Chapter 2. Divorce paper.

Exactly two weeks after McDaniel Andy was arrested, he arrived back at the Shelton's mansion, dropped off by a cab. But on walking towards the gate, he was stopped by the security guards, who acted as though they didn't know he lived there.

"What's the meaning of this?" Andy asked in surprise as he looked at the faces of the two guards.

"You are now welcomed here anymore, so we'd advise you to leave peacefully."

One of the guards said, placing his hand on Andy's shoulders since Andy tried to ignore them by going into the compound and mansion.

Andy looked at their faces again and saw great seriousness, implying that the order to keep him out of the mansion wasn't a small one, but one that could cost them their jobs.

Even with his observations, he was still going to enter the mansion as he was eager to see his wife and child and ensure they were alright, the job of those guards wasn't his problem.

Pretending to walk away, the next minute Andy throws a punch at one of them, but his fist was caught before it hit the guard's face, and that instigated them to apply force in making sure he leaves the mansion never to return.

Under the next couple of minutes, as he was held on both sides and was being dragged to the road, he stepped on one of the guard's feet so hard that he broke the bones, making the guard unable to stand properly, thereby freeing his one side.

To the other guard, he flipped him to the ground, breaking free of his grip as he further stroked him on the neck, making him unconscious. Then to the one he had broken his foot, who tried to still fight him, he gave an option to either let him into the mansion or join his colleague, who applied dead in his sight.

"Wise choice." He said as the guard stopped, implying that he was going to let him in.

Getting close to the entrance, he heard some unusual noise, as though a party was ongoing on the inside so he paused and wondered what the occasion was to warrant such a happy atmosphere.

"All is well," he muttered to ease his mind which was already telling him that all wasn't well.

Just as he had forethought, there was a celebration so he stopped at the door post, rolling his eyes as he observed a few new faces in the hall, and everyone was having a great time, as they dined with laughter and merriment.

Soon his eyes met with that of Harvey, who instantly calmed the hall, making everyone eager to hear what he had to say.

It was at the calming for the hall that the rest of the Shelton family noticed Andy standing at the doorpost and were all in shock as to how he wasn't in prison and how managed to pass the guards at the gate.

"What is he doing here Mr. Harvey? I thought you said you took care of him?" Mr. Clay whispered.

"Of course, we did take care of him." Penny was the one to answer Clay's question.

The rest of the new faces in the hall were now wondering what was going on and who Andy was to have changed the joyful atmosphere to a tensed one by his presence alone.

Since there was a change in atmosphere by his presence, he walked up to the table where Harvey sat side by side with Clay and asked.

"Where is my wife?"

This was his first words because of the presence of Mr Burton and his family who he sighted in the hall. Shelton Burton was the second son of Harvey, therefore making his wife the only member of the Shelton family who wasn't seen in the house party since that was what it appeared to be.

"What wife? She divorced you already, so you don't have the right to address her as such…."

"That's a lie." Andy didn't allow Harvey to finish his sentence because he knew Lynn would never do such a thing.

"Are you calling Grandpa a liar?" Fred intervenes.

Now the audience that weren't Shelton were getting interested in the drama going on, they wanted to understand the whole thing, as they didn't know who to believe, whether it was the well-known Harvey or the stranger that changed the atmosphere of the party by his presence.

"See for yourself," Fred hands over the divorce papers which they've forced Lynn to sign to Andy.

"This can't be, I want to see my wife. Where is Lynn?" Andy was still in doubt even after seeing her signature on the paper, he expected an explanation from her.

"Your conviction made her realize how much of her life she has wasted with a loser like you, and so she moved on. She's in a better place now."

"I want to speak to my wife and you will tell me where she is." Andy stood his ground, knowing they forced her to sign the divorce papers, as he grabbed Fred by the cloth with so much rage in his eyes, ready to hit him if he said another word that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"Lynn is my wife now and you have no business with her." Clay was getting tired of the drama and wanted to put an end to it since the Sheltons could not end it at once.

"Listen up people, this man here is a murderer and I'm sure he escaped from prison. As you all have seen here, he is dangerous and insane."

Now with the way Andy was holding Fred and how things were playing out, it felt as if Clay's words were true and those who didn't know him looked at him with disdain, believing what Clay had said about him, adding to how the atmosphere changed when he came in.

"What about my son? Where is he?" Andy still did not mind the way he was being looked at, since they said his wife has remarried, at least he should get custody of his kid since he knew very well that Clay and Sheltons would not care of his seed.

Since the invited guests were beginning to take what Clay said about Andy, Fred thought it was wise to make them believe it further.

"What son? You impotent fool. You don't have a child not to talk of a son."

"Argh!" Andy shouted in annoyance as he struck Fred, breaking his nose again for the second time.

Now with this act, people began to throw stuff at him ranging from the food on their plates to the cutleries and as much as they could lay their hands on, all so that he would leave the premises because they believed him to be insane as Clay had claimed.

That was as much as Andy could bear, so he let go of Fred who he was determined to destroy his face for making him seem like a fool, and left the hall, but before that he made a promise to the Sheltons.

"I will be back, and you all better be ready when the time comes."

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