Chapter 4

Wayne realized that his brother had mentioned the wrong person. The person who could overthrow so many people in seconds was no ordinary person. 

Wayne pointed at Carson with fear. A figure like the man before him could not be from Sout River. "Who are you?" 

"Who am I?" Carson pointed at himself. "Just ask your brother." 

Wayne glanced at his brother. "Who is he? Tell me the truth."

Joel looked uneasy. He glanced at Carson with horror on his face. "He... he's Alisson's husband." 

"Bastard!" Wayne scolded. "You're making such a big deal out of a woman?!" he snapped. "Where's your mind?" he continued.

Wayne became frustrated. He rubbed his face roughly. His face turned frantic. His arrogance disappeared like it never existed. 

"Stay there, don't come any closer!" said Wayne, who saw Carson walking towards him.

Carson grinned. "Now you're scared, huh?" 

"Says who?" Wayne argued. Even so, his voice trembled with fear. In all his life, he had never seen anyone scarier than Carson. "If you dare touch me, my father will kill you!" 

"What can your father do?" Carson taunted. There wasn't a single person who could pose a threat to him in a town as small as South River. In fact, in the entire Province, though.

"You're from the military, right?" Wayne said he remembered something. Only people who came from the military world were able to subvert so many people at one time. "My father has colleagues there. You can get a big penalty if you disturb us." 

He grinned. "You're so easy to get rid of."

When he first came, Wayne looked fierce, like a Siberian tiger. However, now he looked like a house cat. That made Carson laugh. 

"Do you think I'll believe it?" asked Carson with a mocking smile.

"You don't believe it?" Wayne's cords were shaking violently. He even had trouble breathing due to fear. He felt as if this was the end of everything. "Let me call him. You'll find out the consequences." 

A big smile broke out on Carson's face. He walked closer to Wayne. The tapping of his footsteps quickly shook Wayne mentally. Wayne continued to retreat, but behind him was Darwis, who was blocking the doorway. 

Darwis' figure was even more terrifying to him. The man was 190 cm tall and had scars on his face, making him look very scary. 

"Stop right there!" Wayne shouted in panic. He couldn't retreat anymore now. "I said stay there!" 

Carson finally stopped. He didn't want to smell the adult urine if he continued to bully Wayne. "Why should I listen to you?" sneered Carson. 

Wayne was so panicked to hear that. He had expected Carson wouldn't let him go quickly, but he hadn't expected it to be this hard. He was so frustrated. 

Carson stood in front of Wayne and crossed his arms over his chest. The murderous aura surrounding him made Wayne's chest feel tight.

"You want to call your dad?" Carson said, "Then call. Have him bring all his people." 

Wayne nodded quickly, worried that the opponent would change his mind. Wasting no time, Wayne reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the phone. His hand shook violently as he picked it up. He immediately called his father. 

"Dad!" Wayne's voice sounded terrified. 

Sergio, who heard his son was so frightened, responded thoughtfully. "What's wrong?" 

"Joel and I are at the hotel. We got into trouble." Wayne didn't go into too much detail. He was worried about making a mistake that would make Carson angry. 

A cold snort sounded, Sergio said coldly. "Are you kidding me? Who would dare to cause a scene with you guys at the hotel?" 

"Dad, listen to me, I'm not lying." Wayne tried to reassure his father. "Bring all the people you've got. We've got an unusual opponent." 

Sergio sounded lazy but also curious. Who would dare bother his son in his place? "Okay. I'll be there." 

The call was disconnected. Wayne was relieved that Carson didn't attack him during the call. 

Carson noticed the look in Wayne's eyes. "I am a soldier. I will not attack the enemy from behind." 

"I... I didn't think of it that way," Wayne said. He felt embarrassed that Carson could guess his thoughts. 

Carson just snorted. He returned to sit beside Alisson while Darwis watched Wayne and Joel from near the door. Although he was sure Wayne wouldn't dare to run away, Darwis didn't want to take any chances. 

True to his word, within fifteen minutes, Sergio was there. He came with a large entourage as he brought fifty of the Ramos family's shadowy bodyguards. They were all wearing black clothes and fierce expressions. His face showed pride. He had originally intended to bring his usual bodyguards, but he was surprised when he was informed that all of his usual bodyguards had left with Wayne. 

"What the hell?" Sergio's expression was terrible when he saw Joel drooping on the floor with his face covered in wounds. It wasn't just an ordinary wound because his son's face was almost unrecognizable. "How dare you touch my son!" 

"Dad, don't be rash!" Wayne reminded. He didn't want his father to do something that ended up being detrimental. 

Carson turned his head, seeing Sergio's arrival with a disdainful look. He pecked Alissson's face before moving closer to Joel. 

Carson lifted his foot and stepped on Joel's testicles. The steel sole of the shoe slammed into Joel's testicle with great force, crushing it instantly. 


Joel rolled on the floor with his hand clutching his crotch. He cried until he fainted. 

Carson gritted his teeth. "This is your reward for daring to harm my wife." 

"Don't call me Sergio if you can't kill me!" Sergio shouted. He was so angry. All this time, no one had dared to disturb his sons, and now, the young man in front of him dared to destroy his son's future. "Attack him!" 

"Easy!" said Carson. 

The Ramos family's shadow army moved quickly into the room. Their attacks were much faster and deadlier, but that was no problem at all for Carson. In fact, without any help from his aides, Carson could take down all of the Ramos family's shadow army with ease. 


Sergio almost vomited blood. One of his shadow troops was equivalent to the ability of five ordinary bodyguards. However, they all looked useless. The men who constantly mistreated their opponents fell to the floor, even crying. 

Sergio pointed at Carson with an incredulous look. "You... you bastard!" 

Carson jumped up and kicked Sergio in the chest until he fell to his knees.

Sergio looked at Carson with a threatening gaze. "You can't kill me! I'm Roger Skylar's subordinate." 

Sergio held his sore chest and looked back at Carson. "If you dare to kill me, you're fighting the dragon army!" 

Carson smirked. Roger Skylar was one of the lieutenants under his command. To him, Roger was just a child. 

"Roger Skylar?" Carson's voice was so cold. "If you dare, call him here.”

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