Chapter 3: A Fateful Reunion

Kelvin quickly entered the busy jewelry store, feeling the familiar heft of the signet ring in his pocket. He felt his heart pounding as he neared the counter, his only objective being to obtain the funds necessary to maintain his family's unity. 

“Sorry to bother you sir,” he said, attempting to maintain a steady voice. "I want to put this ring up for sale." 

The shopkeeper stared at him suspiciously, but as he looked closer his eyes widened in realization. “Oh wow, is that... the emblem of the Brunette family.”

Kelvin became tense, feeling suddenly unsure. "Yes, it is indeed. I have to collect funds for my kids' tuition fees. Could you assist me?" 

The shopkeeper slowly nodded his head. “I'm sorry but I cannot purchase this from you son. This ring holds immeasurable sentimental value as a cherished family heirloom. It is rightfully owned by the Brunette family.”

Kelvin felt his heart drop. "Please, you don’t understand, my family is in a dire situation. I have no alternative.”

“I regret to inform you that I am unable to help you with this issue,” the shopkeeper stated firmly. “I do not have the right to sell or buy this ring. However I might know someone who does”, he said as he quickly went into the back room, unbeknownst to Kelvin the man made a phone call to his contacts at the Brunette family about the ring.”

Half an hour later Kelvin was getting impatient he said to himself. “Where did this man go.” At that moment the door of the shop opened and a recognizable person entered. Kelvin's breath hitched in his throat when he spotted Gerald, the butler who he hadn't seen in years. 

"Master Kelvin, there you are," Gerald said with a measured tone. "It has been a while sir, how have you been?" 

Kelvin experienced a wave of conflicting feelings. "I’ve been doing okay, but Gerald? Why are you here.”

“I was informed by the jeweler that you were trying to sell this ring,” Gerald explained, glancing at the piece of jewelry on the counter. "This is a Brunette family heirloom. You know it can't be sold."

"I don't care," Kelvin snapped. "I need the money."

The Butler came forward, remaining calm and patient in his expression. “I have been sent by your father to bring you back. He desires to have a conversation with you." 

Kelvin tightened his grasp on the ring, his jaw clenched. “I do not want anything to do with my father. I can't forgive him for what he did to me." 

“Please, just hear me out," Gerald pleaded. "If you need money, there are other ways. Selling the ring isn't necessary."

Kelvin hesitated a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "What other ways?"

Gerald reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a sleek black card and two business cards. "This is a premium card. You need to go to the city's largest bank to activate it.”

Kelvin eyed the card suspiciously. "And the other cards?"

"One is for the president of the city's largest bank. The other is for an underground boss who works with the family. You won't need to use them unless it's necessary. And as for your children's school fees, that will all be taken care of. I intend on purchasing the school and putting the ownership title in your name, so your kids can return to school tomorrow." Gerald explained with a gleeful smile on his face.

Kelvin was surprised and happy that his kids will finally be able to go back to school, but he still kept his composure in front of Gerald and took the cards reluctantly. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because your father asked me to," Gerald replied simply. "And because things are not as they were when you left. Your family needs you, Kelvin. Your father needs you."

Kelvin's jaw tightened. "I don't care about him. He didn't care about me."

"Just promise me one thing Master Kelvin," Gerald said, his tone serious. "When the time comes, when your father truly needs your help, you'll come to his aid."

Kelvin stared at Gerald, his mind racing. "Why should I promise that?"

"Because despite everything, you are still a Brunette. And your family needs you now more than ever," Gerald said quietly.

Kelvin took a deep breath, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. "Fine," he said finally. "I promise. But I'm not coming back now."

With that Gerald took his leave as he got into his limousine he made a phone call to Kelvin children’s school. “Hello, this is Gerald from the house of Brunette, yes I would like to purchase your school, Oakland Academy, today. Our lawyers will finalize the details on the phone and transfer the amount to your account. And yes, put the school ownership title in Kevin Brunette’s name, it is important that his kids are well taken care of.”

As Gerald took his leave, Kelvin pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, honey," Sheena said. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Kelvin said, his voice tinged with emotion. "Everything's going to be fine. Get the kids ready for school tomorrow.”

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