Chapter 7: Unraveling the Mysteries

Kelvin stepped out of the principal's office, his hand gently guiding Lily and Luke. The secretary glared at him, her eyes filled with loathing. Mrs. Henderson followed closely behind.

“Ms. Parker,” the principal said, her voice icy, “You’re dismissed. Please gather your things and leave immediately.”

The secretary’s eyes widened in shock. “What? You can’t be serious!”

“I am,” Mrs. Henderson replied firmly. “Your behavior towards Mr. Brunette and his family was unacceptable.”

“But—” the secretary began to protest, her voice rising in desperation.

“No buts,” Mrs. Henderson interrupted. “You’re fired. Now!”

The secretary's shoulders dropped while she started gathering her things, quietly mumbling to herself. She gave Kelvin one last angry glance before he crouched down to talk quietly to his children.

“Alright, kiddos, time to go to class. Be good, okay?” Kelvin kissed each of them on the forehead.

Lily hugged him tightly. “We will, Daddy.”

Luke nodded, his small face set with determination. “Yeah, we will.”

Kelvin watched as they walked into their classrooms, then straightened and walked out of the school without another glance at the secretary, who was now begging Mrs. Henderson for another chance.

Outside, Kelvin took a deep breath and checked his watch. He had enough time to swing by his old office and ask Martin for his severance pay before lunch. The thought of facing Martin again made his stomach churn, but he squared his shoulders and headed for the bus stop.

Upon his arrival at the office building, he quickly realized that something was amiss. A bold red stamp with the word BANNED was displayed across his face at the entrance wall. Upon Kelvin's entrance, the security guard at the front desk immediately glanced up.

The guard stood up and informed Kelvin that he was prohibited from entering.

Kelvin frowned, pointing at the poster. “What’s this about? I need to see Martin. I’m here to collect my severance pay.”

The guard shook his head. “You need to leave. Now.”

Kelvin argued, his voice getting louder, that he would not leave until he talked to Martin.

The guard approached, his hand gently touching the baton on his waist. “Please don't complicate matters, Mr. Brunette. Simply go away.”

Kelvin remained immovable. “No way. Absolutely not. I am entitled to receive my severance pay. I need to see Martin.”

The guard's face became more stern. "Leave the premises or I will be forced to take action."

Kelvin's frustration reached its boiling point. "You can't simply eject me in this manner! I have been working at this company for years!”

The guard's grip on his baton became firmer. “Final notice, Mr. Brunette. Leave the premises immediately.”

Kelvin folded his arms across his chest. "I am not leaving here without my pay."

Before the guard could communicate via his radio, Martin's voice broke through the tension. He had just arrived at the office.

"What is going on here?" Martin walked confidently into the lobby, quickly scanning the surroundings with his keen eyes. "What is this man doing here?"

The guard straightened instantly. "Mr. Martin, I was just going to—"

"Deal with him," Martin snapped. "He shouldn't be here."

Kelvin advanced, maintaining a steady voice despite feeling angry. “Martin, all I want is what is rightfully due to me. The payment I am entitled to after leaving this job.”

Martin showed his contempt with a curled lip. “Kelvin, you do not have a right to anything.” Martin turned to the guard. “Why is this man still standing? Take care of this nuisance. Now!”

The guards understood the order and moved quickly, pulling out their batons, and started attacking Kelvin.

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