Carson : The Great Guardian

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Carson : The Great Guardian

By: Cloudy OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 39

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During his five years on the battlefield, he thought that his wife was the one who saved him. But when he came home to meet her, she was betrayed by the truth. Carson learned that it was another woman who saved him. Much to his surprise, she even had a child. Carson was furious about this. He would make them all pay for their atrocities.

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9 chapters
Chapter 1
The main headquarters of the Dragon army, Aria country, Iron cage.The Iron Cage auditorium was crowded, people wearing complete and neat service clothes lined up according to their platoons. They stood proudly, even though some of them looked injured. On the auditorium stage, a man with four stars on his shoulders stood proudly, looking at the crowd with pride. His face covered in a black mask did not make him strange but increased his charisma to a fantastic level. He was Carson, the figure behind the great Holy Dragon General. "Brave Aria warriors, the storm that haunts the country of Aria seems to be subsiding, but out there, at every border of this beloved country of Aria, the enemy is lurking." The people choked up, inwardly agreeing. Those who had worked hand in hand to protect Aria as brave dragons, fighting enemies without fear, were well aware of the condition of Aria's country. "This victory was not achieved easily. Thousands of our brothers' lives were the catalyst for
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Chapter 2
Joel looked at the woman coldly. There was satisfaction when he called the damn man who had made this woman in front of him reject him repeatedly. "No one can oppose me, even if it is you who is a small soldier with a small salary." He grinned. At that moment, he saw Alisson's eyes twitch, which made him even more impatient. Alisson's broken lips moved slowly. "You're really bad, Joel." His voice was so weak. By now, he had been hit on almost every part of his body. There were blood stains on his lips. Joel leaned his body towards Alisson. He lifted Alisson's chin with his index finger. The snow-white face was now red. "You made me like this, Alice." He now walked closer to the defenseless woman. He raised his right hand, which was still holding his cell phone. "You see, even he won't be able to save you and the child. He is a loser, man."The words said by Joel were true. She and Carson had not seen each other in almost six years. She had such a bad life in the Baker family, who
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Chapter 3
How surprised they both were when they saw two figures coming. Carson immediately ran to Alisson and pulled her into a hug. His face showed great anxiety. Alisson stared at her husband's face with an incredulous look. A small smile spread across his face. Her expression was filled with hope. "You... you're back?" Alisson's voice sounded hoarse. Carson stared at Alisson's face with a complicated look. His heart ached when he saw his wife's scarred face. Carson nodded. "I came." He stroked Alisson's face and smoothed his wife's messy hair. "I'm sorry," he said guiltily. "I'm sorry." Alisson couldn't hold back her tears. She tried to smile. However, her smile was not so clear because her face had swollen. Her feelings at the moment were complicated. She was so happy that Carson had returned safely. However, on the other hand, she also felt unfortunate because her current condition was very messy. "Carson ...." Slowly, Alisson closed her eyes. She was losing consciousness. Carson'
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Chapter 4
Wayne realized that his brother had mentioned the wrong person. The person who could overthrow so many people in seconds was no ordinary person. Wayne pointed at Carson with fear. A figure like the man before him could not be from Sout River. "Who are you?" "Who am I?" Carson pointed at himself. "Just ask your brother." Wayne glanced at his brother. "Who is he? Tell me the truth."Joel looked uneasy. He glanced at Carson with horror on his face. "He... he's Alisson's husband." "Bastard!" Wayne scolded. "You're making such a big deal out of a woman?!" he snapped. "Where's your mind?" he continued.Wayne became frustrated. He rubbed his face roughly. His face turned frantic. His arrogance disappeared like it never existed. "Stay there, don't come any closer!" said Wayne, who saw Carson walking towards him.Carson grinned. "Now you're scared, huh?" "Says who?" Wayne argued. Even so, his voice trembled with fear. In all his life, he had never seen anyone scarier than Carson. "If you
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Chapter 5
