Chapter 12: Arrested and Intrigued

Kelvin closely observed as the principal swiftly intervened and scolded the bullying children. Seeing the principal advocate for his family filled him with a sense of satisfaction that he couldn't ignore. 

Suddenly, the sound of sirens filled the air. Kelvin turned to see two police cars pulling up behind him. The officers emerged quickly, moving with purpose.

"Kelvin Brunette?" One of the officers called out.

Kelvin nodded. "Yes, that's me."

"You're being arrested for attacking the security personnel of Martin Real Estate Company!" The officer announced as he moved closer and reached for his handcuffs. 

Kelvin lifted his hands, making no attempt to resist. "I understand." 

While being escorted to the vehicle by the officers, he observed a woman standing close by, observing the situation as it developed. She was one of the parents who arrived to bring her kids. She observed him with a combination of interest and worry.

Bella Marris appeared to be captivated by the situation. After observing the police car leave, she then made a choice. She climbed into her vehicle and trailed them to the station. In the station, Kelvin was taken to a small, bare-holding cell. After the door closed loudly behind him, he sat down on the uncomfortable bench. Shortly after, a police officer came closer. 

The officer unlocked the cell door and informed Kelvin that he had a visitor. 

Kelvin looked up, surprised. "Who is it?"

The officer didn’t answer, merely gesturing for him to follow. Kelvin was led to a small interview room where Bella Marris was waiting. She stood as he entered, extending her hand.

"Mr. Brunette, my name is Bella Marris. I'm an attorney," she said, her voice calm and professional.

Kelvin shook her hand, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand. Why are you here?"

"I saw what happened at the school," Bella explained. "I was impressed by how the principal defended the children, and I wanted to find out more. When I saw you being arrested, I decided to follow and see if I could help."

Kelvin sat down, still puzzled. "Help? Why would you want to help me? You don't even know me."

Bella took a seat across from him. "True, but I believe in justice. And sometimes, that means stepping in when you see something that doesn't seem right. Now, can you tell me what happened? Why were you arrested?"

Kelvin hesitated, then sighed. "It started at my workplace. There was an incident because my boss refused to pay me my severance payment. I—well, I got into a fight defending myself from my boss's security guards. Things escalated, and I got arrested."

Bella nodded, taking in his words. "And you came to the school today because...?"

"Because I was dropping my kids off at school," Kelvin replied. "The principal was handling a situation with the kids bullying my children.”

"Admirable," Bella said, her eyes softening. "Listen, Mr. Brunette, I want to help you. I'm an accomplished attorney, and I think I can make a difference in your case, you see I feel a strong connection to you."

Kelvin shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to drag you into this. Besides, why would you do this for me?" Kelvin watched her cautiously, unsure of what her intentions were and uncomfortable with her interest in him, a married man. "I thank you for the offer, Ms. Marris, but I must decline it.”

Bella had a disappointed expression on her face, but she said, “Very well, I will leave for now. But, I promise to be back, okay?”

With that, the mysterious woman was gone, and Kelvin experienced a mix of relief and nervousness.

As she left, Kelvin turned to the officer standing by the door. "Can you call my wife, please? She needs to know what's happening."

The officer nodded, leading Kelvin back to his cell. "We'll get in touch with her. Sit tight."

Back in his cell, Kelvin sat down, running a hand through his hair. The events of the morning played over and over in his mind. The arrest, the unexpected offer of help from Bella, and now the wait. He closed his eyes, trying to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in his head.

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