Chapter 14: Suspicious Minds

Stephanie's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the elegantly dressed woman who had just walked in. Her curiosity got the better of her.

"And who might you be?" Stephanie asked, her tone dripping with suspicion.

The woman smiled, extending her hand. "I'm Bella Marris, Kelvin's attorney."

Ronald, Stephanie, and Sheena exchanged shocked glances. Ronald was the first to break the silence.

"How on earth did you manage to afford an attorney, Kelvin?"

Kelvin shrugged, looking as bewildered as the rest of them. "I... I didn't. I don't know what's going on."

Stephanie leaned closer to Sheena and whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with venom. "These types of women? They help men like Kelvin because they want something in return. Trust me, Sheena, she wants him for her sexual satisfaction. And knowing how—"

Feeling embarrassment, Sheena's cheeks turned red as she checked if Kelvin had heard anything. “Mother, I beg you! Stop making such comments. This is a serious situation, and our priority should be on getting Kelvin out of this place, not theorizing about... that." 

Stephanie released a contemptuous exhale. "Oh, please, Sheena. You are aware, just like me, that men such as Kelvin are nothing but harlots who sleep around with numerous women and don’t remain faithful to their wives. That's likely the reason why Bella Marris is so enthusiastic about assisting him.”

Sheena experienced a sudden rush of rage and moved closer, speaking in a low and firm tone. “Mother, that's enough. I refuse to hear you talk badly about my husband in that manner. Kelvin is a trustworthy man, and I have complete faith in him.”

Stephanie gave a condescending look as she rolled her eyes. “Oh, Sheena, you are still very naive. When will you realize that men such as Kelvin are only useful for one purpose? You should choose to be with a person similar to Mike, who can genuinely support you and the kids.”

"Mom, stop it," Sheena hissed, cutting her off. Sheena then turned to Bella, her expression firm. "Thank you for your offer, Miss Marris, but we can handle this situation ourselves."

Bella raised an eyebrow, her smile unfaltering. "With all due respect, Mrs. Sheena, your husband is facing serious charges. I assure you, my services are necessary here."

Kelvin furrowed his brow, looking between Sheena and Bella. "What’s the problem, Sheena? Why are you sending her away?"

Sheena’s jaw tightened. "I just don't trust her, Kelvin. And we can’t afford her."

Bella’s smile grew a bit more pronounced. "My services are pro bono. There’s no cost, you won’t have to pay anything."

Stephanie shot Sheena a knowing look, her whisper insistent. "See? Just like I said. She’s after him."

Sheena’s suspicion deepened, her mother’s words ringing in her ears. "Why would you work for free?"

Bella’s expression turned serious. "Because I believe in your husband’s innocence. And I want to help him."

The argument continued, voices overlapping in the small room.

"Sheena, we need her help," Kelvin insisted, frustration creeping into his voice.

"Kelvin, you don't even know her," Sheena countered. "What if she has ulterior motives?"

"Sheena, this is absurd," Ronald intervened, rubbing his forehead in exasperation. "We need to focus on getting Kelvin out of here, not questioning the attorney’s motives. Can we please let the attorney do her job so we can all go home?" Ronald is more interested in practical matters, such as how Kelvin manages to take down five guys.

Stephanie crossed her arms, her gaze fixed on Bella. "I still don’t trust her."

Bella seized the opportunity. "Thank you, Mr. Ronald. I assure you, that I have Kelvin’s best interests at heart. 

Sheena still looked skeptical. "Why are you doing this for free? What’s in it for you?"

Bella met Sheena’s gaze steadily. "I’m doing this because I believe in justice. And, that means helping people who can’t afford expensive legal fees."

 Sheena looked at her defeated, she did not trust Bella but she had no choice, it was either this or watching her husband rot in jail.

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