The Emperor’s only Heir

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The Emperor’s only Heir

By: Nini CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 203 views: 28.2K

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Dario Reynolds is the wretched and despised son-in-law of the Williams family. After three years of marriage, Delilah didn’t think twice before throwing divorce papers at Dario’s face when a wealthy suitor came knocking. Just when he thought he had lost everything, a sudden revelation changes his life. From now on, he’s no longer “the useless dead weight”, He is Dario Reynolds, the emperor of the Persian empire.

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  • Ikuelogbon


    A very good story… I love it

    2024-08-24 19:16:49
  • Samuel


    Very captivating story line work of art at its finest

    2024-05-17 17:33:13
  • Joshua Odeyemi


    A work of art and a masterpiece in the making, truly a remarkable story so far, I'm very eager to follow the journey of Dario

    2024-04-23 05:17:17
  • Dominic


    Captivating and alluring, highly recommend

    2024-04-22 23:22:18
Latest Chapter
203 chapters
Chapter one
“She’s not getting any better,” Dario said, his voice trembling, “the hospital said if I don’t pay at least five hundred thousand dollars before tomorrow ends, they’ll stop the treatment,” lines of worries etched on his forehead as he spoke into the phone.In Maria’s ward room, Dario stood next to his mother’s body that appeared lifeless. Her skin was pale and all Dario could see were different tubes and wires connecting her body parts to different machines.The sight really terrified Dario because he couldn’t afford to lose his mother. His father threw them out when he was months old, he and Maria barely survived on the streets of Washington DC. Asides his loving wife, his mother was his everything.Delilah heaved a sigh, “Don't worry too much, you’ll figure it out.”Dario has had to be independent even before he was a teenager. Maria tried her best to provide for them both, but her health was not helping at some point. Dario then had to do petty jobs and sometimes beg for alms.So,
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Chapter two
Dario woke up in a large room, bright rays pierced through his eyelids, prompting him to reflexively shut his eyes and raise his hand against the sudden intrusion of light. He realized it was already morning.He immediately jerked up from the bed after realizing he didn’t know where he was or how he got there. After so much thought and headaches, he remembered he was kidnapped on his way to the hospital.‘The money!’ Dario’s heart started racing when he remembered.He searched his pockets and found the money. This took him by surprise because how come his captors didn’t take the money? Also, where are they?All he could hear were footsteps from outside the door. He was already trying to figure out an escape plan and find an escape route when the huge door swung open. “Good morning, young master. I trust you slept well? Shall I prepare your bath water sir?” A maid said, bowing.Dario’s brows furrowed in confusion as his eyes darted back and forth. What in the world is going on?He did
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Chapter three
“Reynolds?”The last time Dario checked, he bore Dario Esterno. “I think you have the wrong person,” Dario said. “I’m Dario Esterno.”“My lady, Maria must have made you answer her surname all these years,” Bruce heaved a sigh. “Young master, I’m Bruce, your late father’s butler.”“Welcome home, young master Reynolds!”Dario didn’t understand what the old man was saying, how did he know his mother? And what does he mean by ‘your late father’. It’s true Dario grew up without knowing his father and Maria never told him about his father either. Everytime Dario brought it up, he noticed it always made her hurt and she didn’t want to talk about him so Dario stopped asking.The old man noticed the confusion in Dario’s face and led him to a chair before sitting opposite him.“You must have been perplexed when you found yourself here this morning, I had to bring you here like that because you might not accept coming here willingly, considering what Lord Reynold made you and Maria go through.”
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Chapter four
Dario took a cab to Kejar hospital to check how Maria was doing. On his way, as he thought about how his life had turned around in a twinkle of an eye, smiling ear to ear and how he couldn’t wait to tell his wife, Delilah, about the news. He can now buy her all the luxury items she’s always wanted. He was smiling brightly anticipating this happy moment with Delilah. However, the thought only lasted a few seconds before he remembered what happened at the villa last night. Delilah is no longer his wife. His heart sank when he remembered. It was like an arrow physically pierced through his heart. Whenever he got good news, maybe a new job or any good news at all, Delilah was always the first person he wanted to tell. Even when he had bad days, she was the first and only person he wanted to talk to about it. She was like his safe space. But now, he doesn't have that anymore. He would have shared the good news with Maria, but she’s unconscious in the hospital. Dario was lost in
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Chapter five
