, and the ether in his body started to run at a high speed. At the same time, his body ascended into the mid-air, and a huge hammer with a length of more than thirty meters, manifested in an instant, complementing the giant shield in front of him.

The diameter of the head of the hammer was hundreds of times bigger than the one used by general blacksmiths. It was extremely huge. Since the time it was used during the monster wars many years ago, today was the second time it would appear.

Giant Essence Hammer and Giant Essence Shield, one attack and one defense, were the two most famous magic skills of Wynter. Relying on these two great skills, Wynter stood firmly in a higher position among human masters.

Wynter pulled his left hand, and the huge giant essence shield was shifted forward as if it was nothing at all. At the same time, his right hand pressed on the thick handle of the Giant Essence Hammer, and swiped down straight at Harbonok and the three antherions that were rushing over.

Seeing the giant hammer coming fiercely, Harbonok showed no fear. He raised his right hand, and stretched out one finger to the sky. Immediately, a huge black pillar in the shape of a cylinder, soared into the sky, and collided with the Giant Hammer with a thunderous momentum. But there was no huge impact as expected.

Wynter was smart. He saw Harbonok mobilizing the dark giant pillar to attack his hammer, and knowing that his strength was no match against the antherion, he did not dare to face the collision, but immediately swerve his hammer head to avoid the collision with the pillar. At the same time, with a complete spin, the huge giant essence shield swept across the bear antherions.

The three antherions were all at the fifth level beasts, so their reactions was not slow. Seeing the giant essence hammer smashing through the air with great swooshing sound, three thick earth walls were erected in front of them in a flash, while Harbonok jumped into the air.

Immediately after that, three explosions came, and the three earth walls were shattered in sequence. At the same time, the three bear antherions were swept up by the huge shockwave and were smashed heavily against the rocks. Blood spurted out from their mouths and noses.

"Useless bears." Harbonok couldn't help snorting coldly, raised his hand and pointed at Wynter who was opposite him. He shouted at the same time. "Sky Meteor."

In an instant, dozens of huge fireballs with a diameter of more than five meters fell from the sky, and each of them was blazing with blue-purple flames, in the direction of Wynter's head.

"Not good." Wynter muttered apprehensively. Knowing that on this day, he might not escape the catastrophe, he gritted his teeth and said in his heart. "If I have to die, I'll with honor."

The giant essence shield on his left hand instantly shrank to the size of one meter square, protecting the top of his head. Then he swung the giant essence hammer in the direction of the three bear antherions.

At the same time that the giant essence hammer hit the three antherions, the first purple meteor also collided with the reduced version of the giant essence shield.

Wynter didn't even know if he had killed the three bear antherions, and was smashed directly to the ground by the huge impact force of the meteors. Everything they touched was burned to ashes. The hard rock on the ground was knocked into a crater of a radius of twenty meters.

And in mid-air, dozens of huge meteorites were still falling towards the Wynter who sighed. "My life is over."

Struggling to throw out the giant essence hammer in his hand, he went straight to Harbonok and smashed him with it. Then he reduced the size of his body as much as possible, and inserted the giant essence shield into the ground obliquely, so that the huge impact of the meteorites could be removed as much as possible.

Despite this, the Wynter's internal organs were twisted into a ball of threads by the huge impact that went on and on. Soon blood swelled up in him, and spurted out of his mouth. No. He must hold on a little longer. The patriarch and the others haven't run far enough, even if he had to die, he would hold Harbonok for a while longer.

Wynter clenched his teeth and continued to endure the impact of the fireballs, but the huge impact continued to shake him mercilessly.

After the second son of the dragon clan, Harbonok, launched the purple colored meteor strike, he ignored Wynter. In Harbonok's eyes, Wynter was already a dead person after he made this attack. He glanced at the three bear antherions who were killed by Wynter's gigantic hammer, and snorted heavily. Then he flew like lightning in the direction where the three humans fled.

The whole battle process went extremely fast. It had only been ten seconds since Wynter released the giant essence shield to the present. At this time, Kiara, Kaiya and their son just flew over the waterfall.

Kiara suddenly shouted. "Not good, Kaiya. He's coming."

Kaiya was startled, and when he looked back, he found that Harbonok, the second son of the Dragon Clan, was chasing after the three of them in mid-air. Suddenly, they saw Harbonok took a sharp breath and roared at the three of them. A strong sound wave suddenly spewed out of Harbonok's mouth with a thunderous momentum.

It was Song of Darkness. This Harbonok's magic sound attack was a special attack skill belonging to the black dragon clan. It could make the ether inside the body of a lower level conveyor generate high-frequency vibration, so as to cause his body to explode and die. Ordinary people were not even of any considerations.

"This is bad!" Kiara shouted, and her essence power instantly shone brightly, and their bodies were immediately enveloped by a golden light.

At this moment, Hao Yan's dark song attack had arrived. Kiara felt her whole body had suddenly become transparent, and the powerful magic sound from Harbonok was attacking her body incessantly, making the ether in her body to fluctuate violently.

At this point, Lynn's consciousness had began to blur. Just when he was about to completely lose awareness, he strained himself to look at his mother, only to see a transparent water shield in front of his mother. It was a pity that the water shield had become so thin under Harbonok's attack.

On the other side of his mother, large swaths of blood threads were mixing with the transparent water shield which was almost dissipated. The original transparent water shield instantly turned into a blood-red color.

Lynn widened his eyes in horror at the scene before him. His father's body had been smashed by the magic sound, and blood was now raining down like water.

"Father!" Lynn shouted, but his voice sounded far away, as if it came from a time long forgotten.

Kaiya opened her mouth to say something, but her defence was too weak. The sound attack swept through her body like blood arrows.

"Mother..." Lynn shouted as his body was riddled with deadly shards. Soon, his body began to fall, towards the water pool below.

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