The Good-for-nothing Son-in-law

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The Good-for-nothing Son-in-law

By: Affluence OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 47

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Over ten years ago, Kelvin got expelled from his family by his father after his mother's death due to some complicated matters. Since then, Kelvin has lived a life of struggles and survival. He fell in love with a young lady and eventually got her pregnant. Her parents despised him but allowed them get married and have the baby so it doesn't bring shame to their family. After the marriage, Kelvin's wife gave birth to twins and it made his in-laws even more furious. He was a GOOD-FOR-NOTHING live-in SON-IN-LAW to them and now also brought the burden of two children to them as well. Kelvin was his mother-in-law’s househelp, running all the errands for her just to satisfy her. He also tried his luck at various places for a good job but the best he could find was a gatekeeper which paid him a little stipend, barely enough to feed him for a month let alone his wife and two children. His father-in-law took on the responsibility of catering for his grandchildren’s education, enrolling them in one of the best schools in the city. The same school where one of his wife's nieces who is married to a billionaire had her children. Kelvin's mother-in-law continued to push for an end to Kelvin's marriage to her daughter but her daughter wouldn't give in to her pressure because of her twins. However, five years passed now and Kelvin wasn't getting any better with his situation. It became a major issue for the family especially with many wealthy suitors coming for his wife and his mother-in-law has become a laughingstock to her sisters and their children. DOES KELVIN SEEK FORGIVENESS FROM HIS FATHER AND REGAIN HIS LOST STATUS OR DOES HE JEOPARDIZE THE FUTURE OF HIS MARRIAGE AND HIS CHILDREN???

