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By: LADY E Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 394

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Love, what about it? For love, Logan did the unthinkable, he did so many things all for what? Betrayal. Moved by love he rejected that which gives him power. He abandoned his own family, but in the end it was all futility and chasing after the wind. The woman he loved and married loves someone else, she deceived and toiled with his emotions for three whole years. Logan went through so many humiliations all for Love. Should he ever have a means to redeem himself, how would he react? What would he do to those who stepped all over him? Find out in this awestruck story by LADY E.

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LOGAN .H. BENTLEY'S REBOUND Novels Online Free PDF Download

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22 chapters
An ambulance screeched to a halt in front of a house in the Brooklyn neighborhood.A few minutes later, paramedics emerged out of the house, carrying a woman on a stretcher. She covered her face and upper body with a towel, her bare lower half stained with blood, curled up in pain.It was bustling, and onlookers quickly pulled out their phones to capture the shocking scene. Before long, various short videos from different angles were uploaded to Snap Shorts, going viral in no time.In an office, Logan had just wrapped up his workday. Feeling bored, he received a notification on his phone about the video.Driven by curiosity, he clicked to watch, seeing people speculate that the woman might have been injured during sex. Logan found it amusing and even made a crude joke in the comments about the woman's boyfriend being quite the stud.However, when he scrolled to the next video, which was nearly identical but from a different angle, he froze. He recognized the house in the footage—it wa
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Logan looked at his wife lying in bed, eyes closed, occasionally furrowing her brow as if in pain. Seeing her in such a pitiful state made Logan angry and painful, and he instinctively reached out to gently touch her face. But then, the words that escaped Bethany's lips in her sleep froze his hand in mid-air. "Don't go, Troy..." she murmured, calling out another man's name even in her dreams, her hands flailing as if trying to grasp something. Suddenly, she grabbed Logan's arm, making him even more agitated, and he pulled away sharply. "Troy, don't go!" Bethany shouted in panic, then sat up abruptly. She opened her eyes, scanning the room in confusion. When she saw Logan, she froze. "T-Logan... what are you doing here?" she stammered. "Shouldn't you tell me why you're in the hospital?" Logan shot back, glaring into her eyes. Seemingly startled by his harsh tone, Bethany lowered her gaze, her eyes darting around, unsure how to respond. But after a few seconds, she seemed to gro
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Bethany was taken aback, seemingly not expecting Logan to bring up divorce. She frowned and impatiently asked, "Logan, what do you want? How can you want to divorce me over something so trivial? What about your responsibilities as a man and a husband?"Bethany didn’t actually want a divorce. Although she didn’t love Logan, she thoroughly enjoyed his affection and financial support.As for Troy, Bethany loved him very much and he's wealthier than Logan. But unfortunately, Troy can't marry her.Still speaking with an air of arrogance, Bethany completely glossed over her infidelity and boldly accused Logan of lacking responsibility.Logan was incredulous at her shamelessness. "Trivial? Cheating is trivial? Cheating that leads to a ruptured ovary is trivial? Bethany, you are shameless!"Bethany shot him a disdainful glance and casually replied, "Logan, I hope you understand that even though I married you, my body still belongs to myself. You, as my husband, only have the right to use it."
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“Wait, what did you just say, Hillary?” Logan’s face turned pale as he struggled to believe what Hillary had just said.Meanwhile, Hillary was happily playing with her big toy, completely unaware of the unusual tone in Logan's voice. She said sweetly, “This big Barbie was given to me by my rich daddy. Rich daddy is really nice, and I love him.”Logan’s mind went blank at her words.Taking a deep breath, he crouched down to look at his innocent daughter and seriously emphasized, “Hillary, look at me. I... I am your... father, your... only... father!” But his voice trembled slightly.Hillary seemed confused by her father's seriousness and asked, “But Mommy told me I have two daddies. She said you are the poor daddy, and the one who gave me gifts this morning is the rich daddy.”Logan’s eyes widened in shock and despair. He never expected that his wife not only betrayed him but also taught their daughter to call her lover “daddy”!If he had known this while he was in the hospital, he wou
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Logan looked at Bethany and her lawyer, pointing at the divorce agreement, and angrily questioned, “What does this mean? I paid for the land and building materials for this house, and I built it with my own hands. Why are you demanding that I move out immediately? What kind of bullshit condition is this?” In the face of Logan's fury, the lawyer didn’t flinch; instead, he spoke confidently, “Mr. Logan, as far as I know, the ownership of this land is under my client’s name. The property belongs to Ms. Bethany.” His tone was somewhat mocking, as if he were laughing at Logan for being a fool. Logan suddenly remembered that he had purchased the land in Bethany's name before they were married, which meant that, in principle, this house was considered Bethany's premarital property. “Bethany, you cheated! Now you even want to take my house. Don’t you feel any shame?” Logan shouted. The thought of Bethany living openly with her lover in the house he had built with his own hands made Logan
