Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law

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Return of Kevin Steve the son-in-law

By: bilkisu72 Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 101 views: 566

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Kevin Steve is the live-in son-in-law of the Godfrey's family. He was dispised and humiliated by his in-laws and friends. Danger Lurks around the curtain when Kevin fell prey to a friend in disguise. When all hope was lost, Kevin recieved a deposit of $1,000,000,000 from his late dad on his 25th birthday. Hence, Kevin's life turn around as he become the latest whizz in Milltown.

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  • Jiggy jiggy


    Interesting story with nice plot twist. I hope the author would update frequently, can't wait to see him deal with that cheat Emily.

    2024-01-13 19:44:16
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101 chapters
Chapter 1: Sandra
"I don't like you! I hate you, as a matter of fact I hate your dog, you know what? You are so disgusting. How would you put my number on the block? How could you not take my f*cking calls, how could you be tossing me around?" Emily yelled angrily immediately Kevin picked the call thinking it was his mother-in-law. Meanwhile, Kevin had initially ignored her calls because he couldn't afford the dress she requested before he left Godfrey's villa. The dress cost a whopping 2,000 knowing fully Kevin wouldn't be able to afford it, Emily insisted on having him buy the dress. Following her ranting, Kevin said "Emily."“Kevin, that dress is a requirement for me to wear to Sandra's birthday celebration, and you must make every effort to acquire it for me by all means. If you don't get the dress then we'll have to part ways.” Emily remarked. Kevin, who was desperate to help Emily achieve her goals, was prepared to offer her all of his money, including his income, in order to fulfill her ambiti
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Chapter 2: Pay Day
This dismissed everyone present and Kevin did not waste any time and made his way to the account office in order to collect his salary.As Kevin was finishing up the process of receiving his salary, he felt a tap on the back of his head. Behold, there was Sandra, who had been a fellow student throughout his time at the university.Sandra was taken aback when she saw Kevin dressed in his clothing. The seams in his clothing are apparent everywhere, and his clothes are worn out. She didn't give a second thought to Kevin's attire because this was the way he had always seemed to her ever since she had known him. Since they were at college together, she had been able to get along well with Kevin."You also came to watch the match right Kevin?" Sandra said with a broad smile.“I'm in charge of the team's kit. Even if the outcome did not go in our favor, it was nonetheless an intriguing experience.” In a hurry, Kevin made a statement to change the subject. Sandra was taken aback when she learn
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Chapter 3: Broke Ass
“I believe Aaron is going to take good care of you if you allow him. He could afford a million of that dress. Remember the last time you went out with him? My guess is that he took good care of you. Although you arrived late the other day, I still find it hard to believe that nothing happened between the two of you.” Georgia said. Emily on the other hand can no longer put up with Kevin because he is such a broke ass. Even though she has little affection for him, Kevin’s financial condition makes her sick of him. Kevin, on the other hand, felt his heart beat rapidly when he heard this. He is unable to comprehend that Emily had cheated on him. He could not understand how she could suddenly turn her back on him. He thought they had been devoted lovers.BEEPIt was the sound of the inventory machine which brought Kevin back to reality. He abruptly hung up the phone. After reviewing the inventory, Kevin discovered that his next delivery was for the Plessance Renaissance Resort. A well-kn
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Chapter 4: A Mistake
Emily was aware that Kevin deserved better. Despite this, he was never able to satisfy her financial needs. Aaron, on the other hand, is wealthy and would look after her in any situation. As a result of Kevin's inability to purchase even a single dress, Emily made the decision to move on from him. After she accepted Aaron, he went out on a date with her and spent more than shopping.Emily had already decided to end her relationship with Kevin when he arrived at Godfrey villa at night. Due to the fact that he is currently here, he cannot escape the inevitable. For what use is a brokeass?Is this how Emily wants to repay him? Kevin became enraged as he approached Emily with his fist clenched. He felt as though a knife had pierced his heart."What's my offense Emily?" With tears welling up in his eyes, Kevin said. "What are you doing here?" Attempting to change the subject of the conversation, Emily asked."It is, of course, my job. During the time that I have been absent, this is what
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Chapter 5: Glimouras Cancer
Meanwhile, Kevin was unaware that Aaron had been trained in karate. He rapidly jumped up to defend himself. Upon approaching Kevin, he delivered a powerful kick to him. As a result of the nature of his professions, Kevin was in good physical shape despite the fact that he had not spent much time in the gym.Without minding Aaron’s attack Kevin dragged him by his collar and threw a number of blows to his face. Seeing this, Emily stood up as quickly as she could and gave Kevin a pretty strong slap."Pa!" Emily's hand left prints on Kevin’s face. He was left in shock at Emily’s defense for Aaron.Meanwhile, this gave Aaron the opportunity to stand up as a result of Emily's intervention."Kevin, what are you doing? Have you completely lost your mind?" Emily asked."What?" Kevin was shocked."Do you know who you are punching?" You poor peasant, you are going to spend the rest of your life in jail.” Emily said in her anger."Who is he and is that even a reason to cheat?" Kevin inquired,
