Chapter 7

Darwis had tracked the video sender's cell phone and provided Carson with the coordinates. In addition to the coordinates, Darwis also provided details of the property owner. 

Carson punched the steering wheel hard when he found out the house belonged to Lucy, his wife's cousin. He used Roger's jeep and drove it at high speed. With military plates and special sirens, all passing cars immediately pulled over and gave way. 

A text message with a link came in, followed by a short message written by Darwis.

“General, mayday! Look." 

Carson immediately pressed the link connected to the live broadcast on social media. His anger peaked when he saw the contents of the video. 

Meanwhile, Lucy forcibly brought Charlotte to the rooftop of her house. Her little bare feet stepped onto the house's rooftop, which was hot from the summer sun. Lucy forced Charlotte to walk barefoot even though the child looked in pain. Then, she tied Charlotte to a chair. 

The child's face was slightly swollen and red. Her curls also looked messy. Her eyes were puffy and red, as if she had been crying for a long time. 

Lucy had set up a cell phone and a tripod and was broadcasting live on her web channel. Her face lit up when she saw that some people had started visiting her live-streaming site. 

One anonymous account commented. 

“What's going on? Is there going to be a good show?"

Lucy, who saw this, got even more excited. She waved at the camera and said hello. "Hey, give me your gift, and I'll do whatever you want to this kid!" 

A gift notification of five dollars appeared on the screen, accompanied by a comment. 

“Her cheeks look so adorable. Please pinch them for me!' 

Lucy read it and looked very excited. "Of course! This kid is so adorable, it's impossible not to pinch!" 

Lucy pinched Charlotte's cheek. 

Charlotte ducked her face, avoiding the painful pinch, but her efforts failed. "Aunt Lucy, stop, it hurts so much!" she protested as Lucy pinched her cheek. 

The pinch was so hard that it left a contrasting red mark. Charlotte, who felt pain on her face, cried. 

"What pain? I'm just pinching gently!" snapped Lucy. Her focus returned to her cell phone, which was still live. "This is all just foreplay. Please send me whatever you want. I'll do it." 

A $100 gift came in with a request. 

“Her nose is so tiny. Please pinch it for me!' 

Lucy responded with so much enthusiasm. "Of course, kind Miss, I will pinch her nose for you." She nodded and pinched Charlotte's nose, which made her cry even louder. 

Dollar after dollar came in with more crazy requests. 

Lucy pulled Charlotte's hair so hard that a few strands fell out. 

"Aunt Lucy, what did I do wrong?" Charlotte cried. Her face showed a pleading expression. "Please stop!" 

Lucy didn't hear her. She slapped, grabbed, and even kicked Charlotte's tiny body with her boots. 

Charlotte was begging. Her eyes looked pleadingly at the camera. "That hurts! Someone help me!" 

People who saw it became more and more anxious. Many people sent likes and sent more money, so Lucy became even more excited. 

"Let go of me, Aunt Lucy." Charlotte pleaded. She even struggled and tried to break free. However, she was only a five-year-old child. Her strength was not enough to even avoid Lucy's blows. 

The more Charlotte tried to break free, the more Lucy vigorously tormented her. Lucy pulled Charlotte's hair until her body jerked back, causing the chair she was sitting on to fall over. Charlotte's head hit the floor hard. Her head hurt, and she felt dizzy. "Aunt Lucy... what did I do wrong?"

"What did you do wrong?" Lucy scrunched up her waist. "Of course, it's because you're an illegitimate child!"

"I have a father...don't...don't call me an illegitimate child again." Charlotte pleaded. Whenever anyone called her an illegitimate child, her mother always hugged her and covered her ears. However, right now, she doesn't even know where her mother is. 

"Father... if you hear me, help me." Charlotte sobbed, her voice sounding pained. 

Lucy kicked Charlotte's chair, making the child's head hit the floor once again. "Keep crying!" 

"Ah! Mom! Help me!" 

An idea flashed through Lucy's mind. She untied Charlotte and pulled the child's hair roughly. Charlotte tried to restrain Lucy's wrists from continuing to pull, but her efforts were in vain. 

Lucy threw Charlotte's body in front of the camera. Her face hit the floor, hurting her nose and mouth. Charlotte held her face and rolled on the floor. 

The crazy people who watched this video sent happy responses and monetary gifts. 

"Dad... help me!" 

Charlotte shook her head, her crying subsiding slightly. Not because the pain in her body disappeared but because she ran out of steam. 

A pop-up notification appeared, and someone sent a gift worth $1000 requesting: 'I was eating pasta, but I lost my appetite. 'Use chili sauce and mustard to restore my appetite.' 

Lucy, who read that, cheered happily. 

"Alright, Mr. Benefactor, as you wish!" 

Lucy ran off the rooftop, leaving Charlotte cowering in front of the camera. Not long after, she returned with a large bottle of ketchup and mayonnaise. 

Charlotte, who saw that, tried to get up but failed. Her ankle was sore and difficult to move.

Finally, Charlotte crept away, trying to stay away from Lucy. She was afraid that Lucy would do something even crazier. Although only five years old, she could already realize the great threat before her.

"Auntie, what are you going to do?" Charlotte looked terrified. She kept creeping away from Lucy. 

Lucy walked slowly, spreading menacing terror. Charlotte continued to crawl away from her aunt. Her right leg hurt so much that she couldn't move it, making her movements sluggish. She was so frightened every time Lucy took a step closer to her, the fear in Charlotte's heart increased. 

"Daddy... help me... save me." 

Lucy clucked. "Stop calling that man a loser. Your father is dead." 

Charlotte shook her head. "Dad's alive, mom always says so." 

An annoyed Lucy stepped on Charlotte's ankle, which made the little girl scream in pain. 

A message appeared. 

“Stop beating around the bush, do my request immediately.” 

Lucy, who read it took a deep breath, letting her emotions down. She opened the mayonnaise bottle and spilled the contents on Charlotte's head. The child used her hand to protect the injured part of her face, but Lucy rudely dismissed it and splashed Charlotte's face with ketchup. 

Charlotte rolled on the ground as her face became so sore. The tomato sauce that hit her eyes also hurt her more.


Carson was almost at Lucy's house. He drove the car at high speed and crashed into the guardrail until it collapsed. Carson rushed down the vehicle. As soon as he got off, a heartbreaking screech sounded from the rooftop of the building. 

"My daughter?" Carson became anxious. He was worried that something bad had happened. The sound was coming from the rooftop of the house. Carson saw the ventilation duct pipe leading to the rooftop and immediately climbed it. 

In just a few seconds, he had reached the rooftop. He was so shocked when he saw a small child lying on the floor with a body covered in blood.

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