Chapter 3: Broke Ass

“I believe Aaron is going to take good care of you if you allow him. He could afford a million of that dress. Remember the last time you went out with him? My guess is that he took good care of you. Although you arrived late the other day, I still find it hard to believe that nothing happened between the two of you.” Georgia said. 

Emily on the other hand can no longer put up with Kevin because he is such a broke ass. Even though she has little affection for him, Kevin’s financial condition makes her sick of him. 

Kevin, on the other hand, felt his heart beat rapidly when he heard this. He is unable to comprehend that Emily had cheated on him. He could not understand how she could suddenly turn her back on him. He thought they had been devoted lovers.


It was the sound of the inventory machine which brought Kevin back to reality. 

He abruptly hung up the phone. After reviewing the inventory, Kevin discovered that his next delivery was for the Plessance Renaissance Resort. A well-known hotel located in the center of Milltown. On account of the additional gratuities he receives from delivering in the hotel, he was feeling a little bit excited. In addition, he is in desperate need of every single dime he can get his hands on right now for Emily.

As a result of the fact that Imperial Dinner placed a high priority on providing excellent customer service, Kevin promptly packed the delivery and made his way to the hotel without delay. He can’t afford to have a bad rating especially on his payday.


The Plessance Renaissance Resort is a luxurious hotel that is reserved exclusively for the patronage of the wealthy. The water fountain in the entrance was illuminated by the chandelier in a brilliant manner. The hotel truly exemplifies the very definition of luxury with its automobiles, since it features a chic parking lot that is located along the walkway. Whenever Kevin went to the hotel, he was usually awestruck by the luxurious amenities that were there.

The secretary was the one who placed the order for the meal, and she was thrilled with how quickly it was delivered. 

"Room 88 It is the first room on the left on the second floor." The beautiful secretary immediately directed Kevin to the room.

"Hmmmm." From the moment Kevin arrived on the second floor, he could hear loud moans emanating from the room.

Kevin recited the numbers "86, 87, 88" to himself as the groans became increasingly audible with each step that he took. Kevin peered inside the room, which was only partially closed, and observed the couples making out with each other.

"Beep.” The room alarm was sounded by Kevin.

"Who's there?" The male impatient voice said.

"Delivery from Imperial Dinner." Kevin responded.

“Wow, that's so fast. In order to have more energy, you should consume your food as quickly as possible.” With a happy tone, the lady's voice said. 

The voice that Kevin heard was none other than Emily's. There is no way that this could be! It is definitely his imagination. Immediately, Kevin dismissed his thinking.

"Common bring it inside." The man commanded.

 In light of the fact that Kevin was really concerned about his rating, he made the decision to break the regulation that stated he was not allowed to enter the room. Also, he needs to find out whether or not it was Emily’s voice he heard.

"Krrrrrrrrr." As Kevin opened the door, a sound was made by the door.

"Over there." It was remarked by the man while pointing to the table. It was Aron Holland, the heir to the Holland family. The Holland family is one of the powerful families in Milltown. 

Kevin acted in accordance with the instructions. He considered this to be the most spacious hotel room he had ever seen. The room is really chilly, and there is a very enormous bed in it.

When Kevin saw Emily, she was still smiling at what had been said to her ears. 

Kevin felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck him. He thought that it was all a dream, but it turned out that it wasn't. The naked body of his beloved Emily was found in a hotel room with another man.

While Kevin was still in a state of shock, the pieces began to fit together. This is definitely the person his mother in law was referring to.

“What was it that he did that made Emily and her family feel this way about him?”

“He had done nothing but loved her unconditionally.” 

In Kevin's mind, his entire world seemed to be falling apart. He can't help but wish he could just flee. The tears were already welling up in Kevin's eyes. His eyes shed a single tear as he looked at Emily.

Aron was significantly younger than Kevin. He has very dark black hair and a muscular physique, which is a result of spending a lot of time in the gym. 

Even if Kevin were to work for an entire year, he would not be able to afford a single night in the hotel. 

Did Emily act in this manner because he was a poor person?

"Hey, have this tip, I know that it means alot to you”. Aaron said while he was handing Kevin a few pieces of money. In this particular instance, Emily's eyes came into contact with Kevin.

Instantly, Emily pushed Aaron away from her.

Meanwhile, Aaron tugged Emily closer to him, he demonstrated his possession of her. Kevin's heart was broken even further by this. In all the time that he and Emily have been together, he had never found himself in such an intimate relationship with her.

This anxiety was confirmed by the fact that the room was filled with the aroma of sexual activity. 

Right now, all Kevin wants to hear is Emily's explanation. Since all he had done was love her without any restrictions, what had he done wrong to warrant being treated in such a manner.

"Emily!" Kevin yelled with his voice vibrating throughout the room.

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