Chapter 13: Conflicting Narratives

Sheena was halfway out the door, her handbag slung over her shoulder, when her parents intercepted her in the hallway.

"Sheena, wait!" Her mother, Stephanie, called out, her voice tinged with urgency.

Sheena paused, turning to face her parents. "What’s wrong, Mom? Dad?"

"We need to talk to you," her father, Ronald, said, his expression serious. "How did Kelvin manage to get the children back into school?"

Sheena sighed, feeling the familiar tension rise. "I don't know for sure, Dad. But I think it was Mike Milly, my boss. He took responsibility for it."

Stephanie's eyes lit up with excitement. "Mike Milly? Oh, Sheena, this is wonderful news! Do you see what I’ve been saying? You need to divorce Kelvin and be with Mike."

"Mom, please," Sheena protested, rubbing her temples. "I'm not having this conversation again. I need to get to work."

Before Stephanie could respond, Sheena's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw it was the police station.

"Hello?" Sheena answered.

"Mrs. Sheena, this is Officer Daniels from the station. Your husband, Kelvin, has been arrested."

Sheena's heart sank. "What? Arrested? Why?"

"Please come to the station for details."

Sheena ended the call, her face pale. "Kelvin’s been arrested."

Ronald grabbed his car keys. "Let's go. I'll drive."

As they piled into the car, Stephanie barely waited for the engine to start before launching into her tirade. "Sheena, this is exactly why you need to leave him. Kelvin is a disaster for you. Mike Milly is successful, responsible, and clearly cares about you."

"Mom, can we not do this right now?" Sheena pleaded, staring out the window.

Stephanie ignored her. "Mike got the children back into school! What has Kelvin done except bring trouble? You deserve stability, Sheena. You need to think about your future."

Sheena sighed deeply, feeling the weight of their words but also the love she still had for Kelvin. "Let’s just see what’s going on first, okay?"

However, Stephanie kept on ranting without pause until they eventually arrived at the police station. They arrived at the station, and a stern-looking officer led them to a small, dimly lit room. Kelvin sat behind a metal table, his face filled with worries and his knuckles raw.

"Kelvin!" Sheena rushed to him, her voice a mix of relief and concern.

"Hey, Sheena," Kelvin said softly, his eyes flicking nervously to Ronald and Stephanie.

Stephanie crossed her arms, a smirk playing on her lips. "So, what did you do this time, Kelvin? Become a jobless hoodlum who goes around beating people up?"

Kelvin winced but kept his composure. "I was defending myself. My former boss, Mr. Martin's security guards tried to jump me, and I fought back."

Ronald frowned and asked curiously. "How many were there?"

"Five," Kelvin replied, with a confused expression.

Ronald’s eyebrows shot up. "You took out five guys by yourself?"

Ronald was shocked, how could a feeble man like his lowly good-for-nothing son-in-law defeat five security guards? Could his useless son-in-law be more than he presents himself?

Kelvin nodded. "I didn’t have a choice."

Stephanie laughed derisively. "Oh, please. Defending yourself? Sounds more like you were looking for trouble."

"Mom, stop it," Sheena snapped. "Kelvin, what exactly happened?"

Kelvin sighed, rubbing his temples. "I went back to my company's building and requested my severance package, but Mr. Martin refused to give me the pay, and when I refused to leave without my pay. He had his security guards attack me. One of them attacked me with a barton, and I just reacted."

"Reacted how?" Stephanie pressed, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Kelvin looked straight at her. "I defended myself. I didn’t start the fight, but I wasn’t going to let them hurt me."

However, just as the argument was about to get worse, a different voice interrupted the tension. "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help but listen to your discussion." 

Sheena looked over and saw a woman by the cell, appearing calm and composed. “I am Bella Marris, and I work as a lawyer. I have had a conversation with your husband and I wish to assist you in resolving this matter.”

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