Chapter 6

Alisson's eyebrows twitched. Her forehead suddenly wrinkled. Slowly but surely, Alisson opened her eyes. She saw the figure she loved so much sitting in front of her and looking at her lovingly. 

"Even in dreams, you are so sweet," Alisson sneered. The smile that she always remembered, the smile that always appeared from the fragments of her dreams for the past six years. 

Six years after her husband left, there was no way he was coming back, right? Alisson buried her head back into the pillow. With a slightly rambling voice, Alisson added. "If you're only coming to leave again, don't ever show up in my life again." 

Carson's whole soul was in turmoil. Was Alisson so miserable that she couldn't believe this was real? Was she that miserable? 

Carson's heart shattered into tiny pieces. He felt he had failed as a husband. 

He gently caressed Alisson's face. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Carson shed his tears, but he quickly wiped them away. His voice was soft and filled with love. "Alice, this is not a dream."

Alisson tried to move her body. The pain gnawed at her entire body, which made her grimace in pain. 

Alisson looked at Carson's face for a while before asking, "So this isn't a dream?" asked Alisson, making sure. 

Carson looked lovingly at Alisson's face. She nodded gently. "It's not a dream. It's me." 

When he realized that he was not dreaming, he gasped. Alisson got up, ignoring the pain in her body. Her expression changed. She looked so angry and disappointed. Alisson's gentle and loving expression disappeared like it never existed. 

Carson was shocked. What suffering had made his wife change so much? 

However, in his heart, Carson cursed himself. What suffering? It was obvious that his wife had suffered a lot. In fact, their first meeting after six years had to be done in the most undesirable way. 

A slap landed on Carson's face. Alisson's body shook violently. She slapped Carson's face so many times that her hand stung. However, Carson did not move at all. "Why did you just come back, huh? Why did you come back?" 

Alisson looked at her husband's face with complicated feelings. The raging anger, the accumulated hatred, the unstoppable longing, and the boundless love made her at a loss as to how to express it. "After all these years, why did you just come back?" 

Alisson slapped Carson again. "Why don't you dodge, you bastard!" 

Carson shook his head. "No," he replied.

 Immense regret filled his heart. His debt to Alisson was so great. In fact, if he used his entire life to pay, it would not be enough. "I'm guilty, I...." 

"Enough!" Alisson's tears were unstoppable. She cried until her body trembled. "Why did you never contact me, even for one time?" 

"I'm ...." Carson couldn't answer her. Circumstances forced him to cut off all contact with the outside world. 

The woman covered her face with both hands. Her tears broke. She shook her head repeatedly. "I... I couldn't find you anywhere I looked. Where have you been all this time? I wondered if you were dead!" 

Carson pulled Alisson into his arms. "I can't ask you to forgive me, but give me a chance." 

Alisson continued to cry in Carson's arms. She hit her husband's chest as hard as she could vent her emotions. 

The anger and sadness that she had been harboring overflowed unstoppably. 

Carson was not angry. He accepted everything gracefully. It was only fitting that he should accept all of this. 

On the other hand, Roger, who was still in a kneeling position, did not expect to see a scene like this. He didn't expect that the holy dragon general, whose presence made enemy soldiers run away, was such a gentle figure. He could only stare at all of this. 

"Charlotte!" In the midst of his crying, Alisson remembered the whereabouts of his daughter, who was held captive. Suddenly, it made him panic. He looked at Carson's face with a pleading look. "Carson, hurry up and save our daughter!" 

Carson widened his eyes.Carson's heart pounded with a furrowed brow. Surely, he never thought that he already had a child.

He pointed at himself with a few winks. "My daughter?"

"Our daughter... our daughter is suffering so much!" Alisson's tears broke out again. Alisson repeatedly wiped her tears, but she never finished. she picked up his cell phone and handed it to Carson. "They're hurting our daughter, Carry. Our daughter is suffering so much!" 

Carson received the cell phone and opened the video. A cute little child was seen crying. The little girl looked beautiful even though she looked a mess. He clenched his fist and put down Alisson's cell phone unceremoniously. 

Killing intent was in his eyes. Carson walked up to Sergio and pulled his shirt collar up until Sergio's body was lifted. 

"Damn it!" Carson shouted angrily. His hands shook, and he almost strangled Sergio. "You're not only hurting my wife but also my daughter, who doesn't know anything yet!" 

Carsom's face was so angry. Alisson, whom he loved so much, was poorly treated, and then he learned another new fact about his suffering child. His anger was like an erupting mountain. He was going to make them die. However, when it was his daughter who was being harassed, he wanted to choke Sergio to death.

"Sir, wait a minute, listen to me!" Sergio grabbed Carson's wrist. "I can explain it to you!" 

Carson's gaze smoldered. "What else do you want to explain!" He didn't seem to care.

Sergio felt Carson's grip on his neck begin to tighten. He began to have trouble breathing. "Sir, not like this...." 

"What do you want then?" snapped Carson. He brought his face closer, making Sergio pale with fear. "You want to feel what my daughter feels?" 

He gritted his teeth and released the choke, but his hands didn't stop. He grabbed Sergio's head and pulled his hair. 

Sergio's eyes turned red. He felt so much pain. Without realizing it, he gripped Carson's hand. "Sir, I am guilty, but listen to my explanation first." 

"What's the explanation again, huh?" Carson didn't want to hear any excuses from Sergio's mouth. He had raised his hand and was about to crush Sergio's head.

Sergio closed his eyes, terrified. However, he did not want to bear this punishment alone. He shouted and hoped that Carson would hear him. "Lucy tortured your daughter!" 

Sergio still had his eyes closed. A few seconds passed, but he sensed that only the wind was passing over his face. He hesitantly opened his eyes. He looked relieved when he realized that Carson had lowered his hand. 

"Mr. General, listen to me," Sergio said again. "Lucy designed all of this. He was the one who suggested using that boy as bait." 

Seeing that Carson did not call, Sergio spoke again. "The Ramos family has many bodyguards. If we wanted to use violence, we wouldn't have hurt the children. It just tarnishes our pride."

Carson threw Sergio's body to the floor so hard. Sergio wanted to whimper in pain, but he did not dare to do so. He could only stifle her moans inwardly. 

"LUCY!" Carson shouted angrily. He turned his gaze to Darwis. "Take care of my wife!" 

"Yes, Sir!" 

Carson's sharp gaze intimidated Sergio. "If anything bad happens to my daughter, you will all die!"

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