Chapter 8

"Savage!" Carson immediately ran over to Lucy and slapped her hard.

Lucy, who was busy greeting her audience, did not notice Carson's arrival.

"Bastard!" cursed Lucy, holding her cheeks that were red from Carson's slap.

Carson kicked the cell phone used for live broadcasting and destroyed it instantly.

"Who are you to slap me!" Lucy shouted angrily. She was the daughter of the Baker family, raised in comfort and security. Not a single person dared to treat her badly.

Carson ignored Lucy's question. He walked over to Charlotte and looked at the child's condition.

"Lotte... dear ...."

Part of Charlotte's face was crushed, and her head was also bleeding. Carson's heart broke when he saw how bad his daughter's condition was. He took off his shirt and used it to bandage the wound on his daughter's head.

"Hang in there, baby." He said. Carson looked at his daughter with regret. If only he had arrived earlier, his daughter would not have been injured like this.

A wave of anger exp
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