Return of the Golden Vultures: Andy McDaniel strikes back.
Return of the Golden Vultures: Andy McDaniel strikes back.
Author: Roseblaze
Chapter 1. The arrest.

"Never." Lynn disagreed with what she was asked to do as she got up from her seat and left the sitting room, slamming the door behind her.

She was just asked by her grandfather to divorce her husband and marry Mr Clay who wasn't a member of the family but was present in the family meeting which her husband wasn't invited to.

Recently, Andrews Clay had been paying the family of Shelton a lot of visits but she never knew what his intentions were all along. She thought he was coming for business, since he owned one of the most prominent companies in the city, and was looking for a merger or something of such. She never knew he had eyes for her and her family never said so, only to present a divorce paper for her to sign that afternoon.

"Will you come back here Lynn! How dare you walk out on all of us?"

Shelton Fred, her younger brother who had followed her outside said in a rude tune, not minding she was his elder.

Ever since she married McDaniel Andy, he had lost his respect for her and her live-in husband.

Andy was coming towards the mansion after hearing of the family meeting going on, only to see his wife come out with a distressing mood with Fred scolding her like always.

"What's the matter darling? Is the meeting over?"

"You weren't invited, so go back to work." Fred replied Andy even though he wasn't the one he had asked the question.

Andy had been asked earlier to tend to the garden in order to keep him away from the meeting. They didn't want him to embarrass them in front of Andrews Clay or even cause a scene, after all he wasn't regarded as a part of the family.

"I wasn't talking to you." Andy shunned Fred as he focused back on his wife for an explanation.

He was able to speak to Fred in that tune because they were alone out there, though he despised Fred, he didn't usually talk to him in that manner because of his respect for grandpa Harvey and grandma Bobbie who were usually around to side with Fred.

Fred couldn't believe the tune which Andy used on him, as such couldn't take it, so to reinstate his dominance, he walked up to Andy, giving him a dirty slap on his left cheek.

Without hesitation Andy returned the slap with a punch to his face that broke Fred's nose, making even his wife surprised because he has never stood up to Fred in the six years of their marriage, and it was a welcome development for her, one she was very proud of.

"What did you just do, Andy?" Harvey asked

He had come out of the sitting room with their guest alongside the rest of the Shelton family after hearing the exchange of words and delay in Fred's ability to call back with his sister into the setting room to sign the divorce papers.

Full of shock, as he didn't notice they had come outside, Andy was unable to give an instant reply to that question, after all Harvey already saw what he did, so there was no need telling him again, instead he defended himself.

"Grandpa, he hit me first."

"And so what? Don't you deserve it? How dare you lay those filthy hands of yours on my son?"

Penny scolds him, she sounded as if Lynn wasn't her daughter, and it wasn't something new either, even before Lynn got married to Andy, she had never treated her like her child, and despised everything concerning her.

"I can see this deal will yield no result, so it's best I get going. When you are done putting your family in order, you can send for me." Clay said to Harvey.

He was tired of the whole drama playing out in front of him and didn't want to watch any further.

"Please hold on, Mr Clay." Harvey tried to call him back but to no avail as Clay headed straight for his car without turning back.

The passenger door was opened by one of Mr Clay's bodyguards, who afterwards got in the front seat with the driver and drove off with two other cars which were clearly Clay's escort vehicles as one was ahead with the other behind.

Then Harvey turned back to Andy who was trying to figure out what just happened.

"See how you embarrassed us in front of Mr Clay? Do you know how much your actions just cost us?"

Harvey clearly refers to both Andy and Lynn, if she hadn't left the sitting room the way she did and just just signed the paper as she was asked to, not of that would have happened.

"Don't worry pa, I'll handle this myself." Penny tried to calm him down.

She didn't like seeing Harvey in that mood, knowing with his age, it could cause him a heart attack and probably lead to his death.

"Of course you should," Bobbie said to her. "I wonder why you agreed to their marriage in the first place."

Grandma Bobbie blamed Penny for their marriage, even when it was already known that she never supported it. It her late husband who agreed to the marriage in the first place, but after his passing four years ago, Bobbie hasn't seized to remind Penny of her failure in making sure the marriage didn't pull through, and ever since the pressure on Andy increased so much so as to force him to leave their daughter, but that never seem to work.

Just as they were talking, two policemen came into the mansion, walking up to where they were gathered, and as soon as Penny sighted them, she pointed at Andy.

"There he is. That is the bastard that harassed my son. Take him away and make sure he doesn't see the light of day again."

"Sir, you are under arrest." One of the policemen said to Andy.

The blood on Fred's nose was enough evidence to tell that Andy really hit Fred.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Lynn asked Penny as she didn't expect her to go to that extent, then she tried to resist the policemen from taking her husband away. "Let go of him, he didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh, so hitting your brother is not a crime, huh?" Fred said boldly. He didn't want anything to stop them from taking Andy away, he's been waiting for that day to come for a long time now.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll be fine." Andy was confident.

But Lynn couldn't help but worry because she knew what her family was capable of, adding to the fact that they've already presented her with a divorce paper.

"You see, he doesn't deny it, nor does he even want your help." Fred said to both the police and Lynn.

Meanwhile, Andy wasn't bothered at all, as he allowed the policemen to put cuffs around his wrist, and gently followed them without any form of panicking.

Still bothered about what they'll do to Andy, Lynn fell on her knees before Harvey and begged.

"Grandpa, please stop them from taking my husband away, I'll do anything."

The fact that she still addressed him as her husband made Harvey know that she wasn't ready to do anything because it was already clear what she must do.

So Harvey turned his back on her and walked back into the sitting room with his wife, leaving Lynn out there with her mother, brother and sister who didn't have anything to say because she was pleased with Andy being taken away, even though she envied the fact that Mr Clay had eyes for her married sister instead of her.

Since Harvey didn't heed her plea, she ran after the police to try and stop them before they left the premises with Andy.

Seeing that she still came after him, full of worry, Andy assured her. "I'll be back before you know it, trust me. Just look after our boy, and don't let them hurt him."

His confidence was still a surprise to her, even as she realized that her family will go after their four year old son, so she had to trust his words regardless, as she watched the policemen put him in the back of the car and drive away.

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