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14 chapters
Chapter 1: The Breaking Point
Exhausted from a lengthy day at work, Kelvin tiredly opened the front door, feeling the burden on his fatigued shoulders. Upon entering the simple living room, a piercing voice instantly overwhelmed his senses."There you are, you good-for-nothing leech! Where have you been wasting time while your children were sent home from school?" Kelvin winced, bracing himself for the onslaught.The woman who stood before him was his spiteful mother-in-law, Stephanie Norman. As far as Kelvin could remember, she had always hated him ever since Sheena introduced him to her. His lack of money was the main reason for her attitude towards him, and this was made worse when he started failing to provide for his children."I'm sorry, I just got off my shift at the office. I didn't know—" Kelvin said nonchalantly. He had gotten used to the barrage of nagging from his mother-in-law."You didn't know?" Stephanie scoffed, her lips curling in disgust. "Of course, you didn't know. When have you ever cared abou
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Chapter 2: A Desperate Gambit
The next day, Kelvin hurried through the imposing gates of the Martin Real Estate building, his mind racing. He had to get the school fees paid, no matter what. He went straight into his boss, Martin Wasnot's office.Kelvin knocked on the office door. He hesitated for a second but continued anyway; he and Martin, his boss, had never truly seen eye to eye. Martin had always criticized Kelvin on every aspect of his job.Kelvin prepared himself mentally, understanding the importance of being cautious. He entered the office and directed his attention to his boss sitting across the table. "Sir, I kindly request a company loan to cover my children's school expenses. They were dismissed yesterday and—"Martin dropped the pen and document in his hand and looked dead center into Kelvin's eyes. "You incompetent bum, is this what you have resorted to?" He said as he straightened his glasses. "Just because this company allows employees to take loans and repay them through their salaries, you inte
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Chapter 3: A Fateful Reunion
Kelvin quickly entered the busy jewelry store, feeling the familiar heft of the signet ring in his pocket. He felt his heart pounding as he neared the counter, his only objective being to obtain the funds necessary to maintain his family's unity. “Sorry to bother you sir,” he said, attempting to maintain a steady voice. "I want to put this ring up for sale." The shopkeeper stared at him suspiciously, but as he looked closer his eyes widened in realization. “Oh wow, is that... the emblem of the Brunette family.”Kelvin became tense, feeling suddenly unsure. "Yes, it is indeed. I have to collect funds for my kids' tuition fees. Could you assist me?" The shopkeeper slowly nodded his head. “I'm sorry but I cannot purchase this from you son. This ring holds immeasurable sentimental value as a cherished family heirloom. It is rightfully owned by the Brunette family.”Kelvin felt his heart drop. "Please, you don’t understand, my family is in a dire situation. I have no alternative.”“I re
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Chapter 4: A Fragile Hope
Upon opening the door to his in-laws' home, Kelvin was instantly bombarded by Stephanie, his mother-in-law's loud and piercing voice."Kelvin!" she snapped, hands on her hips. "Where have you been? And what’s this nonsense about the kids going to school tomorrow? You haven’t even paid their fees yet!" Stephanie said, showing her disdain as she looked at him while telling him, "You have the audacity to come back here after you lost your only job. You worthless parasite."Kelvin steeled himself, but before he could reply, Sheena appeared from the living room, a ray of hope shining in her eyes. "Mom, please, he said he’s got it handled. Can we just give him a chance?""A chance?" Stephanie’s voice rose an octave. "Sheena, are you out of your mind? He’s going to drag us all down with him. Do you want my sisters to laugh at me? At us?"Kelvin moved ahead, speaking with confidence. "I have discovered a method to cover the school fees, Mother. I give you my word that the children will return
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Chapter 5: A Day of Reckoning
The yellow taxi came to a halt in front of the school's gates with a groan of brakes and a puff of exhaust. Kelvin stepped out first, opening the door for Sheena and their twins, Lily and Luke. As they gathered the kids' school bags, a sleek, black Bentley rolled up beside them, gleaming under the morning sun. Becky, Sheena's second cousin sister, stepped out with her children, her stiletto heels clicking against the pavement."Well, well, look who's here," Becky drawled, her voice dripping with condescension. "Did you bring your kids to school in a taxi?" She asked in a mocking tone.Sheena's face flushed with embarrassment, but she forced a smile. "Morning, Becky.""Morning? No, it's an absolutely fabulous morning!" Becky tossed her perfectly coiffed hair. "Especially when you can afford a new car. You are looking at a six hundred thousand dollar Bentley. I just bought it two days ago."Sheena felt a surge of embarrassment flow over her. Sheena and Becky are of the same age with the
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Chapter 6: Revelations and Reverberations
Kelvin took a deep breath, his patience fraying at the edges. He turned to the secretary, his voice calm but firm. "Why are you treating us this way? We’re parents just like everyone else here."The secretary barely glanced up from her computer and ignored Kelvin; she just hissed at Kelvin's question.Sheena stepped forward, her voice trembling with suppressed anger. "We deserve the same respect as anyone else. You have no right to treat us like this."The secretary glanced upward, her face showing disdain. "Does respect even matter? Who is it for? A man unable to afford his kids' education and a woman too oblivious to see she's wasting her time with a failure."Kelvin's hands balled into fists by his waist. "What did you say?""I said," the secretary went on, her voice oozing with sarcasm, "That you are a disgrace as parents. Particularly you, Mrs. Brunette." She turned her attention to Sheena. "You, remaining with a man who cannot support his family, is a disgrace to womanhood and m
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Chapter 7: Unraveling the Mysteries
Kelvin stepped out of the principal's office, his hand gently guiding Lily and Luke. The secretary glared at him, her eyes filled with loathing. Mrs. Henderson followed closely behind.“Ms. Parker,” the principal said, her voice icy, “You’re dismissed. Please gather your things and leave immediately.”The secretary’s eyes widened in shock. “What? You can’t be serious!”“I am,” Mrs. Henderson replied firmly. “Your behavior towards Mr. Brunette and his family was unacceptable.”“But—” the secretary began to protest, her voice rising in desperation.“No buts,” Mrs. Henderson interrupted. “You’re fired. Now!”The secretary's shoulders dropped while she started gathering her things, quietly mumbling to herself. She gave Kelvin one last angry glance before he crouched down to talk quietly to his children.“Alright, kiddos, time to go to class. Be good, okay?” Kelvin kissed each of them on the forehead.Lily hugged him tightly. “We will, Daddy.”Luke nodded, his small face set with determina
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Chapter 8: Descent into Turmoil
Kelvin's hands balled into fists while he stood in front of the office building, glaring at the security guards who were blocking him from entering. He had been concealing his martial arts abilities in his new life with his wife and kids, but now it was time to reveal them."Move out of the way, Brunette," commanded one of the guards as he advanced with a baton. "This will be your final warning."Kelvin quickly disarmed the guard, causing the baton to fall to the ground with a clatter. The remaining guards hurried ahead, while Kelvin dashed ahead rapidly, hitting with accuracy using his fists and feet."Seize him!" Another guard yelled, but Kelvin had already reached them.He performed a roundhouse kick on a guard, causing him to collide with a wall. A different guard threw a punch, but Kelvin dodged and retaliated with a punch to the ribs, then an elbow to the jaw."Stop him!" A shout came from the rear. Kelvin spun around, seizing a guard's wrist and tossing him over his shoulder. T
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Chapter 9: Tensions Come to a Head
Upon arriving home, Kelvin immediately headed to his room and sat on the edge of his bed. He did his best to ignore what he heard over the phone with Sheena, where he held the cards gifted to him by Gerald, his father’s butler. As the morning light filtered through the curtains, the gold lettering on the cards gleamed. While he was putting on his clothes, a loud voice unexpectedly broke the silence of the house. “Kelvin! Get down here!” The sound of Stephanie's voice reverberated through the hallway. Kelvin got ready, took a deep breath, and left the bedroom. "Mother, what is the matter?" Stephanie stood in the living room with her arms crossed, wearing a serious expression. “Where did you take Lily and Luke?”Kelvin calmly replied, staying composed, "They are at school." She angrily said, "Don't lie to me! I have no trust in you. Where did you take my grandchildren?” Kelvin was surprised, his eyes opened wider. “I told you that they are currently at school. I drop them there thi
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Chapter 10: Revealing Secrets
Sheena rushed out of the office, her thoughts filled with troubling information about Mike's role in her kids' school issues. She couldn't get rid of the uneasy sensation that there was something more to this than what was apparent. Suppressing her anxiety, she concentrated on one goal – reaching her children. As Sheena neared the school, she saw her second cousin sister, Becky, again standing at the entrance with her kids, Casey and Shane. Preparing herself, Sheena advanced and greeted with a brief nod. "Sheena," Becky said in a contemptuous tone, dripping with disdain. "Nice to run into you. I heard that your kids were allowed back in school. Did you have to beg them, I can’t imagine how embarrassing it must have been for you to beg with tears and sweats.”Sheena gritted her teeth, choosing not to take the bait. “I'm just here to get my kids, Becky." Becky released a loud, forced laugh. "I am sure you are. Can you describe how it feels to have your husband's lack of wealth so vis
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