Chapter 10

After medical treatment, Charlotte's condition improved somewhat. Seeing her daughter in pain while being treated it hit Carson hard. Charlotte's words were still ringing in Carson's head. He promised himself that he would protect Charlotte with everything he had. Even Heaven would fight Carson if it were to protect his beloved daughter.

"I'm going home with my daughter and wife first. You drop us off."

"Yes, sir." Darwis nodded, and he agreed. He went down first to prepare the car to take Carson's little family.

After giving orders to Darwis, Carson approached Alison and Charlotte again.

"Who was that man?" Alison asked. She was curious why the man was always helping them.

"He was my friend in the military. "We are good friends." Carson lied a little.

"Really?" Alison was a little sceptical.

"I'm not lying. Come on, let's go home." Carson invited Alison to go home.

Alison nodded. She got up, and Alison winced slightly as she felt her body still sore. She helped Charlotte to get
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