Bethany was taken aback, seemingly not expecting Logan to bring up divorce. She frowned and impatiently asked, "Logan, what do you want? How can you want to divorce me over something so trivial? What about your responsibilities as a man and a husband?"

Bethany didn’t actually want a divorce. Although she didn’t love Logan, she thoroughly enjoyed his affection and financial support.

As for Troy, Bethany loved him very much and he's wealthier than Logan. But unfortunately, Troy can't marry her.

Still speaking with an air of arrogance, Bethany completely glossed over her infidelity and boldly accused Logan of lacking responsibility.

Logan was incredulous at her shamelessness. "Trivial? Cheating is trivial? Cheating that leads to a ruptured ovary is trivial? Bethany, you are shameless!"

Bethany shot him a disdainful glance and casually replied, "Logan, I hope you understand that even though I married you, my body still belongs to myself. You, as my husband, only have the right to use it."

With that, she lifted her chin, like a proud peacock.

Gosh! What the hell is she talking about?

Logan felt increasingly impatient and coldly retorted, "Bethany, I’m not negotiating with you; this is a notification!"

"Logan, you’re a scumbag! Are you really going to abandon me and Hillary? She’s only three years old; you can’t do this!" Bethany shouted.

Hearing Bethany mention their daughter only fueled Logan’s anger.

"Do you really care about our daughter? Today is her birthday, and what have you done? You were off playing games with your lover until you ended up in the hospital, leaving poor Hillary all alone at home. You don’t even deserve to be her mother!"

"Bethany, once you recover and come home, we’ll start the divorce proceedings. As for Hillary, I’ll raise her well. She’s home alone right now, and I need to go be with her," Logan said, taking a deep breath before speaking coldly.

With that, he turned to leave.

"You... Logan, you jerk!" Bethany yelled, realizing he was dead set on divorcing her. She grabbed a pillow and hurled it at Logan, who was already at the door.

However, Logan didn’t look back, and the pillow missed him, hitting the wall instead.

Bethany’s face darkened as she muttered under her breath, "Logan, you worthless piece of trash, you think you can just dump me? Even if we are getting a divorce, it should be me who brings it up! You’ll regret it! I’ll make you pay for it!"


"Daddy, I missed you!" As soon as Logan opened the door, a little girl rushed over and hugged his leg, pouting.

His daughter’s adorable smile chased away the gloom in his heart. Logan knelt down and hugged Hillary, asking with concern, "My brave little princess, were you scared being home alone today?"

Logan worried that Bethany’s actions might have traumatized Hillary.

Hillary was rummaging through Logan’s pockets, seemingly looking for something. When she heard her father’s question, she immediately insisted she was brave and wouldn’t be scared even if she was home alone.

"Good girl!" Logan praised her, ruffling her hair.

"But, my little princess, what are you looking for?" Noticing Hillary’s restless hands digging into his pockets, Logan asked curiously.

"Daddy, where’s my birthday present? Did you forget my birthday?" Hillary blinked her big, beautiful eyes, looking a bit upset.

Seeing his little girl on the verge of tears, Logan couldn’t hold back. He immediately raised his hands in surrender.

"Hillary, close your eyes and count to twenty. When you open them, you’ll see your favorite birthday gift," Logan comforted her.

Hillary excitedly closed her eyes and began counting, "One, two, three..."

Logan quietly retrieved the birthday gift he had prepared—a limited edition Barbie doll that had cost him nearly a month’s salary.

"...Nineteen, twenty!" Hillary quickly finished counting and opened her eyes with anticipation.

"Surprise, my little princess!" Logan said, holding out the gift as he squatted in front of her.

However, as soon as Hillary saw the gift, the excitement in her eyes began to fade.

Logan was puzzled. He remembered that Barbie dolls were her favorite toys, so why...

"Daddy, this Barbie is so last year! I already have a bigger and better Barbie doll," Hillary pouted, clearly unhappy with the gift.

It was obvious she wasn’t satisfied with what Logan had prepared for her.

To show off her big toy, Hillary ran to her room and dragged her prized Barbie into the living room.

Logan stared in surprise at the doll on the floor, which was even bigger than Hillary, and tentatively asked, "Wow, she’s really pretty! Tell Daddy, who gave you this Barbie?"

Hillary beamed and proudly replied, "My rich daddy."

When Logan heard her words, he felt like his head was hit hard by something.

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