Chapter 9

Charlotte's eyebrows quivered, and she slowly opened her eyes. She was stunned to see a strange man sitting in front of her. Charlotte tried to get up, but her whole body ached.

Charlotte initially felt a little scared, but when she remembered that the figure in front of her was her helper, her fear instantly disappeared. She then asked, "Uncle ... did you help me?" Charlotte asked. Her voice was so weak. "Thank you," she continued.

Seeing Charlotte finally wake up after a period of unconsciousness, Carson felt very happy. However, when he heard his daughter call him uncle, Carson was so sad. He took Charlotte's hand and touched it gently.

"Dear Lotte, this is Daddy," Carson said.

He smiled with emotion. He couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears. His heart was filled with happiness when he finally met his daughter. The expected meeting would be filled with joy, but instead, he had to see his daughter, who was seriously injured. "Sorry... I'm sorry."

Charlotte was shocked to
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