Chapter 3

How surprised they both were when they saw two figures coming. Carson immediately ran to Alisson and pulled her into a hug. His face showed great anxiety. 

Alisson stared at her husband's face with an incredulous look. A small smile spread across his face. Her expression was filled with hope. "You... you're back?" 

Alisson's voice sounded hoarse. Carson stared at Alisson's face with a complicated look. His heart ached when he saw his wife's scarred face. 

Carson nodded. "I came."

 He stroked Alisson's face and smoothed his wife's messy hair. 

"I'm sorry," he said guiltily. "I'm sorry." 

Alisson couldn't hold back her tears. She tried to smile. However, her smile was not so clear because her face had swollen. Her feelings at the moment were complicated. She was so happy that Carson had returned safely. However, on the other hand, she also felt unfortunate because her current condition was very messy. 

"Carson ...." Slowly, Alisson closed her eyes. She was losing consciousness. 

Carson's body trembled as his wife lost consciousness. A wave of anger exploded in her heart. He carried Alisson's body and laid her on the bed. Carson took off his leather coat and covered his wife's exposed body. 

Carson stood up and continued to watch Alisson's face with guilt. He was the cause of her going through all of this. If he had come earlier, Alisson would not have gotten this badly injured. 

When he saw Carson's back moving up and down, Joel swallowed harshly. Although Carson was only a tiny military officer, surviving on the battlefield for five years must have made Carson have fighting skills, even if only a little. 

Carson gritted his teeth and turned his head, glaring at Joel. He walked over to Joel and slapped him across the face.

A loud sound resonated in the room. Joel's face turned red, and his head felt dizzy. Joel staggered and fell on the floor. 

When he spat, two teeth mixed with blood came out of his mouth. 

Joel glared at Carson. "Damn it!" he shouted, though his voice was unclear. 

He intended to get up, but Carson quickly slammed his knee into Joel's face. 

"Argh!" Joel whimpered in pain. His two front teeth were broken again. His nose was also bleeding fresh blood. "How dare you?!" 

Fear began to creep into Joel's heart. The man in front of him was powerful. 

At the same time, Joel also felt confused. He was sure that some time ago, Carson was not in South River, but in just hours, he had appeared in this place. 

"Insolent! You don't know who I am?" Joel snapped. He tried to use his identity to bully Carson. 

However, that didn't change anything because Carson didn't care. He grabbed Joel's hair and slapped him hard. 

"Coward! Asshole!" Joel looked at Carson with a hateful gaze. He then shouted, "I swear I'll fuck your wife in front of you!" 

Hearing that his wife's honor had been desecrated again, Carson became even angrier. Joel's words were like fuel poured on the fire, making it flare up even more. 

The man saw Alisson in a deplorable state. He loved Alisson so much that it made him grab Joel's hair.Carson raised his hand and slapped Joel's face with the back of his hand. He repeated it so often that Joel's face was swollen like a pig's head.

Even that wasn't enough. When Joel tried to crawl from there, Carson kicked Joel's leg, making the man whimper until he coughed.

"You... son of a bitch."Joel squeezed his hand tightly. His eyes had glazed over, but that did not satisfy Carson

The jerk used all his strength to talk. Although his body was trained, he was like a chicken in front of Carson.

"That son of a bitch is you. You dare to touch your wife." Carson quickly smashed Joel's head repeatedly.

Joel's skull cracked, but Carson didn't stop the action. With the strength of a hammer, he hit Joel's head again.

Although blood flowed from the wound on Joel's head, Carson did not stop his actions. He banged again and then slapped Joel, whose cheeks were already swollen.

"Stop it..” Joel begged. He couldn't take another punch. 

His body trembled violently. He had never been in such a position. Because of the blow, his head felt like it was being stabbed, and Carson pulled his hair. Although he had been practicing martial arts, it was worth nothing in front of Carson, who had fought hundreds of battles. With a punch to the ribs, Joel spit out a lot of blood.

Carson slammed him to the floor with just one hand.

"You still want to defile my wife, huh?" said Carson. He looked like he wanted to swallow Joel whole. 

Joel felt goosebumps as Carson gave him a murderous look. 

Joel curled up on the floor. He whimpered in pain. Blood continued to drip from his scarred face. In fact, his teeth slipped out of his gums. Joel cried out in fear. "My brother will kill you!" 

"You think I'm scared?" challenged Carson. 

The murderous aura that surrounded Carson gave Joel terror. "If you don't let me go, I guarantee your whole family will be destroyed!" 

Carson snorted. "Just think of yourself." 

"You're a coward. You're a military man who oppresses civilians!" said Joel. "If my brother finds out you hurt me this badly, he'll cut your body into a thousand pieces!" 

Carson threw his cell phone. "Call your brother! If necessary, call all the Ramos family members to fight me!" 

"You asked for it, yes." Joel quickly dialed his brother's cell phone number. He occasionally glanced at Carson to make sure that the man didn't attack him suddenly. "You'll regret it." 

Joel saw that the call was connected. He deliberately activated the loudspeaker. 

"Who is this?" The voice from the other side sounded harsh. It was the voice of Wayne, Joel's oldest brother. 

"Brother! It's me!" Joel spoke immediately, his sentences not sounding clear. 

"Joel? What happened to you?" Wayne was worried about his brother, who sounded injured. "Brother, someone beat me up!" Joel said, occasionally glancing at Carson with fear.

"Damn it! Who dares to bother my brother?" growled Wayne. "Where are you now?" 

"I'm in my private room," Joel replied. "Don't forget, bring all our guards. He's solid!" 

There was a harsh snort from Wayne's mouth. "You're the one who hurt my brother. Just wait. You'll be finished soon!" 

The call was disconnected. 

Carson immediately snatched his cell phone from Joel's hand and put it back. 

"You'll be finished soon," Joel threatened. "My brother has many bodyguards on his side." 

Carson laughed. "You will see later who will be the last person left." 

Hearing that, Joel became worried. He was worried that his brother didn't bring all his bodyguards. However, when remembering some of Wayne's bodyguards who had above-average abilities made him calm down a little. 

Carson stood up and returned to the side of Alisson, who was still unconscious. When he saw his wife's condition, his anger returned. He sat beside Alisson and gently grasped his wife's hand. "I won't let anyone hurt you again." 

Hearing Carson's words, Joel couldn't help but smile. That line is so cliché. Any man would say that once they saw their woman being hurt, but in reality, they were the one causing the pain. 

Fifteen minutes later, Wayne arrived with the entire Ramos family escort. He brought the entire bodyguard of forty people. 

His face was still haughty when he first arrived. However, when he saw how badly Joel was hurt, his face instantly turned red with anger. 

"Damn it!" Wayne shouted. "Guards, finish him off!" he ordered. 

The bodyguards nodded and walked up to Carson with savage gazes. Some of them stretched their fingers. 

"Only this much?" Carson laughed mockingly.

"What an arrogant ass." Wayne took offense at Carson's remark. "Although it's not much, they can kill you in one blow!"  

"Get him!" Wayne ordered. 

Ten people came forward and attacked Carson at once.

Carson dodged their blows with ease. Each blow knocked his victim unconscious. 

Wayne swallowed when he saw his guards lying on the floor. He got goosebumps instantly. In less than a minute, his forty bodyguards were lying helpless. They had severe injuries. 

"How could you?"

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