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Logan smiled at his daughter and called out, “Hillary, come to Daddy.” He crouched down with open arms, confidently looking at his adorable daughter.Hillary paused, glancing hesitantly at Troy and Bethany.Then, she suddenly dashed toward Logan.Logan watched as his daughter ran toward him, his smile beaming.However, the next moment, his smile froze.Hillary bypassed him entirely and jumped straight into Troy's arms behind him.“Rich Daddy, what gift did you bring me this time?” Hillary cooed at Troy.Troy gently pinched her soft cheek and smiled, asking, “Rich Daddy will always live with you and Mommy from now on. Do you like this gift?”“Yay! Hillary loves this gift so much! I love Rich Daddy!” Hillary cheered excitedly.Watching the interaction between his daughter and his wife’s lover, Logan felt his heart shatter.Not only had his wife betrayed him, but now his precious daughter was too...“H-Hillary, do you love me? Do you want to live with Daddy?” Logan asked bitterly, still
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Logan's psychological defenses completely crumbled. He could no longer suppress the anger boiling inside him; the pent-up rage erupted like volcanic lava in that moment as he threw a powerful punch at the smug face of Troy.Troy hadn’t expected the usually weak Logan to strike him. Before he could even react, Logan unleashed a flurry of punches.Logan landed blow after blow on Troy, then kicked him to the ground.Troy tried to get back up to fight back, but Logan had him firmly by the throat, pinning him to the floor, rendering him immobile.Logan’s eyes were red, wild like a beast, completely devoid of reason. He pressed his knee against Troy’s neck, causing Troy’s face to turn purple.It looked like Troy was about to choke, desperately clawing at Logan’s hands and pushing against the floor with his feet, but it was no use.Troy wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn’t get the words out. Tears of desperation streamed down his face.If God gave him another chance to choose, he would n
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Logan was surprised to see him there, this was the head steward of the Bentley family. “How- how did you?” Logan struggled to speak. “Who gave you clearance, this section is off limits!!” The police chief uttered, the gazes from the old man were so intense for him, that he stopped in his tracks. The older man was very displeased with the state in which he met Logan that he could tear the officer apart, his stares made the Police chief tremble that he couldn't say another word. “Release him right now!!” The old man uttered sternly, no one paid heed to his words; “Do not make me repeat myself.” The old man retorted sternly his eyes squinted showing his displeasure. His request made the police chief chuckle because it was a renowned lawyer that had filed a case of assault against him, so this request was quite a ridiculous one that those present laughed out. "Is this some sort of joke? you must be delusional." The police chief said, while his workers began to make mockery of
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After a while, the doctors were told to dispatch and so they left the room. Logan slowly walked towards his father whose skin was rather pale with a heavy heart. A heart filled with guilt that if he had known he never would have left. “Hi son, it's been a while. I have missed you.” An old man in his early fifties Terrence Bentley uttered; Logan in shock was consumed with sadness. The man he calls his father was the opposite of who was beside him right now. Seeing his once vibrant father, down him this way due to ALS was almost as though he was dreaming. “Dad!!” “Son, I am sorry for everything. I know that you feel my actions were desecrating your mother's legacy, all that she was. But I will tell you the reason why," Logan's hatred for his father's love for womanising was undisputed, but he wanted to know why he would do that to his own wife. “When your mother died, I lost my purpose in life, she was my everything. My strength, my joy and my better half, so losing her to the co
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After those words, Logan's thoughts went back to three years ago, when he had a fiancee, a beautiful and stunning lady with long blonde hair, Patricia Howard. She is from a rich family and both families engaged them from childhood, so they could get married someday. But as Logan grew up, he felt confined and just didn't like the fact that he had no say in his love life. He had craved for freedom all through his life, so when he had the opportunity to leave, he left home and ran away simply because he felt he had found someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He ran into Bethany's arms and left Patricia because to him, he felt pressured to marry her and he didn't want anyone to choose for him. But after everything he had been through in his supposed love life, he felt guilty and embarrassed. “I clearly remember her father, she was my fiancee.” He uttered with his head bowed in shame. He had no idea how she was feeling and how much he had hurt her. “It's a go
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