Jake Blake Hierarchy Mafia Lord

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Jake Blake Hierarchy Mafia Lord

By: Snowpinch OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 75

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As he has been kidnapped repeatedly. Jake the young master of the Blake family lived as a bum discarded and forgotten remnant of the society in order to hide his identity. Fortunately he fell in love with Sonya when he was in college and married her, later on, things fell out of proportion when she thought Jake's family was mediocre and could not match with hers so she abandoned Jake without mercy. When the two met again Jake was already living in a luxurious villa and driving expensive cars and shutters making those that wronged him pay him for the suffering they caused him. “You're so shameless being kept as a side piece by another woman.” Sonya rebuked angrily. “So what? Do you remember everyone around you thought I was so shameless to be kept a side piece by you, so why should I keep my face? You're really lifting me up.” Jake said contemptuously and shook the glass of wine in his hand.

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11 chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Jake stood on the soft sand of the Silver Planet island with a cold breeze fanning him as his brown eyes searched around for Sonya. He rushed to the suite with concern etched on his face only to find his friend sitting on the couch with a gamepad in his hand. “Did you see her? We're supposed to meet today for our anniversary.” “You can just call her.” his friend said his attention towards the screen while tapping on the pad in his hands “Did she forget?” Jake whispered to himself trying to shake off the creeping doubt. With a heavy heart, he dialled her number, his fingers trembling with every press. He pulled out his shirt as he was met with a sweaty body after the silence on the other end. He walked dejectedly into their small room. They were on friend vacation and Jake shared the same room with his friend but not today. He wanted to check if she was in the room and if she had intentionally left his call ringing. He entered the room without struggling, he
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Jake stuttered forward, his heart ripping in his chest at the realization of everything unfolding before him. Then Sonya's eyes meet two glaring eyes from the crowd that gets her to stutter backwards, it was Jake who welled out of the crowd absentmindedly.“What is happening here?” Sonya rolled her eyes and fell into her boyfriend's arms.“What do you think? I shouldn’t feel bad for you, get lost.” She hissed and hugged her boyfriend passionately.“I was going to divorce you Jake, I’m tired of putting up with your crazy attitude.”Jake felt a hammer to his chest, the crowd started murmuring and bringing out their phone to video the scandal unravelling before their eyes.“I took care of your father, made sure I worked hard to provide the life you want. Is it a crime to love you?”Sonya was dead silent for a while. “You owe that to my father because you put him in that situation and the petty money you give me cannot provide the life I want. Better watch that mouth of yours!
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Chapter 3
Jake pulled away from the man and then adjusted his clothes from swinging away, the man looked at him. And Jake smashed in his masculine tone. “Is it my father that sends you or my sister?”Jake inquired and the man cleared his throat. “Both of them, young madam saw the video circulating,”Jake clenched his jaw, this was in Silver Planet, he chuckled bitterly at his brother's thoughtfulness. “What about you tell him yourself? That would be the better, young master.” Jake, folding his arm by his side in hesitation, gazed down the road. “Are you going to defy me? Taking advantage of my current situation to get me back that is so much like him.” Jake unlocked the door but found out it was still locked despite his protest. “I'm sorry young master, but you have to come with us.” The car engine started and they revved onto the highway. Jake, surprised by the stubbornness of the bodyguards, scoffed and focused his attention on the streetlights. Memories wafted to him swallowing the l
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Chapter 4
Sonya, was more than shocked by the confidence in Jake's words, she stared at Jake, her mind stitching every piece of the word together. “Jake, you must be out of your mind asking for divorce.” Interrupting her Jake voice was sharp and emotionless. “Is that not what you wanted, why are you acting like I betrayed you. I was there Sonya. If I was told you'd cheat on me I would deny it but I witnessed it firsthand.”Panic seized Sonya, all this while Jake stayed at home and tended to her ill father, now that he's divorcing her who will take on the role.“You want a divorce! After everything I have done for you. You're so shameless.”“I have made up my mind, I can't bear being made a fool while you claim to be single with your lover.”Sonya stepped forward and slapped her hand across Jake's face, “I will divorce you whenever I want. It was just a show, I haven’t made up my mind.”Jake's anger pushed him forward with glaring anger and he grabbed Sonya by the arm. “Look Sonya, I treated
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Chapter 5
