Chapter 10: Revealing Secrets

Sheena rushed out of the office, her thoughts filled with troubling information about Mike's role in her kids' school issues. She couldn't get rid of the uneasy sensation that there was something more to this than what was apparent. Suppressing her anxiety, she concentrated on one goal – reaching her children. 

As Sheena neared the school, she saw her second cousin sister, Becky, again standing at the entrance with her kids, Casey and Shane. Preparing herself, Sheena advanced and greeted with a brief nod. 

"Sheena," Becky said in a contemptuous tone, dripping with disdain. "Nice to run into you. I heard that your kids were allowed back in school. Did you have to beg them, I can’t imagine how embarrassing it must have been for you to beg with tears and sweats.”

Sheena gritted her teeth, choosing not to take the bait. “I'm just here to get my kids, Becky." 

Becky released a loud, forced laugh. "I am sure you are. Can you describe how it feels to have your husband's lack of wealth so visible to everyone?”

Sheena suppressed her anger and concentrated on the sound of the school bell ringing. When the doors opened, she promptly guided her children out, disregarding Becky’s teasing. "Mom, have you heard about what happened with Dad?" Lily asked eagerly. 

With a furrowed brow, Sheena gazed down at her daughter. "What are you referring to, my dear?" 

"Wow, the principal is kind to Dad!" Added Luke. "She showed respect by bowing to Dad, she went to the extent of firing the secretary because Dad ordered her to!" 

Sheena laughed disdainfully while shaking her head. “I am sure you are making this up dear, Luke. Your father is not the kind of person capable of having that kind of impact on your Principal.”

However, the children kept going, and their enthusiasm easily felt. "Mom, it's true! Dad was like a boss over there!" 

Sheena let out a sigh, directing the children towards the taxi. "I guess I'll need to ask your dad about that once we return." 

Upon arriving in the driveway, Sheena couldn't shake off a feeling of discomfort. The description given by her children seemed so unbelievable that it almost sounded impossible. However, Mike's situation had already demonstrated that there was more happening than she had initially understood. 

Kelvin welcomed them with a friendly smile as they arrived at the door. "Welcome back, my beloved ones!" 

However, just as Sheena was about to reply, her mother, Stephanie, abruptly appeared with an angry look on her face. 

"Kelvin, there you are!" She exclaimed. As your wife is out working to provide for the family, you are simply relaxing and leaving all the work to her!”

Kelvin's forehead creased, and he started to respond, but Stephanie kept on with her rant. "And I've heard that you have been causing trouble at the kids' school now? Why couldn't you allow Sheena to deal with it in a typical manner?”

Sheena moved closer, placing her hand on Stephanie's arm. "Mother, please. Kelvin and I decided that I would get the kids from school today. It's not a big issue." 

Stephanie frowned, brushing off Sheena's touch. "Not a big issue? Sheena, that man is exploiting you! He's making you do his work while he lazily does nothing!" 

Sheena noticed the tension in the room growing and promptly intervened by placing herself between the two parties with her hands raised. 

"Okay, that's enough," she stated, with a steady voice. “Mother, I understand your worry, but Kelvin and I are managing well. Now, we would appreciate it if you could excuse us.”

Stephanie was about to voice her objection, but Sheena's father, Ronald, popped up and laid a hand on his wife's shoulder. He said firmly to Stephanie, “That's enough. Let's give them some space." 

Stephanie gave one final angry look at Kelvin before quickly walking away, with Ronald right behind her. Sheena sighed heavily before turning to Kelvin. "That was enjoyable," she remarked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "The children were sharing with me some fascinating details about your trip to the school earlier." 

Kelvin stood still as he wondered if now would be the right moment to tell Sheena of his ownership of the school and his true lineage.

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