Chapter 4. Wilkinson of New York?

The convoy of the Golden Vultures stopped inside the premises of a well structured mansion, though that was not the place Andy expected to be, but he knew there was a reason why they drove down there instead, after all, six years was enough for the total transformation of the organization.

When he stepped out of the car, he expected to see Franklin too step out from the one in the center which he should have entered but to his surprise Charlie was the only one to come out along with the driver and guards.

"Welcome back Boss," Charlie walked up to him, putting out his hands for a handshake.

But Andy did not only shake his hand, he also hugged him. He was happy to see Charlie having such rank in the organization, especially because he personally recruited and trained him in the ways of the organization.

After the hug, he looked at the six guards and drivers that had stepped out of the three car convoy with them, and they were all new faces, none that he recognized. When he left, Charlie was still serving as an errand boy and guard for the organization, so if he had attained such rank in the organization for them to sign him with the responsibility of picking him from the airport, then the organization must have attained an unmeasurable height.

"Is this the residence of Franklin?"

His continuous query about Franklin was because Noah Franklin was his deputy as of the time when he left the Golden Vultures, so it was more like he handed over the title and office of second in command to him, since that was his position then.

"Why don't we go inside, first." Charlie ignored the question though his face gave Andy the answer he was seeking that that wasn't the dwelling of Franklin.

Not wanting to continue further questioning in front of the new faces, he followed Charlie as they went into the well furnished parlor of the mansion.

Andy was surprised to see his picture frame on the wall beside that of Mr Harper Trent who was the founder of the Golden Vultures. So the next thing that came to his mind was why Harper Trent would live there, because his dwelling which Andy knew was much bigger and better than the one they were in.

Charlie read the looks on his face and didn't wait for him to ask the question in his mind before giving the answer. "Welcome to my home, boss. Please have a seat."

After he took his seat, Charlie continued. "You don't know how happy I am to have you back. Your call last night revived the entire Golden Vultures because we thought you were dead all these years."

That wasn't the expression he was expecting to get, considering the circumstances when he left. That was why his mind skipped when he saw Trent's picture and thought that was his home. Nevertheless, he had a reason for coming back, and really needed to get on it, by seeing those at the top.

"I need to speak with Franklin and probably Mr Trent."

Since Andy kept going straight to the point, Charlie had no option than to proceed with the information he was seeking.

"Franklin is no longer with the Golden Vultures and the boss is dead."

The word 'dead' stock Andy's heart on another level as he did not understand what he meant by Trent was dead. He was one of the most protected men in the whole of the United States, as such difficult to kill because of the security he moved with. Also, he was a father figure to him after he left his home, so he could not process the fact that his two fathers were dead. Not to mention the fact that Franklin was not with the Golden Vultures anymore.

"If this is a joke, you had better stop it."

"You know me Sir, I wouldn't joke with such a thing. He was assassinated three years ago after it was discovered that your name was on the top list of those he would hand over the organization to."

Now that was beginning to make sense to him, as he asked. "And the perpetrators?"

"Still unknown. All the top leaders refused to avenge him because they couldn't forgive him for putting your name on the top list. They all scattered, some forming new gangs with their men, and others joining existing ones. Right now, I am the only one holding the Golden Vultures together, having the highest chain of command."

Though Andy didn't want to believe what Charlie said to him, but with what happened in the airport when the logo of the Golden Vultures was seen, he had no choice but to believe. Yet he blamed himself for what happened to Trent and the Golden Vultures.

Seven years ago, Trent had told him how he would pass on the mantle of leadership to him, but he declined, insisting that Trent pass it on to his direct and biological son, after all, he already had an inheritance waiting for him and wouldn't want to take that of another man all because of his faithful service to his father, so he left the Golden Vultures, to ensure that Trent passed the leadership to Harper Gibbs his biological son.

"What about Gibbs?" Andy asked.

"Rumor has it that he was responsible for his father's death, but it hasn't been proven, besides no one cared. He left the country ever since, refusing to do anything about his father's death."

Then Andy exhaled heavily, seeing that there was a lot for him to take care of now that he had decided to resurface. The Golden Vultures were his second family and couldn't let the legacy which Trent built to die that way.

"How many men do you have under your chain of command?" Andy asked, as that appeared to be the best place to start from, since it had the name and resources to go after his birthright and his family.

"A total of thirty five men, including the ones outside."

"Very well then," Andy got up from his seat, even though the number of men was far lower than what he expected to hear. "You'll have to assemble your men. Right now, I'll be needing some funds and two men to accompany me back to New York."

"New York?" Charlie didn't understand what he meant by that. He just arrived in California, and now he was talking about leaving again.

"You heard me right. My full name is Wilkinson McDaniel Andy."

"Wilkinson of New York?" Charlie was amazed upon hearing that name and rephrased it to the way it was known across the country.

"Yes, and I'd like you to keep this information to yourself alone."

Charlie nodded in awe, as he also knew the reason why he needed to go to New York, because news of his family's passing was already everywhere in the country, though it didn't carry the real information of what happened to them, and the entire country was also taking the story presented to them by the press.

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