“Good day, I’m the guardian for Maria Esterno. I was told she was transferred here early this morning,” Dario informed the nurses at the reception at Kejar hospital.“You must be Dario. Please, come with me.”When Dario got to Maria’s ward, it was a private ward and she was on a huge hospital bed. The room was very spacious, had a flat screen T.V and a coffee table. It also had large windows that allowed natural light to flood room. He could tell this was the VIP suite of the hospital.Looking at Maria, Dario let out a sigh of relief. She was looking better than he last saw her. Maria was diagnosed with low blood pressure a few years ago, but they couldn’t afford the treatment so it only got worse over the years.Her skin was no longer pale which signified that the blood flow to her skin has increased so her blood pressure was improving.Dario sat beside unconscious Maria and had a little chat with her.“….I can’t wait for you to wake up to give you all the juicy details.”“I love yo
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Chapter six
“Young master, I am deeply sorry!” Bruce said, bowing deeply to Dario.‘Who could be after my life? Could it be the thugs?’‘No.’ Dario shook his head against the thought. Those men didn’t seem like thug material, they were uniformed and heavily armed. Dario had a feeling they were sent by someone powerful and influential. Someone that could afford them and those guns.But why would someone like that want him dead?“From your description of the men, only one person comes to my mind,” Bruce interrupted Dario’s thought flow. “They must be from empress Elizabeth”“Who is Empress Elizabeth??”“Young master, please forgive me for not informing you ahead. She is Lord Reynolds’ ruthless older sister. Only she knows about your inheritance and she definitely knows we’ve found you.”“Why does she want me dead then?”“Though she rules the mighty Beth empire, she wanted the Persian empire for herself after her brother died.”Elizabeth was very sure that she’d inherit the Persian empire and everyt
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Chapter seven
After enduring enough humiliation, tears started swirling in Brian’s eyes but he dared not do anything rash if he still wanted to keep his job and his life.Brian was still on his knees when the hotel attendant came around.“Good evening Mr Dario. Welcome to Sesame hotel. I trust you had a pleasant journey. My name is Sarah, and I have the privilege of assisting you during your stay as a VIP guest.” “Allow me to escort you to your luxurious accommodation.”“Yes please,” Dario left and followed the hotel attendant.Dario wasn’t done with Brian obviously but he’ll be back for him so he can have enough to tell the Williams.Though Dario was yet to know that Sesame hotel was also one of the businesses his father left behind and Brian only managed it.On the other hand, Bruce warned Brian not to get up from his knees until Dario himself told him to.Brian knew he would dare not disobey Sir Bruce’s order, no matter what.***After a while of walking down a corridor, Sarah halted at the fron
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Chapter eight
It was the evening of the banquet and it was happening at the Cellar. The Cellar was the most prominent club in the city at the time. The building was large and made of marble and glass. It had large window bays and a special rooftop club for after parties. Both the interior and exterior of the club exuded elegance. The compound was very spacious, allowing guests to move freely with a big artificial fountain at the center that enhanced its aesthetic appeal.A blue Chevrolet corvette stopped at the entrance of the club. A gorgeous lady dressed in a black evening dress and a man got out of the car. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the woman especially, because she outshone every other woman in her presence. Her blue eyes glowed in the dark.“Her skin is flawless”“What a beautiful woman!”Ladies from other wealthy families whispered among themselves while photographers rushed to take several shots, marveling at Delilah’s beauty.“I’ve never been to the Cellar, it’s so grand. What beau
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Chapter nine
“She’s my ex-wife.” Dario replied. “Oh really?” Natalie said, eyeing Delilah from head to toe with a sarcastic smile plastered on her face. “Hi, I’m Natalie Wilson. Nice to meet you,” she stretched her hands in a gesture for a handshake, her eyes locked with that of Delilah’s. Natalie’s actions seemed friendly but her aura came off as slightly intimidating. Of course, she intended to come off as intimidating. “Nice to meet you Ms Wilson, I’m Delilah Williams.” Delilah tried to maintain her composure as she answered, though avoiding direct eye contact. Although Delilah is one lady who has always prided herself in her looks and figure. Ever since she was little, she had always been regarded as the ‘Belle’ of the Williams family. But, she had to admit that Natalie was in a league of her own. The woman before her was uniquely attractive and she had a seductive aura to top it off. Any man would be easily infatuated at the sight of her. All her life, Delilah was always the prettiest l
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Chapter ten
“Here comes my friend’s jewel. Oh! you look more stunning by the day.” Lord Derik’s face lit up when he saw Natalie enter the room. “I hope my friend hasn’t been much of a disturbance lately,” he teased as they all laughed.It was a small gathering of Lord Wilson and his old friends dining before they attended the main banquet. And Natalie had taken Dario to meet her father just as the latter requested.When Natalie told her father about the incident with the thugs and how Dario saved her, he became very interested in Dario and wanted to meet him. Though Natalie knew well not to go out unprotected, she wanted to experience a sense of freedom and independence, underestimating the potential dangers involved.The private room was tucked away from the main club building behind a set of elegant double doors. The walls of the room were adorned with a deep luxurious color; burgundy, with gilded frames including oil paintings, tapestries and ornate mirrors showcasing exquisite works of art.As
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