Carson : The Great Guardian
Carson : The Great Guardian
Author: Cloudy
Chapter 1

The main headquarters of the Dragon army, Aria country, Iron cage.

The Iron Cage auditorium was crowded, people wearing complete and neat service clothes lined up according to their platoons. They stood proudly, even though some of them looked injured. 

On the auditorium stage, a man with four stars on his shoulders stood proudly, looking at the crowd with pride. His face covered in a black mask did not make him strange but increased his charisma to a fantastic level. He was Carson, the figure behind the great Holy Dragon General. 

"Brave Aria warriors, the storm that haunts the country of Aria seems to be subsiding, but out there, at every border of this beloved country of Aria, the enemy is lurking." 

The people choked up, inwardly agreeing. Those who had worked hand in hand to protect Aria as brave dragons, fighting enemies without fear, were well aware of the condition of Aria's country. 

"This victory was not achieved easily. Thousands of our brothers' lives were the catalyst for that pseudo-peace. Therefore, as a brave dragon army, even if the world looks peaceful, it is our duty to realize true peace!" 

A wave of admiration permeated everyone's soul. They are brave dragon troops, never afraid of opponents, even if their lives must be sacrificed. 

As members of the dragon army, they thought dying on the battlefield was an honor worth fighting for. 

The Holy Dragon General raised his hands. The authority that emanated strengthened the mentality of his soldiers, as well as the mindset of his opponents. 

"Victory!" he shouted. 

The dragon troop members, without orders, raised their hands, unitedly exclaiming, "Victory!" 

The echoing roar of their voices shook the Iron Cage auditorium. Peace had been made. The dragon troops returned to their homes after years of blood. 

The figure of the sacred dragon general descended from his stage, followed by his loyal aide into the room. He immediately changed his clothes into casual clothes.

There was a knock on the door of the room. Carson let him in. A gallant man entered and stood in front of Carson's desk. 

"General," a dashing and authoritative voice came out of the mouth of Hendry, an aide to the Holy Dragon General. He handed over a black box. 

Carson nodded and reached for the box. His eyes suddenly glazed over. The box contained his old cell phone. It was his most precious thing, for he could contact his wife.  

Carson opened the box, a wave of emotion filling his chest. He took the cell phone and turned it on. 

"Hedry, have you prepared it?" Carson’s voice trembled slightly. All these years, he had been holding back longing for the wife he loved so much, and now that longing had peaked. He couldn't hold it in any longer. 

Hendry nodded. "I have, General. Your wedding party will be the grandest wedding in South River City." 

"Good." Carson nodded. He was still trying to turn on his cell phone, which had not been activated for years. 

The cell phone vibrated, then turned on. A smile broke out on Carson’s face. Hendry was surprised to see a smile on his superior's face. 

The Holy Dragon General was a respected superior to his soldiers, as well as a feared enemy to his opponents. His actions in leading the dragon army were undeniable. Out of the 99 battles he fought, he had a 100% win rate, meaning he never lost.

"General, the other six generals have made their identities public," Hendry said carefully. 

"I know," replied Carson, still looking at his cell phone. There were many incoming messages and missed calls. He looked at Hendry. "I don't want to do that, at least not right now." 

Hendry nodded. He didn't dare to ask further. It was beyond his authority. "Your return schedule has been arranged for three days from now, General." 


Ten minutes passed, and while Carson was checking incoming messages, his cell phone vibrated. An unknown number made a video call. Carson's brow furrowed. He wondered if it was his wife's new number. He picked it up immediately. 

A face appeared suddenly. His expression was obscene. His face was red like he was drunk, and he was shirtless. 

"Who are you?" asked Carson matter-of-factly. 

The person laughed smugly. He pointed his cell phone in another direction, where a woman with a messy appearance fell, looking helpless. 

The blood inside Carson's body was boiling. His face turned red with anger. He clenched his fists and kicked the table in front of him. 

"How dare you!" shouted Carson. He glanced at Hendry. With just one glance, Hendry knew what he would do next. He picked up his laptop and other equipment and started tracking the caller's location. 

The sound of the man's laughter echoed, sounding obnoxious. One hand pulled the woman's hair until her head was raised, revealing that there were bruises on the beautiful woman's face. Some of them were even bleeding. "Is she your wife?" 

A moan of pain escaped the woman's mouth. Tears streamed down her cheeks. 

"Let go?" Joel, the man, pulled Alison's hair higher and higher. He grinned, enjoying every moan that came out of Alice's mouth. 

"Argh!" The loud voice sounded anguished. 

Carson squeezed his hand until his nails dug into her palm. It was like a sharp knife sliced through her heart. 

"What do you want?" asked Carl, softening. "I'll do anything, but don't hurt Alice." 

Joel grinned. His hand threw Alison's body with force, causing a loud crash and a loud moan. 

"Look at this," said Joel, pointing his cell phone camera at Alison, curled up in pain on the floor. His laughter echoed over the sound of Alison's moaning. "You can't help her."

"I'll do anything!" said Carson, trying to convince. "I can do anything for you." 

"Let her go, then. Let her enjoy the night with me," Joel replied with a lewd look. 

Carson's body trembled. He loved his wife very much. He was in a borderline dilemma. He wants to save his wife but also doesn't want to lose her. 

"Kneel!" Joel ordered. Without hesitation, Carson knelt. Even though his pride was currently falling, as long as it could save Alison, he didn't mind.

Joel put down his cell phone, walked up to Alison, and slapped her repeatedly. 

"Stop, please, stop." Carl's voice trembled, holding back his emotions. He felt like a failure as a husband for letting something like this happen to his woman. 

The sound of the slap was heard over and over again, accompanied by the sound of Alison crying for help. 

"No one can help you!" Joel snapped.  

Alison's voice fainted. The woman had fainted after receiving many slaps on her face. 

"Barbaric!" shouted Carson, his face turning red. He was so angry. 

Joel stood at his waist, staring at Alison with a cynical gaze. "Dare to refuse Joel. Only death pays." 

Joel reached for his cell phone. "You're just a cowardly man who left Alice." 

"You have no right to call her by that name!" said Carson, full of emphasis. 

"No, right?" Joel chuckled. "Who would dare defy me?" 

Carson gritted his teeth. His breath caught. His voice trembled. "You'll regret it!" 

Joel's laughter sounded disgusting. "Just wait. I'll send you a video of how Alice serves me on the bed," he grinned. Joel even licked his lips, looking lustful. "Of course, I'll wait for her to come to her senses. Her resistance turned me on even more."

The call was cut off. 


Carl kicked the table in front of him to the ground. "Prepare the helicopter!”

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