Chapter 2

Joel looked at the woman coldly. There was satisfaction when he called the damn man who had made this woman in front of him reject him repeatedly. 

"No one can oppose me, even if it is you who is a small soldier with a small salary." He grinned. 

At that moment, he saw Alisson's eyes twitch, which made him even more impatient. 

Alisson's broken lips moved slowly. "You're really bad, Joel." His voice was so weak. By now, he had been hit on almost every part of his body. There were blood stains on his lips. 

Joel leaned his body towards Alisson. He lifted Alisson's chin with his index finger. The snow-white face was now red. "You made me like this, Alice." 

He now walked closer to the defenseless woman. He raised his right hand, which was still holding his cell phone. "You see, even he won't be able to save you and the child. He is a loser, man."

The words said by Joel were true. She and Carson had not seen each other in almost six years. She had such a bad life in the Baker family, who thought of him as an embarrassing piece of trash. 

If it wasn't for her daughter, she wouldn't be here. But as a weak person, she couldn't do anything.

Her hands clenched into fists so tightly that the nails digging into her palms didn't hurt at all. 

She was angry that Carson seemed to ignore her. She was disappointed that he never contacted her. She still loved Carson so much, but she now hated that man so much. 

If he died, at least he could meet Carson, and he would do something to Carson's spirit that made his life bad. Almost six years had passed, and not once had he heard from her. The battlefield is a terrible place where one mistake can cost lives. Carson might have already left this world.

This was floor 35, and she felt no fear at all about killing herself. Rather than experiencing something that made her ashamed and humiliated. He had looked at the window in front of him. Alisson was getting ready to run over there and knock himself out. 

Suddenly, Joel pulled on his shirt, which was immediately torn. Alisson swatted Joel's hand away and tried to run away from there. But the man's movements were faster than Alisson's until he caught Alisson's leg.

"Do you think you can escape from here?" he smirked. That face was so disgusting. His big arms were so strong and made Alisson helpless. "You have to make me happy first."

Alisson felt an overwhelming disgust that spread throughout his body. The man with the burly body only needed to tear Alisson's shirt again, and he could enjoy his body. But before he could do that, Alisson, who did not want to be touched by Joel, spat in Joel's face.

"You are disgusting! You will die in hell!" Her scream was so high that a slap from a burly hand finally landed on her cheek. 

Her head hurt so much from this that she couldn't say anything out of her mouth. Then, her neck was strangled, making her unable to breathe properly. "The Bakers don't like you, they consider you a disgrace, and you're belittling me."

Alisson's eyes were still bright at that point. But the man in front of her then took her phone back, and that's when he showed Alisson the screen, making her eyes go wide. 

It was very painful for her, seeing Charlotte, who was her child, being grabbed by Lucy, who was smiling at her. "Hey, Alisson, you must be having a good time over there." Lucy chuckled as she said that. "Take it easy. I'm also having fun here with your daughter. "I might make a handicap."

Lucy, who was her cousin, had never liked her. She was like a demon. 

"Stop it! Please stop!" Alisson shouted while crying. She couldn't bear to have her daugther go through something like this, even though she seemed to have difficulty speaking due to being beaten repeatedly. 

Her body was shaking with such force. "Please let Charlotte go. She's a child who doesn't know anything."

But Lucy, who was on the cell phone layer, showed no remorse at all. She looked happy. "That's why you should obey Joel! You're always so arrogant, bitch! You're a woman of the street! Sleeping with anyone is not a difficult thing for you!"

Everything Lucy said was a lie. But at this moment, she couldn't reply to Lucy's words that grabbed her daughter. The weak Alisson nodded his head repeatedly.

"Right... right... I'm a bitch. I will comply with your wishes. Please let her go..." she squeezed her hand firmly. 

Joel rubbed his face roughly. He was quite happy that this stubborn woman finally showed weakness, and he would soon enjoy that beautiful and seductive body. He could have done it by force, but that would have been unpleasant. He wanted Alisson to do it willingly because it meant that Joel had won Alisson over completely. 

"It's good that you finally obeyed." Joel held Allison's chin. Lifting that face and staring at the face that had blood stains. 

He was exciting for her.

"You chose the right person, Alisson. Carson will never come to you. He's forgotten you and is not even a decent figure for you." He moved his head forward, and with great lust, he kissed Alisson's lips.

The wavy-haired woman wanted so badly to bite the man's lips, but she was forced to accept it because she thought of Charlotte.

The kiss made her cough. 

"Take off your clothes." Joel gave the order. 

Alisson's hands shook. This was so insulting. Her tears fell. At this moment, she hoped Carson was there and could help her. 

"Take it off! Do you think your daughter will be okay!?"

That made great fear appear in Alisson. She began to take off her undershirt, revealing her bra. 

"Show me more! I'll treat you well. I'm rich. Not a man until like Carson, who is just a soldier!" Joel was getting excited about this. The beautiful body that was about to become hers. 

Alisson slowly took off the skirt she was wearing. 

"Even if he comes back here, he can't do anything. He won't be able to resist the Benedict family, and I will give you the Grand wedding invitation."

The man finally couldn't hold himself back anymore. He pulled Alisson up and threw her onto the mattress. "Now satisfy me!" 

Joel took off the shirt he was wearing. Just as he was about to advance, the door of the room suddenly opened with a loud noise that made the two people look towards the door.

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