“Jake, where did you get so much money from?” Young master Manson asked in surprise.Jake smiled generously but his eyes were slightly cold. “Don’t worry my old friend, Manson, I didn't steal them, I have found a new girlfriend, not only is she considerate but richer.”“Black diamond card?” Manson exclaimed with doubt. “Did you discover it on your way here? Or did Sonya finally settle you for being her side piece by giving you an antique?”Jake's eyes flew with disgust. “How can it be, you’re thinking too much Jake, she’s so petty.”Manson, annoyed by this fact, wore a decor on his face and smiled awkwardly. “Jake, you're surprisingly going from Sonya to a very capable woman in a week! Haha.”The black diamond gold card was issued by the Crystal Planet only and there were only a few of them, to be specific there were sixty of them and these sixty diamond cards were distributed among the top rich families. Sonya's father was one of them and so was Janet Blake.“Of course, she's very ge
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Chapter 6
At Sonya Family “Jake and I got divorced, and I will be marrying,” Sonya said with a satisfied expression.Her mother stepped closer to her. “That's my girl, that good for nothing don't deserve you. I thought I wasn't the one that gave birth to you when you decided to stay with that bastard.”Although Sonya felt bad about Jake leaving her when she thought he cowered around and begged her for a second chance, she knew that employing a house help to look after her disabled father was going to incur extra costs for her.Although Manson was around there at that moment for the homecoming party. He thought to himself, Jake has found a new patron and may not be more interested in Sonya, what he said was. “Sonya is such a beautiful and outstanding lady, I think Jake will not let go of her easily.”Ella raised her head and said arrogantly. “My sister is not someone he can covet, he's an ugly toad with nothing to offer wishing to dine with swans. Who the hell does he think he is? Serves him ri
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Chapter 7
Emma couldn't clearly understand everything that was happening. She turned to her colleague. “Why is the department head furious and doing everything to please that man?” The department manager of the Cassanova Motel was a man of high status, even when governors and other rich people could he was not so enthusiastic in serving them, when Emma saw her superior with a flattering attitude towards Jake she wondered in confusion. Anxiously she asked again. “The manager couldn't have fired me right.” Her colleague sighed and pointed out the window. “The car the person drove here is the Voidom Mercedes! The latest model of Mercedes produced by the Blake family on Crystal Planet, I heard it costs over 350 million,” Vivian said to Emma mysteriously. Emma shook her head, unable to believe Jake could afford a scooter, talking more of the latest Mercedes car produced on Crystal Planet. “Where did he get so much money?” she asked absentmindedly. Emma thought to herself Jake's family shouldn'
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Chapter 8
Jake had just hung up on Janet and another call entered, Jaje picked up the call and the image of his friend showed up. “Jake you divorced Sonya! I didn't think you'd ever do that!” His friend looked at the bed behind Jake and shot a shocking glare at Jake, “How did you get such a lavish apartment in r is that a wallpaper behind you?” Jake nodded and replied, his face stoic with no expression. “No, it's my apartment.” “There is a classmate gathering tomorrow, you must come,” he said. “Classmate gathering!” Jake asked in surprise, even when he was together with Sonya he wouldn't attend the classmate gathering, he would listen to his classmates mocking him and calling him all sorts of bad names. “Yes, it's the same date every year, you should attend this time around. It's at 6:00 pm at the Silver Planet Hotel. Many classmates are insulting you and saying Sonya divorced you because you cheated on her, they labelled you ungrateful they want you to clear the rumour. I have told them t
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Chapter 9
“Jake you're finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” his friend Trent rushed towards him. “Did you really lodge at Silver Planet Casanova VIP room?” Jake looked at Trent and teased, “You're such a know-it-all all.” “Come on I got the news from Emma, she is here too, you first bought a luxury shuttle, then a VIP suite of 30 thousand, you're a posh now.” He said with an obvious jealous tone and thought to himself: Jake spent over 300 million on a star shuttle and 30 thousand on a one-night suite. He spent such a huge amount after his break up in total. What kind of person is his girlfriend? She is so stupid that he would give Jake that much money! "You even got a VIP suite?" As soon as Ella walked in, she heard the conversation between Jake and Trent. Jake smiled and said. “It's just a small suite, it's not even compared to the price of your daily spending my fair lady.” “Looks like you've soared higher this time.” Ella huffed in disbelief. With his shar
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Chapter 10
Sonya did not expect Jake to admit to it straightforwardly and speak back to her, her cheek twitching slightly at the responses they got from their classmates surrounding them.Jake thought to himself, his sister has a gorgeous face, and he is so proud to have a rich and generous sister like her. But now everyone thinks he is dating a rich woman, well it will be best for him to play along.Jake sighed resignedly, "Sonya you are also a woman. You should know how difficult it is for an outstanding woman to have just one lover from beginning to end. As long as she is willing to give me money, I’m fine with her having a harem."Sonya clenched her fists and said, "You are talking about money whenever you speak. When have you become so greedy for wealth?""Miss Sonya, if we don't talk about money, then what should we talk about? About our forgone affections? Affection is illusory, it is no better than money! When it comes to money, I can still save it in my bank account; when it comes to af
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