Chapter 2: A Desperate Gambit

The next day, Kelvin hurried through the imposing gates of the Martin Real Estate building, his mind racing. He had to get the school fees paid, no matter what. He went straight into his boss, Martin Wasnot's office.

Kelvin knocked on the office door. He hesitated for a second but continued anyway; he and Martin, his boss, had never truly seen eye to eye. Martin had always criticized Kelvin on every aspect of his job.

Kelvin prepared himself mentally, understanding the importance of being cautious. He entered the office and directed his attention to his boss sitting across the table. "Sir, I kindly request a company loan to cover my children's school expenses. They were dismissed yesterday and—"

Martin dropped the pen and document in his hand and looked dead center into Kelvin's eyes. "You incompetent bum, is this what you have resorted to?" He said as he straightened his glasses. "Just because this company allows employees to take loans and repay them through their salaries, you intend to?"

Kelvin said, "Sir, please, I…"

"That's enough. I will give you the loan; it's company policy," Martin said. But just as Martin was about to take the loan document out, he remembered something important. "Just a moment, I need to use the restroom.”

When he got into the restroom, he dialed his close friend's number. "Hey, Mike, are you there?" Martin spoke into the phone. "It’s Martin. Remember that girl you are obsessed with who works for you? Well, her husband is in my office right now asking for a loan to pay for his children's school fees," Martin said with a nasty smirk on his face.

Mike Milly responded, "Really? You don’t say," he said with a light chuckle. "Martin, I need you to fire that useless man immediately. I need him out of the way if I ever intend on winning Sheena over," he said with a stern voice.

Martin responded, still with a broad grin on his face, "Very well, my friend. Consider it done." With that, he cut the call, went back into the office, and sat at his desk. Kelvin was still in his chair, patiently waiting for his loan.

"Mr. Brunette, unfortunately, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I will have to let you go," Martin said as he reclined into his chair as if he had said nothing important.

Kelvin felt his heart sink. "Wait, what? You can’t… no, please!" Kelvin pleaded. But Martin held up a hand, silencing him. "Yes, that's right," Martin continued. "I'm terminating your employment effective immediately. I am sorry, but after cross-checking our financial situations, we need to make some necessary cuts to our workforce."

Martin sat straight and gave Kelvin a triumphant stare. "Please, do take your leave," said Martin, with a wicked smirk across his face.

Kelvin remained in place, shocked, while Martin guided him out. His whole world was falling apart, and he didn't know how to prevent it. On his way out of the office building, he received a phone call and picked up with a sad heart.

"Kelvin?" It was Sheena, her voice trembling. "Mother just told me you lost your job. Is it true?"

Kelvin was shocked. He was still in the office building; how did his mother-in-law find out he was just fired? He sighed, the weight of his failure crushing him. "Yes, it's true. I’m so sorry, Sheena. I was trying to get a loan to pay the school fees—"

Stephanie snatched the phone from Sheena, interrupting her. "Kelvin!" She yelled through the phone. "I asked you to go and make more money to take care of your kids, and you went and lost your only source of income."

Kelvin tried to speak, "Mother, please, I—"

Stephanie cut him off. "You have 24 hours, Kelvin, 24 hours to pay your kids’ school fees, or else you and Sheena are getting a divorce. I refuse to watch this charade of a marriage any longer," she said, her voice laced with venom as she hung up the phone.

His thoughts were moving quickly. A solution was required for him to prove that he was worthy of his family's respect.

Feeling the familiar shape of his family's signet ring in his pocket, he brought out a signet ring, a reminder of his lost lineage and a family heirloom. A small spark of optimism ignited inside him. Maybe… maybe there was one final risky move he could attempt as he called for a taxi to his next destination he had on sight.

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