Chapter 5

Roger Skylar is an essential figure in the dragon army. His name had echoed in this vast world, stirring the hearts of every opponent he faced. When he saw how Carson underestimated Roger, Sergio seemed to know a way out. The man before him must have been just an ordinary Centauri to not recognize a power like Roger Skylar. 

Sergio was too happy to laugh, but he was also in pain. He felt his sternum shatter, and Sergio was unable to even stand up. Wayne also dared not move from his place because Darwis was still watching him. 

He took his cell phone from his coat pocket and immediately called Roger Skylar. 

"Mr. Roger, you're in South River, right?" asked Sergio hopefully. He heard that Roger had just arrived in this city because he was going to attend the wedding of one of Holy Dragon General. 

"Yes, what is it?" came Roger's not-so-friendly voice to Sergio. 

"Sir, there are members of the military bothering me," Sergio complained in a pleading voice. "I told him you were my master, but he didn't believe me," he continued. 

There was a cold snort from Roger. "Alright, I'll be there." 

The call was disconnected. A smile spread across Sergio's face. He had already seen how Roger fought. The way Roger beat his opponent was much more sadistic than what Carson did. If the two of them fought, he was sure Roger would emerge victorious. 

On the other hand, Sergio felt sorry. If only he could recruit a talent like Carson to be his bodyguard, he would feel safe. 

For almost twenty minutes, the room was silent. Carson sat beside Alisson and looked at the woman lovingly. While Sergio remained in place, not daring to make a sound for fear of triggering Carson's anger. 

From the direction of the main road came the sound of military vehicle sirens. The smile on Sergio's face grew wider. 

"This time, you will die!" said Sergio. His fear slowly disappeared. 

"You will die soon!" Wayne also shouted. His fear soon disappeared. 

"Not only you, but your whole family will die too!" Sergio shouted excitedly. "Remember, your family is dead! You dug their graves!" 

Carson only glanced at him. He had nothing to worry about. Now that he was here, no one could touch his little family. 

"Shut your mouths, or I'll do it by force!" Darwis snapped. Her ears were uncomfortable hearing the two's worthless ramblings. Moreover, he knew who Roger Skylar was meant to be by Sergio. 

Not long after, there was the sound of approaching footsteps. Darwis stepped away from the door and stood next to Carson. He didn't want the surprise his master had prepared to end in vain. 

Roger Skylar's face appeared among the soldiers wearing field uniforms. They even carried complete weapons like they were arresting terrorists. 

"Sir, you've finally come!" Sergio crawled towards Roger. 

Seeing Sergio's terrible condition, coupled with the other young man's bloodied and unconscious body, Roger was furious.

"Who did it?" Roger's voice sounded cold. He didn't like it when anyone touched his servant. 

"Sir, give us justice. He beat up my second son and ruined his future." Sergio pleaded. "I told him I was your servant, but he ignored it. 

A dense, murderous aura came out of Roger's body, making it difficult for Sergio and Wayne to breathe. 

"Please help me get back at him, Mr. Skylar. He doesn't respect you." 

Sergio was silent for a moment. He squeezed his hand. "Mr. Skylar, that man is evil. He says you are just a weak soldier, and he looks down on you as a cripple." He said out loud. "That man said he was much better than you, Mr. Skylar."

"Insolent!" snarled Roger. "In a small town like South River, who would dare insult me?" he continued. "All those years I fought on the battlefield to establish world peace, but he doesn't even respect me?" 

Sergio looked down in fear, but inwardly, he smiled happily because he had managed to provoke Roger's emotions. 

Sergio raised his hand and pointed at Carson's figure, who still had his back to him. "He's the culprit." 

Roger turned his head. He felt familiar with the figure's back. His body shook for three seconds, precisely when he saw Darwis giving him a sharp look. If Darwis was here, there was only one possibility, which was the whereabouts of the Holy Dragon general. 

Wayne confidently walked up to Roger. "Mr. Skylar, make him feel what my brother feels!" Wayne said. "He can't die right away! I want him to be tormented to the point of begging for his death!" 

Roger turned around and looked at Wayne with a murderous glare. 

A slap landed on Wayne's cheek, making him fall instantly. Blood poured out of his cheek. 

Wayne did not expect Roger to do this to him. As for Sergio, he was so shocked when he saw Roger slapping his son. 

"John, break his leg!" Roger's voice was cold. Wayne felt like his back was now electrified. Not only slapping, apparently, Roger also intended to break his leg. 

The man called John immediately came forward and stood next to Wayne. 

 "Mr. Skylar!" Sergio crawled over and hugged Roger's legs. "Please, don't do that." He begged. 

"Let go!" Roger shook his leg, which made Sergio fall. 

However, Sergio did not give up. He prostrated himself and banged his head on the floor as he pleaded. "My other son is so badly injured and has already lost his future. Let go of my eldest son, please."

"Sir, don't do that, please." Wayne also pleaded. He did not want to be maimed. He looked at Sergio, begging his father for help. "Father, help me!"

Neither Roger nor John heard Sergio's plea. John grabbed Wayne's right leg and smashed it with his elbow. The sound of breaking bones and roars of pain filled the room. 

Wayne's right leg drooped on the floor. The young man writhed in pain on the floor while clutching his right leg. 

Roger didn't show any empathy. Instead, he approached Carson and spoke with his head bowed. 

"Sir, I am guilty," Roger said regretfully. "Please give me a chance." 

Roger was so scared that his body trembled. He had rarely used his power. However, when he tried to show his power to people, he offended his superior. 

Carson didn't turn his head. He continued to hold Alisson's hand gently. His voice was so cold. "From now on, you are no longer my subordinate." 

Roger raised his face, looking at Carson with an incredulous look. "Sir, please give me another chance."

Carson paid no attention to him, making Roger so frustrated. He dropped both knees to the floor and pleaded with Carson. "Sir, please give me another chance." 

"We defend the integrity of this country so hard, every day losing our military brothers on the battlefield," Carson spoke coldly. "However, you used the power you gained from our brothers' sacrifice so arrogantly." 

Carson sounded so disappointed. Roger couldn't hold back his tears anymore. "Sir, I'm sorry, I won't do it again." 

Sergio really can't move from where he's standing right now. He felt a great fear pouncing on him like a bear had clawed him. If Roger bowed down to Carson, this man was no ordinary man.

Sergio's body shivered, his eyes turning black. He seemed to be facing the destruction of his world.

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