Chapter 11: Doubts and Deception

Kelvin decides it is best he tells his wife, Sheena about his ownership of the kid's school. He told Sheena the kids were telling the truth and the principal did indeed bow to him and showed him great respect.

Sheena gazed at Kelvin with a puzzled expression on her face. “Are you saying that the principal really bowed to you? And she fired the secretary based solely on your word?" 

Kelvin nodded with a serious expression on his face. "That is precisely how it played out, Sheena. The principal showed me an unparalleled amount of respect. I made her accept the kids back, she even promised to watch over them.”

Sheena shook her head, her lips tightly pressed together. "Kelvin, that doesn't make sense. My boss informed me that he was the one who successfully readmitted the children to the school. What reason would he have to lie about that?”

Kelvin narrowed his eyes. "Sheena, it's your boss who is being dishonest. I can guarantee you that I was the one who solved our children's school situation.”

Sheena crossed her arms over her chest while keeping her gaze steady. “I'm not sure what to trust, Kelvin. My boss has always been truthful with me, and there is no reason for him to lie to me.”

Kelvin sighed in frustration. "Don't you realize, Sheena? There's something else happening here. It is evident that your boss is trying to control the situation and manipulating you to get closer to you.”

Sheena shook her head, her face becoming more stern. “I cannot simply rely on your word, Kelvin. I have been colleagues with my boss for several years, and I have no reason to question his honesty. Plus he has the money to afford it, you don’t.”

Kelvin extended his arms, placing his hands on Sheena's shoulders. “Sheena, you must believe me about this. I am your husband, and I would never lie to you." 

Sheena narrowed her eyes and pushed away Kelvin's touch. "I am sorry, Kelvin, but I can't believe what you are telling me. For now, I believe my boss, at least until I gather more information about how the kids return to school.” 

Kelvin tried to argue, but Sheena quieted him by raising her hand. “I am heading to bed, Kelvin. We can talk about this tomorrow.”

With that, she walked off towards the bedroom, leaving Kelvin by himself in the living room, feeling disappointed and frustrated.  


The following day, Kelvin took the kids to school, his thoughts filled with the happenings from the night before. Upon their arrival at the school, he said goodbye to his kids as they walked towards the school entrance. But he observed a cluster of children gathering by the entrance and stopping Lily and Luke, their faces displaying animosity. 

Kelvin accelerated his speed, his protective instincts coming into play. He identified the kids - they were the ones the twins told him about before, they tend to bully the twins and mock them because of their poor father. Before Kelvin could step in, the school's principal came out of the building, her face looking serious. 

The principal asked, her voice loud, "What is going on here?" 

The kids spun around, their faces growing pale when they saw the principal. "I-I don't have anything to say, ma'am," one of the boys stuttered. "We were just... uh, playing a game." 

The principal glanced with narrowed eyes and walked closer, scanning the group with his gaze. “I will not allow any bullying or harassment towards Mr. Brunette's children. Should I catch wind of any such actions, everyone will be kicked out. Am I being understood?" 

The children nodded, their eyes filled with fear and widened. "But, ma’am.” 

The principal looked at the kids, her expression becoming more stern. “Is that understood!”

The kids got annoyed, but most of them nodded in response, one kid said as he started to tear up, “I am going to tell my parents about this.” He said as he and the rest of the kids ran into the school.

The principal gestures to Lily and Luke to go on in and assured them that the bully would not disturb them ever again.

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