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Chapter 6: Liability
"This is my brother, and I am her daughter," she said. We are the only living relatives she has left." The response came from Naomi."Doctor, how is her health at this moment? Tell me that she is doing well, please.” After Kevin had joined them, he inquired with the doctor."She is fine for now but Please follow me to my office." The doctor began to make his way down to his office."Please sit there and give me a minute." When the doctor finally arrived at his office, he pleaded with the patient before going to the restroom."Shhhhhh." While the doctor was washing his hands, the sound of the water could be heard. On the other hand, Kevin and Naomi were absorbed in their own thoughts as they speculated about the probable outcomes of the situation. There is also a risk! Both of them began to feel their hearts beating more quickly."We discovered a turmoil in your mother's brain.”"What?" Kevin inquired as if he had misunderstood what the doctor had just shared"Ha!" Naomi, on the other h
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Chapter 7: Satbury Dawgs.
"I don't have up to that but I can get you a job which will pay you double of that amount if you can do it." remarked Mike."Two times? Is that the kind of work that you do?” Kevin inquired of Mike with enthusiasm.“It's just a small parcel that needs to be delivered, so don't worry about it. I will send you a text message with my address right now, and when you arrive, I will provide you with all of the information that you require.” Mike reassured Kevin, and it brought him a tiny bit of relief.During the time that Kevin was riding through the streets of Milltown, memories of his family’s most recent vacation came flooding back to him. He was able to recall their most recent visit to the beach. Before the accident, everything was a lot of fun. They suffered the loss of their father, and ever since then, things have been getting worse and worse. Despite this, Kevin has a firm faith that all will be okay at some point in the future. On the other hand, the rapidity with which everythin
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Chapter 8: The Professor
“The Professor will be waiting for you. Along the highway, there is a yellow van.” remarked Mike. In addition to the briefcase, Kevin was holding a piece of paper that contained the address that Mike had given him. The moment Kevin jumped on his bike, he gave it a really hard ignition. The bike responded promptly. On the other hand, Kevin was on the verge of leaving when he noticed Mike coming closer to him."You need to stay on guard for the Professor's enemies…."“Enemies? " Who is the professor?” Kevin questioned Mike immediately, interrupting him."Confidential, just be careful with what I'm saying." remarked Mike.Meanwhile, Kevin was already in a state of desperation as he sped away from the scene. There is a fairly long ride to Satbury, which is located near the border of Milltown.When Kevin arrived at Satbury highway, he immediately noticed the yellow van that Mike had described, which had its hood open.As soon as he received the signal to stop, Kevin immediately followed t
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Chapter 9: Young Master
Could I be dreaming? Is it a message for himself or is it intended for someone else? A number of things went through Kevin’s head. Indeed, it was a deposit that his late father had left behind. If a person has passed away, how is it possible for them to make a deposit?As a consequence of what he learned today, Kevin was concerned about the origin of the money.“Beep. " Beep... "Beep!" The phone rang. It was a number that was not known. In spite of his reluctance, Kevin answered the phone."Hello young master." the voice said."Who is your young master? This must be a wrong number. I am not your young master.” Kevin responded."Yes, you are, young master Kevin," the speaker said. “I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Michael, and I am your new butler. Happy birthday, young master!” Michael added.Even though the fact that he knew his name and his birthday came as a surprise to Kevin."Who are you and how did you find out about me?" Kevin posed a query
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Chapter 10: Disdainful Expression
“You now control the company and much more. To ensure that you are the most valuable heir in Milltown when you reach the age of 25, your father hired me to do the job. With the help of these two businesses, I was able to establish more subsidiary companies, such as the Imperial Diner, Phoenix Wares, and Ocean Hut, among others.” As a result of Kevin's phone ringing, Michael decided to cease on the list.After taking up his phone, Kevin instantly greeted his sister with, "Hello, sis.""Big brother, any hope about the payment?" Naomi inquired with a wistful tone.“I will be arriving at any moment. Anything and everything is going to be OK from this point forward. Sis, we will no longer be forced to endure a life of destitution and misery. I just need a few minutes, and I will be there with you. Please tell mum to hang in there;” In a confident tone, Kevin announced."I hope you didn't do anything out of the world big brother?" Naomi asked.“In no way! Once I arrive, I will provide you wi
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