Chapter 3. The Golden Vultures.

After Andy left the Shelton mansion, his mind wasn't at rest, he had faced several humiliations from the Sheltons before now but what he faced that evening was far more than the rest.

His brain was still trying to figure out why his wife would sign the divorce papers which were presented to him, because her signature wasn't one that could easily be forged. Adding to the fact that she was absent in the family celebration, made him convince himself that something was wrong and that she needed him.

Earlier before coming to the mansion, he had tried her line multiple times and it wasn't going through, still that didn't stop him from dialing her number again as he got to the nearest phone booth.

When he was arrested, everything pertaining to him was left in the mansion and with the anger he felt while leaving the party, he didn't bother to check in and park some necessary things.

At the phone booth, Lynn's number was still going straight to voicemail. So he switched to calling a different number which answered on first ringing.

"Hello, Blake, it's Andy, are you still in Texas?"

"No Sir, I already left last night like I told you."

Robles Blake answered on the other end. He has been Andy's best friend since childhood and was responsible for Andy's release from prison after getting a call from him while in police custody.

When Andy first called him to inform him about his arrest and location, he was shocked because Andy had cut contact with him and the rest of his family for the past ten years. No one knew where he was and it got to the point where he was thought dead.

Blake could have easily put a call through to the prison and request Andy's release, but because he really wanted to see his face again, he had to fly down to Austin and bail him out. This happened five days ago, after which they parted again, because Blake had something important to take care of and Andy wasn't ready to leave Austin without his wife and son.

For Andy to call him again so soon and from a public number, Blake knew something was wrong again.

"Tell me you weren't arrested again."

"Of course, I wasn't, except that I was ready to go home with you, I've stayed hidden for too long."

"Of course you have."

Blake replied with a troubled tune that Andy could sense through the phone, and became eager to know what happened.

"Did you miss the meeting?" Andy asked as that appeared to be the only thing he could think of that could make Blake sound the way he did.

"Worse than that." Blake found it difficult to tell him what had happened, but still he must do so. "Your parents were murdered and your sister's family is nowhere to be found. Right now, I can't be seen anywhere near the company, mansion or villa, else my life will be over."

"Tell me you are joking?" Andy could not believe his ears.

He could not imagine spending all these years in isolation from his family only to hear that he wouldn't be able to see his parents again and even his most cherished younger sister.

There was no response from Blake to that question which entailed that he wasn't joking about his parents death, so Andy continued. "Please, stay hidden, I wouldn't want to lose a brother too. I'll be coming home by the weekend."

"Weekend?" Blake was surprised.

It was already the weekend, therefore Andy was referring to the next one, whereas he just said he was ready to come home, so the weekend was quite far.

Andy had intended to return home immediately as of the time he made the statement, but the unfortunate news which he just heard made him to change his mind instantly, and move his return further, since he could not go back to the city where his family was murdered without a well laid out plan on how to find his sister and those that killed his parents.

"Yes, Blake. I know it's far but with what you just told me, I can't come home immediately anymore without proper preparation. Please stay safe."

Blake was going to say something else but Andy didn't want to hear further as he dropped the call.

His anger grew the more knowing that what he planned for the Sheltons would take longer than expected. He was restless in his spirit, because he now had to think of rescuing his sister from whoever had her.

It was really a tough choice for him at the moment, since he had to choose who to save first, his sister or his son who he had no idea what the Sheltons and Clay did with him. Even the question of why his wife signed the divorce papers was still on the line.

After much contemplation on what to do, he finally called another number on the phone booth and it began to ring. There was no response the first time and his mind seemed to be at ease because he was having double thoughts about calling that number, so he didn't dial it again at an instant.

Turning away from the phone booth, the words Blake re-echoed in his head and so did the humiliation of the Sheltons flash in his head too, so he muttered, shaking his head as he turned back to the phone booth. "No way, they have to accept me back."

He dialed the number again and patiently waited for it to be answered.

"Hello, who's this?"

A thick voice asked from the other end of the call.

"Charlie, it's McDaniel Andy." Andy recognised the voice that answered even though that was the person he was expecting to pick up the call.

"Boss, you're alive." Charlie was convinced by the mentioning of his name.

"Of course, I'm alive and I'm coming back. Tell Franklin to pick me up at the airport first thing in the morning."

"Yes Boss, we'll be there before your plane lands."


When McDaniel Andy arrived at the airport of Los Angeles in California, he gently came to the parking lot where he would be picked up by Franklin as he had informed on the phone.

While waiting for his ride to arrive, a convoy arrived at the airport and people began to clear their cars, as the convoy bore the flag and logo of the prime minister.

Standing on the other side, he quietly watched as some bodyguards came out of the car, standing at all corners, so he quickly knew they were there to pick up someone very important to the prime minister and state.

While he fixed his eyes on them, his ride arrived, causing another scene, as people began to wonder what could make two prominent individuals decide to use that airport on the same day, and time.

Charlie, not knowing that Andy wouldn't like such attention, had come to him up with a convoy too, and on theirs was the logo of the Golden Vultures, a highly respected organization throughout the country.

The attention which Charlie drew that morning was even more than that of the prime minister, even though their convoy was shorter.

The attention was so great on them because the Golden Vultures had gone quiet three years ago after the assassination of their then leader. So it was shocking to see that they were still in operation because ever since the incident, no one took up the mantle of leadership and many of them scattered abroad, joining other prominent organizations in the country.

Andy knew he was the one they came for, but with the attention drawn, he chose to hide in the midst of the crowd, having seen cameras put up and videos being taken.

At this moment, Miss Karen, the prime minister's daughter, came out of the airport, and walked straight to her ride, even as she wondered what could be causing the scene, because it definitely wasn't her. (Though she also drew attention)

As she walked into her ride, and the attention on the Golden Vultures reduced, Andy ceased the moment and quickly walked towards the first car. He knew the middle one was for him, but he chose the first to avoid much eyes on him, which was still a failure because the doors were opened for him the moment he was sighted, and afterwards the drove away from the airport and crowd.

The prime minister's convoy did not move immediately, as they waited for Karen's order before moving.

She had entered her car before Andy made his move, so she was unable to see him, as such was eager to know who could draw so much attention that her presence wasn't felt that much.

"Who are those?" She asked the driver who was waiting to hear the order to start the car.

"That's the Golden Vultures, Ma'am."

She too was surprised to hear the name 'Golden Vultures' though she had been outside for a long time now, she still heard stories of them and how they went out of operation.

"I thought they ceased to exist?"

"Yes, ma'am, that's why they draw so much attention. It's been three years since their logo was last seen and anyone talked about them."

"Yes, I heard the story." Karen answered.

"Can we go now, ma'am?" The driver was forced to ask since it was taking forever for her to give the order, and having introduced that topic, they may never leave the airport if the conversation continues.


Karen answered, and the driver then communicated the order to other drivers and the convoy left the airport.

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