Chapter 8: Descent into Turmoil

Kelvin's hands balled into fists while he stood in front of the office building, glaring at the security guards who were blocking him from entering. He had been concealing his martial arts abilities in his new life with his wife and kids, but now it was time to reveal them.

"Move out of the way, Brunette," commanded one of the guards as he advanced with a baton. "This will be your final warning."

Kelvin quickly disarmed the guard, causing the baton to fall to the ground with a clatter. The remaining guards hurried ahead, while Kelvin dashed ahead rapidly, hitting with accuracy using his fists and feet.

"Seize him!" Another guard yelled, but Kelvin had already reached them.

He performed a roundhouse kick on a guard, causing him to collide with a wall. A different guard threw a punch, but Kelvin dodged and retaliated with a punch to the ribs, then an elbow to the jaw.

"Stop him!" A shout came from the rear. Kelvin spun around, seizing a guard's wrist and tossing him over his shoulder. The guard fell to the ground with a heavy thud, struggling to breathe.

Observing from afar, Martin felt his heart pounding. "He's crazy!" He whispered, stepping back.

Kelvin focused on Martin, his eyes filled with anger. Martin's complexion became very pale. He quickly turned and hurried towards his office, slamming the door as he entered.

"Hello, cops, please I need you, there is a very dangerous man outside my company’s building!" Martin shouted into the telephone, his voice shaking.

Kelvin listened to the faint noise of sirens getting closer. He was aware that if he stayed longer he would be unfairly arrested, which was something he couldn't risk. He glanced once more at the beaten guards before dashing towards the exit.

Meanwhile, Sheena got to her office, filled with thoughts about her children. She grabbed her phone and called Kelvin's phone number.

"Hello, babe, what happened with the kids?" She asked, her voice showing worry.

"They have returned to school," Kelvin remarked, with a slight touch of relief in his tone. He had gotten some distance from the company building, so the cops wouldn’t arrest him.

Sheena's eyes expanded in surprise. "Is that true? How did you do that?"

Before Kelvin could answer her, Mike, her boss, entered the office. He overheard her talking about her kids being accepted back into school, just before he came into the office. The only way he believed Kelvin could have accomplished this was if he begged the principal so that the kids could stay in school and he could go look for the money.

Mike spoke smoothly to Sheena saying he couldn't help but overhear. "Are your children back in school?"

Sheena gazed at him with a surprised expression. She put down the phone, unknown to her that Kelvin was still on the other line. "Yes, Mike, that is correct. They are back in school."

Mike grinned, moving nearer. "I was involved in that, you know." Mike lied; he saw this as an opportunity to win Sheena over.

Sheena closed and opened her eyes quickly. "You? ...but how?"

Kelvin remained on the call, paying close attention, feeling his jaw tense up.

Mike confidently continued, "Yes, I talked to the principal and ensured that everything was resolved. I just wanted to make you happy, Sheena."

Sheena's face showed a more gentle look, but confusion still remained. "Thanks, Mike. This is extremely thoughtful of you."

Kelvin's hold on the phone grew stronger, yet he stayed quiet, his rage bubbling underneath.

Mike rested on Sheena's desk, gazing into her eyes. "Sheena, you deserve better than what Kelvin is able to provide for you. You and your children deserve someone who can actually help support you."

Sheena was taken aback, her eyes growing wide in surprise. "Mike, what are you talking about?"

"I suggest," Mike whispered, "Let Kelvin go. Stay by my side. I can give you the life you and your children truly deserve."

Kelvin's breaths became more labored as he listened. Mike's voice conveyed sincerity, which only made his anger grow.

Sheena's head shook as her voice trembled. "Mike, I am at a loss for words. I appreciate your help, I really do, however..."

Mike interjected, "There's no need to make a decision right now. Just think about it, okay? Consider what is best for you and your children."

Sheena nodded slowly, a mix of confusion and gratitude evident on her face. "I... I will think about it."

Mike smiled, satisfied. "Good. That's all I ask."

Kelvin ended the call abruptly, unable to listen any longer. His mind was racing, his heart beating fast. He said to himself, “What did I just overhear?”

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