Chapter 9: Tensions Come to a Head

Upon arriving home, Kelvin immediately headed to his room and sat on the edge of his bed. He did his best to ignore what he heard over the phone with Sheena, where he held the cards gifted to him by Gerald, his father’s butler. As the morning light filtered through the curtains, the gold lettering on the cards gleamed. While he was putting on his clothes, a loud voice unexpectedly broke the silence of the house. 

“Kelvin! Get down here!” The sound of Stephanie's voice reverberated through the hallway. 

Kelvin got ready, took a deep breath, and left the bedroom. "Mother, what is the matter?" 

Stephanie stood in the living room with her arms crossed, wearing a serious expression. “Where did you take Lily and Luke?”

Kelvin calmly replied, staying composed, "They are at school." 

She angrily said, "Don't lie to me! I have no trust in you. Where did you take my grandchildren?” 

Kelvin was surprised, his eyes opened wider. “I told you that they are currently at school. I drop them there this morning.”

"You are not telling the truth!" Stephanie's voice increased in volume. "Do you think I'm a fool? You are trying to deceive me. Confess, you have misplaced them somewhere!”

Kelvin nodded negatively. “No, Mother, I would never do that. They are out of harm's way. They are currently attending classes." 

"Ronald!” Stephanie shouted loudly, her voice high-pitched. "Can you come here?" 

Ronald emerged from the kitchen, drying his hands on a dish towel. "What is going on?" 

"Kelvin is lying to us!" Stephanie pointed a finger at Kelvin and made an accusation. "He has left the children at who knows where and refuses to tell me." 

Ronald glanced at Kelvin, then turned his gaze back to his wife. "Stephanie, relax. Simply give the school a call and verify if the kids are there." 

"Once again, you're siding with him?" Stephanie was extremely angry. "Why is it that you never show me any support on this matter?" 

Ronald let out a deep breath and took out his phone. “I am remaining neutral. Let me just make a phone call to the school.” 

Stephanie stared angrily at Kelvin, who held her gaze without blinking. "You will see," she whispered. "I cannot be deceived by you." 

Ronald called the school's phone number and patiently waited. "Hi, I'm Ronald Norman, the grandfather of Lily and Luke Brunette. I'm calling to verify their presence at school today." After pausing to listen briefly, he gave a nod of approval. "Yes, thank you, I appreciate it. Have a nice day." 

He put down the phone and faced Stephanie. "They are currently in school, so you don't have to worry.”

Stephanie's face turned red with fury. "Can you see? This is exactly what I'm talking about, you always fail to give me your support.”

Ronald said calmly. “I just wanted to verify the safety of the children.”

"You're completely unreasonable!" Stephanie raised her voice. "You always ignore what I say! You never support me!" 

Kelvin retreated to avoid getting caught in the middle of the conflict. "Mother, I am putting in my best effort here. The children are doing well.” 

"Shut up!" Stephanie shouted loudly as she turned her attention to her husband. “Ronald, why do you refuse to acknowledge that he is a plague in the life of our daughter and our grandchildren!" 

Ronald folded his arms and turned towards his wife. “Stephanie, that’s enough.”

Stephanie expressed contempt. "Do you think he should be given an opportunity? He has no job, He's bringing our family down with him.”

Kelvin's jaw clenched, but he remained silent. Ronald nodded negatively. “Stephanie, engaging in constant arguments is not benefiting anyone. We must concentrate on providing support for Sheena and the children.”

"Backing them up?" Stephanie's tone was filled with disdain. "By allowing him to remain here and mooch off of us?" 

Kelvin advanced. “I am not mooching on anyone for support. I am trying my best to support my family.”

Stephanie glared at him with fiery eyes. “If you really want to be useful then leave this family.”

"Stephanie, that’s enough!" Ronald’s voice was firm. 

Stephanie laughed bitterly. "You see! This family has been torn apart the moment he stepped into our lives!"

Kelvin clenched his fists, struggling to keep his temper in check. "I love Sheena. I love our children. I’m doing everything I can to make things right."

He said as he tried assuring his mother-in-law that he had solved the kid’s school fees, but she would not listen.

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