Logan looked at Bethany and her lawyer, pointing at the divorce agreement, and angrily questioned, “What does this mean? I paid for the land and building materials for this house, and I built it with my own hands. Why are you demanding that I move out immediately? What kind of bullshit condition is this?”

In the face of Logan's fury, the lawyer didn’t flinch; instead, he spoke confidently, “Mr. Logan, as far as I know, the ownership of this land is under my client’s name. The property belongs to Ms. Bethany.”

His tone was somewhat mocking, as if he were laughing at Logan for being a fool.

Logan suddenly remembered that he had purchased the land in Bethany's name before they were married, which meant that, in principle, this house was considered Bethany's premarital property.

“Bethany, you cheated! Now you even want to take my house. Don’t you feel any shame?” Logan shouted.

The thought of Bethany living openly with her lover in the house he had built with his own hands made Logan feel sick.

“Shame or morals—can those things turn into money? And you say I cheated? Where’s your proof? If you don’t have evidence, then you’re just slandering me!” Bethany retorted coldly.

“There are your medical records from the hospital showing a ruptured corpus luteum. Isn’t that evidence?” Logan said through gritted teeth.

At that moment, the lawyer interjected, “Mr. Logan, you’re confusing concepts. Cheating and a ruptured corpus luteum are not related. A ruptured corpus luteum can also be caused by other activities.”

“That’s right, I injured myself because I overused some adult toys yesterday,” Bethany slyly defended herself.

“You...” Logan was shocked by the shamelessness of both of them.

After a moment of silence, Logan didn’t want to argue with them about the ownership of the house anymore.

For him, the most important thing was custody of his daughter. He could give Bethany the house, the car, and all his savings.

Sighing, Logan calmly said, “Bethany, I can give you the house, the car, and the savings. But I want custody of Hillary! She has to live with me; you can’t take care of her!”

Bethany burst into laughter, then coldly replied, “The house belongs to me anyway, and I don’t need that old junker of a car. As for the savings, are you talking about that $130.60? Then you can have $65.30, which is enough for you to go to KFC for a meal. You think I’m going to give up custody of my daughter? Not a chance!”

“What? How is that possible?” Logan’s eyes widened in disbelief at the number. He had saved at least $200,000 over the years, all of which he had given to Bethany. How could it be...

Logan realized that since Bethany was so materialistic, she must have squandered all that money! That despicable woman!

Although Logan was so angry that his body trembled slightly, he had to humiliate himself to appease her. “Bethany, you need to think this through. Hillary will interfere with your dating life; you won’t have the time or energy to take care of her.”

“I will not give up custody of Hillary!” Bethany said flatly, her tone very firm.

As long as she got custody of Hillary, Logan would have to pay her a hefty amount in child support every year.

She not only wanted to take everything from Logan but also wanted him to work like a slave after the divorce!

Logan said darkly, “That’s impossible! You can’t take the responsibility to raise Hillary! You’re not a qualified mother!”

“Fool, I’m not negotiating with you; this is a notification!” Bethany looked at him with disdain and said arrogantly.

Meanwhile, the lawyer chimed in, “That’s right, this is a notification for you, Mr. Logan.”

“I should reintroduce myself. I’m Troy Reece. My aunt is a judge at the city court!” the lawyer said proudly in front of Logan.

However, when Logan heard the name Troy, he nearly lost his mind. This man, Troy, had the audacity to come to his home, flaunting his lawyer status, and openly challenge him.

Logan didn’t even register what Troy said next; he angrily grabbed his collar.

But Troy was unafraid, raising his hands in a surrender gesture and mockingly saying, “Mr. Logan, if you use violence against a lawyer, it won’t bode well for your upcoming divorce trial.”

Furious, Logan glared at Troy’s smug face, his fists clenched tightly. He wanted to beat this despicable man senseless, but for the sake of his daughter’s custody, he couldn’t!

In the end, Logan calmed down, released his fists, and took a deep look at Troy, committing his appearance to memory.

Logan vowed that he would make this man pay dearly!

Just as the atmosphere in the living room became tense, Hillary came waddling out, cutely calling, “Mommy, Daddy...”

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