Return of the Golden Vultures: Andy McDaniel strikes back.

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Return of the Golden Vultures: Andy McDaniel strikes back.

By: Roseblaze OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 7 views: 60

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After several years of enduring the humiliation of his in-laws, Andy McDaniel decided to stand up to his brother-in-law by punching him to the face, which led to his arrest, as they were determined to make him suffer, little did they know that he was more than they thought. With a signal phone call, he was released from prison, but on coming back to the mansion, he was served with a divorce paper, signed by his beloved wife, and his son was nowhere to be found. Join Andy McDaniel as he reveals his true identity and gets back at his enemies one after the other.

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7 chapters
Chapter 1. The arrest.
"Never." Lynn disagreed with what she was asked to do as she got up from her seat and left the sitting room, slamming the door behind her. She was just asked by her grandfather to divorce her husband and marry Mr Clay who wasn't a member of the family but was present in the family meeting which her husband wasn't invited to.Recently, Andrews Clay had been paying the family of Shelton a lot of visits but she never knew what his intentions were all along. She thought he was coming for business, since he owned one of the most prominent companies in the city, and was looking for a merger or something of such. She never knew he had eyes for her and her family never said so, only to present a divorce paper for her to sign that afternoon."Will you come back here Lynn! How dare you walk out on all of us?"Shelton Fred, her younger brother who had followed her outside said in a rude tune, not minding she was his elder.Ever since she married McDaniel Andy, he had lost his respect for her an
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Chapter 2. Divorce paper.
Exactly two weeks after McDaniel Andy was arrested, he arrived back at the Shelton's mansion, dropped off by a cab. But on walking towards the gate, he was stopped by the security guards, who acted as though they didn't know he lived there."What's the meaning of this?" Andy asked in surprise as he looked at the faces of the two guards."You are now welcomed here anymore, so we'd advise you to leave peacefully." One of the guards said, placing his hand on Andy's shoulders since Andy tried to ignore them by going into the compound and mansion.Andy looked at their faces again and saw great seriousness, implying that the order to keep him out of the mansion wasn't a small one, but one that could cost them their jobs.Even with his observations, he was still going to enter the mansion as he was eager to see his wife and child and ensure they were alright, the job of those guards wasn't his problem. Pretending to walk away, the next minute Andy throws a punch at one of them, but his fis
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Chapter 3. The Golden Vultures.
After Andy left the Shelton mansion, his mind wasn't at rest, he had faced several humiliations from the Sheltons before now but what he faced that evening was far more than the rest. His brain was still trying to figure out why his wife would sign the divorce papers which were presented to him, because her signature wasn't one that could easily be forged. Adding to the fact that she was absent in the family celebration, made him convince himself that something was wrong and that she needed him. Earlier before coming to the mansion, he had tried her line multiple times and it wasn't going through, still that didn't stop him from dialing her number again as he got to the nearest phone booth. When he was arrested, everything pertaining to him was left in the mansion and with the anger he felt while leaving the party, he didn't bother to check in and park some necessary things.At the phone booth, Lynn's number was still going straight to voicemail. So he switched to calling a differe
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Chapter 4. Wilkinson of New York?
The convoy of the Golden Vultures stopped inside the premises of a well structured mansion, though that was not the place Andy expected to be, but he knew there was a reason why they drove down there instead, after all, six years was enough for the total transformation of the organization. When he stepped out of the car, he expected to see Franklin too step out from the one in the center which he should have entered but to his surprise Charlie was the only one to come out along with the driver and guards."Welcome back Boss," Charlie walked up to him, putting out his hands for a handshake.But Andy did not only shake his hand, he also hugged him. He was happy to see Charlie having such rank in the organization, especially because he personally recruited and trained him in the ways of the organization.After the hug, he looked at the six guards and drivers that had stepped out of the three car convoy with them, and they were all new faces, none that he recognized. When he left, Charli
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Chapter 5. Change of plans.
The event at the Los Angeles airport was carried by all television stations and everyone kept talking about it, with the big unanswered questions of "Why have the Golden Vultures returned."Many thought that Gibbs was back to the United States to continue the family business, but videos continued to repeat as people tried to identify who the Golden Vultures picked up from the airport that morning. Reporters began to call them out, for an open speech, but most of the official lines of the organization were redirected to other organizations that broke out from the Golden Vultures, thereby making them aware of the big boys' return.The Sheltons were having dinner as usual in the dining room when the news began to air for the third time that day."It's such a shame that these reporters still can not identify who the Golden Vultures picked up at the airport." Bobbie said as she was sick and tired of hearing the story without any useful information."Sooner or later, they'll tell who reviv
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Chapter 6. New partners.
In the evening, that same day, Andy and Charlie arrived at the Emerald restaurant, one of the biggest in the city by means of a taxi. He did not want to cause a scene there, so he came in a casual manner.When they entered the restaurant, Karen was already seated and waved to them the moment she recognized them. It was a first class restaurant, so most of the people there had bodyguards hanging around. Since it wasn't news to people that the Prime minister's daughter just returned to the country, the people around began to wonder who Andy and Charlie were to be the ones to have a first official meeting with her, adding to the fact that she had returned to the United States to take over the family's business, since her father more focused on politics and his duty as the Prime minister. The attention on both Andy and Charlie soon shifted to only Andy the moment it was noticed that he was the one Karen was there to meet, because the table was reserved for two and Charlie had to take a
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Chapter 7. Rumors and closed case.
"Lynn! Lynn!! Lynn!" Clay shouted at the top of his voice as he entered the sitting room of his mansion.It was mid-day, and it was unlike him to have returned home by that time, therefore implying that the issue at hand was very urgent and needed to be settled at once.Lynn was upstairs in her room, hearing his call, she felt reluctant to answer, after all Clay knew exactly where to find her, and didn't have to scream her name that way.In the next couple of minutes, he was at the door post of her room, forcefully opening the door, he walked up to the sofa where she was sitting and gave her a dirty slap on the cheek.That was the first time he was laying hands on her and her cheek turned red as a result of the slap while she held her face, with tears filling her eyes."Didn't you hear me calling?" Clay asked with rage.But Lynn still in pain didn't answer his questions, she barely spoke to him ever since she was made to move in with him. They were yet to say their marriage vows so
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