Chapter four

Dario took a cab to Kejar hospital to check how Maria was doing.

On his way, as he thought about how his life had turned around in a twinkle of an eye, smiling ear to ear and how he couldn’t wait to tell his wife, Delilah, about the news.

He can now buy her all the luxury items she’s always wanted. He was smiling brightly anticipating this happy moment with Delilah.

However, the thought only lasted a few seconds before he remembered what happened at the villa last night.

Delilah is no longer his wife. His heart sank when he remembered. It was like an arrow physically pierced through his heart.

Whenever he got good news, maybe a new job or any good news at all, Delilah was always the first person he wanted to tell. Even when he had bad days, she was the first and only person he wanted to talk to about it.

She was like his safe space.

But now, he doesn't have that anymore. He would have shared the good news with Maria, but she’s unconscious in the hospital.

Dario was lost in thoughts for a while until he realized the cab had not moved from the same position for over twenty minutes.

“What could be causing the traffic?” He wondered before looking past the few cars before his cab.

In the middle of the road were two black vans blocking a Mercedes benz. Earlier, the driver of the Benz ran away before thugs bounced out of the vans with harmful weapons in their hands.

Nobody dared confront these thugs because everyone in the city recognized them. Their boss was the ruthless Mr Charles and anyone who tried to confront them was ready to lose their life.

The thugs gathered the Mercedes Benz, trying to open the doors but it appeared that the doors were locked.

After a while, they started using their weapons to hit the screen of the car. A lady’s scream was evident from the car but no one moved an inch.

Dario watched the scene unfold before him until he couldn’t.

He then came down from the cab. “Sir, if you don’t want to lose your life, just leave them be,” the cab driver warned Dario.

Dario couldn’t sit still hearing a lady’s terrified screams so he didn’t care and walked forward to where the scene was unfolding.

As he passed cars by cars, the drivers tried to warn him but at this point, Dario was raging with anger. How can grown hefty men be doing this to a poor lady?

“Unusually, you’re not moving around with bodyguards, come on, we couldn’t afford to miss this opportunity,” a thug said laughing evily.

“Ms. Wilson, since you’ve proven to be stubborn, we don’t have a choice but to do this our way!” One of the thugs who seemed to be their leader exclaimed as he raised the huge hammer one more time to hit the windscreen.

Before he could bring his hands down, a voice distracted him.

“All of you have five seconds to flee.”

The voice was none other than Dario’s.

The thugs, surprised at the statement they heard, stopped what they were doing to see who had such guts.

“Is he a newbie in town?” One of them asked the other.

While the rest of them let out a loud sarcastic laugh as they eyed Dario from head to toe.

Dario was physically fit to an extent, he had built up muscles due to heavy lifting from his part time jobs but compared to these hefty men, he was like a rat next to them.

“You must have so much guts! Now you have two seconds to leave!” The boss shouted at Dario.

Before he could finish talking, a loud punch landed on his face. The pressure of the punch almost dislocated his jaw. He staggered back, as blood trickled down from his nostrils.

“How dare you?! Kill him!”

The other thugs then rushed Dario at once with their weapons in the air. Dario wrestled with them fearlessly, weaving through them as fast as lightning.

Each time someone came within arms length, he didn’t think twice to dash out a firm punch.

The men fell over one after the other after a few bone shifting and cries of pain. Beating them up was a piece of cake for Dario because it was nothing new to him.

Growing up on the streets, he had to learn to fight to protect his mother and himself. He had to protect Maria on several nights from drunk men wanting to take advantage of her. So, he was a skilled martial artist.

The thugs were scared out of their pants. Never has anyone tried to confront them. And never would they have thought Dario could take them out all at once.

Surprisingly, not a single strand of hair on his body was harmed.

Natalie Wilson’s eyes widened in disbelief as she watched Dario beat the thugs to a pulp. Initially, she didn’t bother to think if Dario was going to have a hard time fighting these hefty men, she felt bad that he was going to get himself killed trying to help her. Who knew he was such a capable fighter?

While admiring his fighting skills, she couldn’t help but notice how handsome this young man was. Not only was he skilled in combat but he looked like he just walked out of a magazine!

A man like him was rare in the city!

Dario then walked towards the leader, “Don’t come near me! My boss will make you pay!” the leader exclaimed.

Before he could get up, Dario kicked his abdomen hard which made him fall back on the floor, holding his stomach tight with blood evident in his mouth as he coughed.

“Now, you all have five seconds to flee,” Dario said calmly.

Whining in pain, they helped each other up and got into their van and zoomed off.

Everyone watching had their jaws dropped, their mouths fell agape. ‘Who is he?’

Dario then walked to the Mercedes Benz to check on the lady. He knocked on the window and Natalie unlocked the door and came out.

“Are you okay? you shouldn’t go around without bodyguards, moving on” Dario said.

He was already walking back to his cab when Natalie stopped him, “Wait!”

When Dario turned back to answer, he realized how stunning this young lady was. The dress she wore defined her curves seductively. She had clear skin and radiant eyes that sparkled. But, women was the least of Dario’s priorities right now.

“Thank you for saving me, I have no way to pay you back,” she said, as she scurried towards Dario stretching forth her palm in a gesture for a handshake. “I’m Natalie Wilson, you literally just saved my life!” she gratetefully added.

“It’s nothing, you’re very much welcome,” Dario nodded, while accepting her handshake.

Natalie swiftly brought out her bag from the car and dipped her hand inside, “Seriously though, I’m really grateful and I should return the favor.” she said, bringing out a card.

“My father’s hosting a banquet tonight. You should come as my guest. Consider it a thank you and I’d love to introduce you to my father as well.”

Dario smiled warmly and accepted the invite.

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