Roger Skylar is an essential figure in the dragon army. His name had echoed in this vast world, stirring the hearts of every opponent he faced. When he saw how Carson underestimated Roger, Sergio seemed to know a way out. The man before him must have been just an ordinary Centauri to not recognize a power like Roger Skylar. Sergio was too happy to laugh, but he was also in pain. He felt his sternum shatter, and Sergio was unable to even stand up. Wayne also dared not move from his place because Darwis was still watching him. He took his cell phone from his coat pocket and immediately called Roger Skylar. "Mr. Roger, you're in South River, right?" asked Sergio hopefully. He heard that Roger had just arrived in this city because he was going to attend the wedding of one of Holy Dragon General. "Yes, what is it?" came Roger's not-so-friendly voice to Sergio. "Sir, there are members of the military bothering me," Sergio complained in a pleading voice. "I told him you were my master,
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Chapter 6
Alisson's eyebrows twitched. Her forehead suddenly wrinkled. Slowly but surely, Alisson opened her eyes. She saw the figure she loved so much sitting in front of her and looking at her lovingly. "Even in dreams, you are so sweet," Alisson sneered. The smile that she always remembered, the smile that always appeared from the fragments of her dreams for the past six years. Six years after her husband left, there was no way he was coming back, right? Alisson buried her head back into the pillow. With a slightly rambling voice, Alisson added. "If you're only coming to leave again, don't ever show up in my life again." Carson's whole soul was in turmoil. Was Alisson so miserable that she couldn't believe this was real? Was she that miserable? Carson's heart shattered into tiny pieces. He felt he had failed as a husband. He gently caressed Alisson's face. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Carson shed his tears, but he quickly wiped them away. His voice was soft and filled with
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Chapter 7
Darwis had tracked the video sender's cell phone and provided Carson with the coordinates. In addition to the coordinates, Darwis also provided details of the property owner. Carson punched the steering wheel hard when he found out the house belonged to Lucy, his wife's cousin. He used Roger's jeep and drove it at high speed. With military plates and special sirens, all passing cars immediately pulled over and gave way. A text message with a link came in, followed by a short message written by Darwis.“General, mayday! Look." Carson immediately pressed the link connected to the live broadcast on social media. His anger peaked when he saw the contents of the video. Meanwhile, Lucy forcibly brought Charlotte to the rooftop of her house. Her little bare feet stepped onto the house's rooftop, which was hot from the summer sun. Lucy forced Charlotte to walk barefoot even though the child looked in pain. Then, she tied Charlotte to a chair. The child's face was slightly swollen and red
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Chapter 8
"Savage!" Carson immediately ran over to Lucy and slapped her hard. Lucy, who was busy greeting her audience, did not notice Carson's arrival. "Bastard!" cursed Lucy, holding her cheeks that were red from Carson's slap. Carson kicked the cell phone used for live broadcasting and destroyed it instantly. "Who are you to slap me!" Lucy shouted angrily. She was the daughter of the Baker family, raised in comfort and security. Not a single person dared to treat her badly. Carson ignored Lucy's question. He walked over to Charlotte and looked at the child's condition. "Lotte... dear ...." Part of Charlotte's face was crushed, and her head was also bleeding. Carson's heart broke when he saw how bad his daughter's condition was. He took off his shirt and used it to bandage the wound on his daughter's head. "Hang in there, baby." He said. Carson looked at his daughter with regret. If only he had arrived earlier, his daughter would not have been injured like this. A wave of anger exp
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Chapter 9
Charlotte's eyebrows quivered, and she slowly opened her eyes. She was stunned to see a strange man sitting in front of her. Charlotte tried to get up, but her whole body ached. Charlotte initially felt a little scared, but when she remembered that the figure in front of her was her helper, her fear instantly disappeared. She then asked, "Uncle ... did you help me?" Charlotte asked. Her voice was so weak. "Thank you," she continued.Seeing Charlotte finally wake up after a period of unconsciousness, Carson felt very happy. However, when he heard his daughter call him uncle, Carson was so sad. He took Charlotte's hand and touched it gently. "Dear Lotte, this is Daddy," Carson said. He smiled with emotion. He couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears. His heart was filled with happiness when he finally met his daughter. The expected meeting would be filled with joy, but instead, he had to see his daughter, who was seriously injured. "Sorry... I'm sorry." Charlotte was shocked to
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