The Good-for-nothing Son-in-law
The Good-for-nothing Son-in-law
Author: Affluence
Chapter 1: The Breaking Point

Exhausted from a lengthy day at work, Kelvin tiredly opened the front door, feeling the burden on his fatigued shoulders. Upon entering the simple living room, a piercing voice instantly overwhelmed his senses.

"There you are, you good-for-nothing leech! Where have you been wasting time while your children were sent home from school?" Kelvin winced, bracing himself for the onslaught.

The woman who stood before him was his spiteful mother-in-law, Stephanie Norman. As far as Kelvin could remember, she had always hated him ever since Sheena introduced him to her. His lack of money was the main reason for her attitude towards him, and this was made worse when he started failing to provide for his children.

"I'm sorry, I just got off my shift at the office. I didn't know—" Kelvin said nonchalantly. He had gotten used to the barrage of nagging from his mother-in-law.

"You didn't know?" Stephanie scoffed, her lips curling in disgust. "Of course, you didn't know. When have you ever cared about your responsibilities as a father?"

Before Kelvin could reply, his wife Sheena came out of the living room with their twin children holding onto her skirts. Her face was wet with tears. "Kelvin, the children had to leave school because the fees were not paid," she said, her voice shaking. "I attempted to clarify, but they refused to pay attention."

Kelvin's heart sank. "But your father was supposed to—"

"My husband?" Stephanie interrupted, her eyes narrowing. "Don't you dare try to pin this on my husband. I'm the one who told him not to pay another penny towards your children's education."

Kelvin's lack of money had taken its impact on his children's lives, especially their education. For the last few years, his father-in-law Ronald Norman had been paying for his grandchildren's school fees. However, recently Stephanie had forced Ronald to stop paying the school fees so she could have her way.

Sheena gasped. "Mother, how could you do that?"

Stephanie's gaze remained steely. "I am fed up with my sisters constantly making our family the butt of their jokes. Your useless husband is unable to take care of his children. It's about time he starts being responsible, or you can choose to leave him and marry one of the decent men who have been pursuing you."

Stephanie had always been in a rivalry with her older and younger sisters since they were little. Things got worse as they grew older; her sisters' children were married to wealthy billionaires, a life she had wanted for her only daughter. But instead, Sheena married a poor nobody.

Kelvin felt the blood drain from his face. "Please, Mrs. Norman, you can’t do this. I've been trying—"

"Trying?" Stephanie scoffed mockingly. "The only thing you've been trying is to leech off my family. Well, no more. Either you man up and take responsibility for your own family, or you can both leave my house."

Sheena clutched the children closer, her expression pained. "Mother, please, I am begging you. Kelvin is trying his best. Can't you see how hard this is for him?"

Stephanie's lips thinned to a harsh line. "All I see is a man who's brought nothing but shame to this family. Make your choice, Sheena: your wretched husband or your children's future."

Kelvin clenched his fists, frustration and despair creeping within him. He had to say something to make them understand. But the words were stuck in his throat, lost by years of humiliation and defeat.

Sensing his hesitation, Stephanie turned to Sheena. "I've already spoken to your boss, Mike Milly. He's agreed to take care of the children's fees if you agree to divorce Kelvin and marry him."

Sheena's eyes widened in shock. "Mike? But I don't… I can’t do that…."

"This is the best offer you're going to get," Stephanie said, her voice laced with determination. "Either you take the offer, or watch your children wallow in poverty."

Kelvin felt the ground shift beneath his feet. This couldn't be happening. His in-laws were truly willing to tear his family apart, all because of his inability to provide.

Rage and desperation bubbled up within him. "No!" he shouted, startling the others. "I won't let you do this."

Stephanie's demeanor changed. "Then you leave me no choice. Get out of my house, Kelvin. Take your worthless self and don't come back until you can support your family."

Kelvin’s heart was burdened with a combination of resolve and apprehension. In frustration, he stormed out of the house.

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